A Dwyer
DECISION: Consensed 3/28/01, no stand-asides. AMENDED: Annual Meeting 2002, use of outside management company discontinued.

House Rule: Fee for Late Payment of Monthly Assessment

Payments for Condo Fees and for Crown leases are due by the first of the month. A payment will be considered past due if not received by the 10th of the month. Checks should be left in the metal box by the internal mail labeled "fees." The Bookkeeper will retrieve these payments no earlier than the 11th of the month.

The CC&R Article XVIII Section A is amended to allow assessment of a late payment fee of $25.00 if the association fee is not paid by the tenth of the month. If you find that on occasion you are late, and would like to have the late payment fee waived, it may be possible by using the procedure below. Fees may be waived under occasional or special circumstances, but NOT repeatedly.

Neither the Bookkeeper nor any individual member of the Management Committee has the authority to waive a late fee or make any sort of agreement regarding late payments.

If you are unable to make a payment due to financial hardship, please discuss this with the Management Committee, which will bring a plan for resolution or consequences to the community as a whole for approval.

page updated July 6, 2018

formatting 5/29/2019