DECISION: Consensed. STAND-ASIDES: None. DATE: 3/28/01

Amended at Annual Meeting 2009: No charge to do laundry.

House Rule: Laundry Facility in Common House

The laundry facility in the common house is for use of Wasatch Commons residents and authorized guests only.

To reduce fire hazard, check the lint trap when you put a load in and empty it when you take a load out.

As a courtesy towards other laundry patrons, retrieve your laundry promptly when a load is finished. If a machine is in use, you may leave your basket to hold your place in line. If someone else's load has finished, you may take it out and put in the next load in line.

Laundry detergent may be kept in the laundry room on the shelves opposite the washers; clearly label the container with your name. Remember that front-loading washers require less detergent than top-loaders. Clean up spilled laundry products.

Periodically check the lost-and-found laundry basket on the shelf opposite the dryers.

Keep the counter clear for sorting.

It is suggested that residents with flexible schedules attempt to schedule their laundry for off-peak hours.

page updated July 6, 2018

formatting 5/29/2019