Topics: Topics: solar panels and electric cars
Discussion: Attending Mike A, Kathy, Kay, Mike P
Proposal File: proposals/
Topics: Topics: mail room carpet, grading #20
Discussion: attendance
Topics: pay-or-play - transfer of work credits, new website draft
Proposal File: proposals/2011-07-13Work of Pay - Consensed.pdf
Topics: painting sitting room, pay-or-play - amt per month, what counts as work, use of collected fees
Proposal File: proposals/
Need 220V outlets in carports for electric cars. Leaf can charge off household voltage but takes much longer. On the other hand, rarely need full recharge. Individual meters would have a monthly charge. Look into getting our own meter to divide up charges fairly? Alternately, make power for electric cars free (community subsidy) as an incentive to get one?
Committees, please be working on budget requests for 2012.
Curry and rice, cookies, doughnuts left over from Halloween Party, in fridge free to use at potluck or otherwise. Help yourself.
Halloween party was a blast and great success! Thanks to Jessica, Dusty and all others who helped.
Tomorrow evening at library debate among Major and council members 7-8:30 on 4th floor, open to questions etc.
Sharon- Move chickens here tomorrow. They are in five movable 4 x 4 ft coops with runs, will go in orchard and perhaps in Matt's garden.
She will be gone Nov through Feb- her boyfriend and Matt will watch chickens and if any others are interested in watching- fed and watering- in exchange for eggs for that day. Currently 18 eggs a day.
Remember to unhook the hoses and turn off faucets to drain them. Freeze predicted for this week.
Kay turning off water on both sides and gardens. She came over last night at 2am and sprinklers were on, and then one hour later still on. She will be turning them off.
Committee Reports: Hans for Management: In June Kier were looking at 2 of the 7 decks that needed repair and Kevin removed the boards to get it all ready. Mgt has been meeting with Kier. Kier is offering an amount of money for us to take care of it ourselves. Fix the damage in the wall. The deck itself is out of warranty so we have to pay for it ourselves. This is the best offer from Kier- the CEO was there twice, and we are negotiating the amount. Kevin is getting quotes and bids, to compare with what Kier has quoted. After negotiation is done, we will have someone come and make it water tight for the winter and then finish the work in the spring. Do not plan to put the boards back until spring. People who own the decks will need to be prepared to pay $2,000 to $3,000 out of their pockets for that repair.
Mike P. asks clarifying questions regarding how many decks were actually affected. Kevin had direct and indirect evidence of gross design or construction error. He discovered holes that went directly into the walls!!! So they have found it and plugged them. Kevin has been extremely helpful in discovering these errors and then holding ground in the negotiation.
All rent and payments are coming in. Management was charged to raise the money for the pay or play. Hans is creating website to do that online to be able to give that to Marla Dee for bookkeeping. Hans will send URL to the community to do that to the online. Hans will be looking for someone to take the written form and put it up on the web so that folks still have the option of using paper or email if they don't want to do in on an online form. Hans also welcomes those who want to write on paper and slip it under his door, and then he will enter it.
Michelle feeling lots of overwhelm and anxiety regarding heading up the committee because of the interpersonal conflicts that exists among some of those who do the bulk of the work in the landscaping arena. She is not sure what to do about it, but that is why she hasn't set up or scheduled a meeting.
Other Topics: Common House Furnishing question: Michelle would like new sheets and towels for the Common House. That committee doesn't have any money left for this year. But it is time to begin putting together budgets for next year.
Laraine suggests gifting to the common house- might be one way to get those new linens.
Furniture in the west side dumpster?
Community composting? Sharon when she comes back might be using it in her projects. There are several of those round compost bins behind Vicky and Hans, one behind Pollacek's.
Recycle and trash cans in kitchen. Talk about switching the cans so that the recycle has a lid and the trash is open.
Solar Discussion Our guest did not arrive, so Naomi is doing the presentation herself. Recap of the prior discussion about solar for the CH etc. The leaning after that discussion was about installing them on the carports. It turns out that the East are a good option, but the West are shaded. Had a company come out and give estimate regarding common usage. The roof has capacity to provide over the 9.7 kW flow. Rate and capacity. Not considering energy storage, but to have net meter goes back into the utility companies grid and they give us an offset of our usage.
New program by Utah Clean Energy- They are organizing- Sarah Baldwin coordinating it, the Unitarian Church interested in getting bulk purchasing of solar, bid the entire number of people who are interested in working together to create a discount of either 20 -30 percent-.
We calculated that the total installation that would cover our electrical cost came out to be $55,000 for installation- warrantied for 25 years. Gardner Engineer of Ogden provide the installation. There are other incentives, tax rebate is one, but we don't pay taxes so doesn't apply. State commercial rebate was also discussed, but not certain what that is, if we would qualify etc.
Naomi is wondering if there is enough interest for us to sign on for us to add our request into this bulk purchasing that the Unitarian cooperative.
Discussion previously about forming 501c3 for people here to invest in that would own the solar system and they could take the tax benefit.
Hans says that it is highly likely that the cost of power is going to rise. Also the cost of solar installation has gone down. Rocky Mtn Power announced last year that they will be charging a 10 percent increase annually.
Naomi suggests that we poll people to see if people want to make an investment and perhaps the community would like to invest money as well. Mike P. suggests to research grants and other funding. He feels that the way to approach it, would be to get a proposal together. She needs to flesh out the details, what the actual cost would be with details. Explain what she would contribute and what she would want the community to contribute and what would be required.
Larraine expresses that adding additional fees to the monthly fee would put her under and that she is not the only one.
Reserves are in place for repair, replacement, not to fund any new projects. They are not to be for something new.
Hans says that Naomi had done a lot of her homework, and she has the details, and she is coming now to present this to the community and ask if there is the desire to move forward.
Utahans United for Solar Energy.
Naomi would like to be able to say yes to the initial joining for a bulk bid, but she wants to be sure that there is will within the community, to move forward, although we are not committing to anything.
Appreciation to Naomi for her work on trying to get this thing put together.
Mike P. questions about the upcoming ACM's we typically only have one in November and December. That would mean in November Wed 9th 7-9 pm. and December 14, 7-9pm typically. January 11- Wed 7-9pm we will present the budget and then January 22nd Sunday 3-5pm will be the annual meeting where we vote on the budget and elect management.
Mgt: Kevin gave mgt an update on decks. Mgt & Kevin will be meeting with Kier & an architect & a roofing expert. Anticipates Kier may offer to fix leaks but we will have to pay for decking replacement.
Mary: Working on drainage around Carol's. Rented a small bobcat for several days. Handwork in tight areas.
Digging holes for Clothesline poles took two people
Angel is offering to sell his ride-on mower for $1,000. Too wide for gates most places he works. Possibly $3-4,000 new.
Getting tree work bids to remove Sib. elms south side of east driveway, trees that destroyed fence & flagpole at Cheyenne neighbor.
Someone had used a candle on the rug upstairs (meditation area) and left wax on the rug. Very dangerous fire hazard. Exercise responsibility using candles!
Someone used a pushpin to put up a note there was a guest upstairs, making a hole in the wood of the staircase header. Please don't damage wood. Use tape.
Mary will schedule carpet laying in mailroom.
Human Right Education Ctr of Utah, "No Bully Bash" Oct 20 7-9 at the Jam 3rd W 8th N $5 at the door, silent auction, performers.
Naomi has been using Victor's water to water the west berm. The water on the berm has been off all summer. (Community will reimburse Victor for difference in his water bill.)
Maybe get professional landscaping company to come during the spring, vet all the irrigation systems, do repairs. Budgeting is coming up. Get estimates.
Carol will talk to Michelle about getting Landscaping working on idea.
Sharon is interested in possibly building a root cellar somewhere on the property (in addition to on Hans's). Possibly dig into a berm , which would avoid hitting the water table. Useful to have more than one available. Storing certain things together shortens their storage life. Cheese-making, keep bacteria separate.
Interested in putting up a neighborhood watch sign at street on Cheyenne. Can get community to pay for sign? Help digging posthole? Contact Mary. If it is on our property there is both financial & land-use decision. Kevin & Celia are willing for us to put it on their parking strip.
Saturday October 22nd Jack o'lantern carving.
Oct 15 CSA potluck (Sharon sponsoring). 5:30-7:00.
Did a restaurant night, considering another. Himalayan Kitchen
Harvest Dinner waiting until Sandra is back in town to meet and plan.
Event suggestion: Book club, reading about "end of growth." (Naomi & Sharon interested)
Need someone to tabulate hours, so Mgt can bill those not working. Only a few people put down any hours for Sept.
Unitarian Church has a solar project planned. Interested in getting together a group-buy to try to get a better price. Naomi will check to see if person can come to do a presentation at next ACM, Sunday 23rd. There may be more money in state rebate fund now.
Dusty & Ann interested in creating a movable coop on the north end. Big enough for eight chickens. Closer to houses in winter, shifting around field in summer. Chickens will eat weeds before grass. Make coop on south side available for someone else.
Not enough people to do team-building exercise; requires min. 16 and better 20. Postponed for a retreat.
We have a mama raccoon and two kits visiting the property. They are very cute and fearless. DO NOT APPROACH THEM. Make sure the kids are aware they can be dangerous.
Sandra has redone the phone list. The mail carrier would like a list of names and unit numbers; strip out phone numbers etc. from his copy. Reviewed reasons why mail carrier has a key to common house.
Lawn mower may need replacing for next year. It is smoking. On the other hand, mowers are discounted this time of year. Mike A will investigate sales. Dusty got 6hp mower operating again.
Task reporting sheets (work or pay) for August will be on a clipboard next to the office door. They don't have names already on; just write your name in the next spot.
Utah Recovery Day at Gallivan Center Sept 17 8:30-4:00
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) 9:00-2:00 Body Image Workshop (ask Marla Dee #13).
Some interest in dropping to one meeting a month, but schedule conflicts mean people would still miss every other meeting and thus every other month. Asking that people who have event announcements write details on posted sheet or whiteboard before meeting to save time.
Management would like committees to submit budget requests by November.
Play structure by c.h. is missing boards and needs work to make it safe. Parents have considered various covers for sandbox and haven't come up with good combination of sturdiness and safety; reverting to tarp. Still need to replace sand.
Michele has volunteered to head up Landscaping committee.
Hans has put website draft on-line. Not quite ready to release for community review. Some problems from transferring files.
Dusty will bring proposal to next meeting for chicken coop.
Worry less about everyone being able to come. "You can't come? We'll miss you."
On-switch of OPEN sign is temperamental, but sign is working.
Had good turnout for Sandra and Hob's tomato party.
Every third ACM could be an event. Would alternate Sundays and Wednesdays.
Canning party. Jack-o-lantern carving. Lantern walk. Jam session. Halloween party.
Drum circle. At ACM? Have kids present if on Sunday.
Make Harvest dinner an annual event. Thanksgiving is too late for local garden produce. Check with community gardeners what they have to share. Do it around a potluck or ACM in October? Last year had giving of thanks; if someone's religion wasn't represented it was because they didn't choose to represent it. DUSTY, SANDRA, MIKE A, & CAROL
Schedule Thanksgiving dinner. MIKE A
Schedule a dinner out. Thai Lotus. LINDA R
Not too chilly yet for movies on the wall. Can start earlier in the evening. DUSTY
Weenie roast. KAY. Will need a boy scout to build fire.
Two red sweaters, size large, to be given away. Lots of little kids clothes in lost-&-found.
Mike will get cost estimates from Angel for south boundary fence. Shore up fence or replace. Money to hire Kevin to work in Carol's yard will be reimbursed. Grading is homeowner's responsibility (this was a decision by Mgt about 4 yrs ago when Nancy was redoing her yard).
Sandbox sand replacement is held up by need for a cover to keep cats out. Needs to be sturdy enough to be jumped on. Parents don't always put tarp back on when they take child home.
Go-ahead given on carpet squares for mailroom. 'Painted Desert' (orange multi-color) received two to one votes over grey-brown in whiteboard survey. Carpet squares were $20 for box, will have several squares left over to switch out stained squares. Installation probably $50 professional. Mary will pay as her work-or-pay contribution. No cost to community.
Re Fire Dept request for more visible numbers. Mary got two sets of numbers at NPS, 1411'. Had to order one 1', still waiting delivery. Agreed to put set on beam above mailroom door. Don't put set on Wasatch Commons' sign. Maybe another small sign, e.g., 2x4, by curb.
Security. Linda R's car was broken into last night [later discovered at least two others were also]. Ignition damaged. Cameras would cost several thousand. Might make more sense to pay for car alarms.
ACM attendance has fallen off sharply. Often drops during summer. A number of people who normally attend are ill. Had better than average attendance for several months during pay-or-work discussion. Loss of momentum when didn't pass end of July. Some burnout after that.
Do work party with food, with specific tasks to be accomplished. Maxine will arrange, but wants recommendations on what tasks should be priority. Sign-up sheet in mailroom. Send out email asking who wants to get together Saturday morning. Just after anyone who didn't work in August has had to pay might be a good time to hold a work party.
Ann will bring her harp to potluck tonight.
Open' sign needs to be fixed.
Cohousing-l discussion recently on participation. Groups that succeed in making cooking mandatory find participation in other areas pick up.
People are less busy on weekends. Start up common meals with brunches.
Worry less about finding something that works for everyone in community and do things that work for who they work for.
Activities. For instance, a woman at Linda's church brought soap-making supplies and for $10 people could make soap. Produced eight bars.
Workshop on emergency preparedness. Silk painting. Self sufficiency. Build hoop house.
Next ACM review implementation of pay-or-work reporting of work and payments.
On Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:24 AM WaCoHo on behalf of Kevin and Amy Dwyer wrote:
Just a correction:
I have not charged/been hired for assisting and overseeing Quince and Grace, who each removed 8 large wheelbarrows of dirt from the area surrounding Carol's unit. I do seek reimbursement for the $10 paid to each of them for this (hard) work.
On Saturday, September 10, 2011 8:49 AM WaCoHo on behalf of Carol Smith wrote:
Re payment to kids to remove dirt from my yard
I would have paid the kids directly if I had asked for these funds, or had been asked if I wanted the work done, but I didn't. As this was a community project advocated by you (NOT requested by me), it was to be paid by the Management committee. When the project was discontinued at the Sept 1 Management meeting, I stated I would pay the kids for the work done. I decided I wanted a paper trail for the payment as I felt uneasy that the decision had been irregular in that its never been the custom that community funds be used on an individuals yard. I gave Marla Dee a check for $20 on Sept 5.
It is standard procedure that checks for community disbursements are written twice a month and approved at the Management meeting before distribution. The kids will be paid following the next meeting.
In future I hope that anyone who wants to manage a project in someone else's yard will come to some agreement with the resident there before pressing mgmt to grant them community funding for whatever it is they want to do there.
On Friday, September 16, 2011 11:32 AM WaCoHo on behalf of Kevin and Amy Dwyer wrote:
Hi All-
Regarding the removal of dirt in the vicinity of #20. As I understand it there are the following concerns:
1. I initiated this project without contacting the owner of the adjacent unit 2. I requested management pay young people for work done adjacent to a person's unit (e.g. "yard") 3. There exist yards/management does not have authority over the grounds of WaCoHo
1. In the process of painting trim and accomplishing roof access repairs on #19, I was made aware of the open pits surrounding the unit and the difficulty in navigating the area. Furthermore, I found myself regularly warning workers/supervisors dealing with the deck leak issues on units on either side of unit #19 of this hazard. I mentioned this concern to Carol who was in dismay over the lack of progress on this project.
I brought my concerns to management along with a proposal: the young people could assist in moving excess dirt so that the area could be leveled, planted and improved. This plan seemed consistent to with Management's purview, as the dirt was being removed/piled to minimize the potential for damage to building exteriors, a maintenance issue for which Management is responsible .
Carol was present at this meeting and did not object, rather she stated that this action was needed as it was her understanding that Mary had withdrawn from community work, including this project. Management supported this plan without dissent.
I checked with Carol each time before lining out the kids (Quince and Grace) on the project and implemented her input as to what dirt to remove. In 2 hours, with my assistance, the kids moved 16 large wheelbarrows of dirt for a total cost of $20.
2. Management has expressed a long-term and ongoing interest in getting the youth of the community involved in work. In the past, this has consisted of branch removal and trash pickup (adjacent to units and not), painting and weed pulling. Because there are no yards or formal demarcation, this work benefits all owners beautifying and making safe ground upon which we all travel and gaze.
3. Management purchases insurance for and maintains the entirety of the commons. Legally, residents/owners have no greater right to property around their unit(s) than anyone else (exceptions might include the Limited Common Areas (porches) and fences on "Dog row"). In practice, while we hope that owners will invest time and energy into insuring safety and beauty near their units, Management is empowered and obligated to address conditions/actions that are hazardous, destructive (potentially) or wasteful, resulting in costs to all residents.
While I felt that I approached the whole project with openness and in the spirit of mutual aid, I apologize if Carol or others felt unconsidered. Because I took on oversight, I made payment to Quince and Grace.
Naomi concerned about redistricting? Talk to Naomi because there are some good developments happening.
Nancy is in the hospital. Think good thoughts. Nancy's number in the hospital is 801-507-4316.
Pledges for cabinets that were hung in the common house Hans has gotten $50 so far out of the $100 people offered to pay to have them installed. Please give your money to Hans if you pledged.
Management- Trex: you can get it replaced for free if you have sales receipts. Otherwise, $1100. If nothing is wrong with your Trex, then it can be reused.
Let's discuss "Hours worked by another, or pay, barter, or other considerations may be credited to the payer." (not yet consensed upon).
We're already doing a form of this in allowing people to pay for work team hours.
If someone hires someone to do work, It is that person who is responsible for overseeing the work and managing that, otherwise the community would have to pay and manage a person to do it.
Argument against: if people hire outsiders we don't know quality. Inconsistent work. Community doesn't get enough funds to pay trusted workers. If you cannot do it, you pay the money.
Are we going to give credit if the person agrees to supervise? Supervision is the current definition of work, so that would count. They can get work credit for that.
If you don't trust outsiders, it isn't fair, because we're all inconsistent as well. Outsiders can do things as well or better.
Clarification on argument against: it is more consistent if we hire one person as a community to do multiple things per day, more efficient. Keep it simple. Two options: pay or work.
In the discussion we decided to break it down into smaller parts:
It's all more efficient to get someone to do multiple tasks around here get it done all in one day. Let people pay the management team to get things done more efficiently. Less efficient to hire someone to do one task for someone's work time. The point is to get work done or get work paid for. The point is not to get out of work. There should be consideration given but we should not formulate how we do this around how to get out of it.
Two hours per month is the minimum. Maybe if you work 5 hours per month then you can donate one hour. We require two hours. We expect 4. Maybe after four hours you have earned the right to donate hours. Being a donor is a privilege.
Or, in order to donate one hour, you work two?
Or, we realize that maybe in the future we will need to add hours to the minimum amount needed by work or paying, and let people work for others in the simplest fashion to monitor...month to month (so you cannot work 10 hours in one month to try to credit someone's account for 4 months).
"Hours worked by one resident can be credited to another resident, on a month to month basis." CONSENSED with one stand aside "because I cannot stand listening to people talk about what the rules are without just doing things."
"In order to hire someone from outside the community to do your work, you must meet the criteria set forth by management. Which means have a business license for a 1099, be licensed and insured." CONSENSED with no stand asides. (This adds the necessary protection for the community so we cannot be sued if someone is injured here from outside the community).
Website discussion: We got to take a sneak peek at the website Kay has been putting together and give feedback. It's beautiful and was obviously lots of work. Thank you, Kay!
Hi everyone,
The next ACM is a week away. Please join us with a laptop if you have one, for our website activity (we will break out into groups so those with laptops can share with those who don't have them). Thanks!
See you there!
Facilitator: Kay
Notetaker: needed...can you take notes? Please let Kay, Linda R or Amy know. And, Thanks!
Linda R, Kay, and Amy
Commit to host a Tea and Talk in next two months(?): Linda R, Vicky, Marla, Amy
Borrow 'Open' sign from Steve. Amy will ask.
Inventory c.h. stocks, determine if coffee maker works: Marla
Programmable thermostat with week settings could turn up heat automatically for regularly scheduled events. Ask Sandra for her recent research on programmable thermostats: Mike
Can wifi be made more dependable in c.h.? Not assigned.
Request donations of tea or other beverages from community. Not assigned.
[Rescheduled to 5th Sunday to accommodate Pioneer Day.]
Movie on lawn August 14 with Open Classroom
Landscaping meeting 7:00 p.m. tonight, will discuss encouraging community involvement. Will be requiring work orders for hired workers rather than someone paying worker and being reimbursed. Angel will bill us.
Maintaining and Building Community. What would you like to see happen to make this community what you want it to be?
Often take laptop to a coffee shop to work. Would be nice to have someplace like that here instead. Would be nice to have someplace to bring friends. Steve's cafe was very popular, well-attended.
Brainstorm: coffee hour or "tea and talk"
Operational Details
Other potential events
Decided doing survey wouldn't be necessary.
Discussion: Work or pay, transfer of credit for time worked
"Hours worked by a resident may be credited to another member of the same household."
Next Meeting: Wednesday August 13, 7:00 p.m.
Hans - For $100 Gus could hang the cabinets removed from #22 in the Common house. Common house furnishings committee's budget is gone. Can we get donations? To keepbudgetamended; Proposal; agreements; thePLAY; cabinets if we want to put them up next year we need to find somewhere to store them. They have to be out of the unit this weekend.
Vicky - Want to be on board of new newspaper? The West View covered the west side of Salt Lake and is starting up again. Contact Charlotte Fife Jepperson
Susan - Kyle LaMalfa signs can we put up political signs? No, we don't put them up as a community. You can put in your house.
(Naomi): 6 units, with 1-2 hours per unit at a cost of ~$175 to $300 per unit. Warranteed for 90 days. Scheduling work either the week of the 18th or of the 26th. Weather has to be dry. Contact Naomi to schedule for your unit, several units per day. Community expense? Exterior doors; probably yes. Has cost already been approved, possibly last fall? Ask last year's Mgt members? It needs to be done. Unless we find out otherwise, assume that it's been approved.
(Mike A) (a) Committee reforming. Mary has stepped down. New members: Naomi, Mike A, Joanne, Carol, Vaughn. Carol will email minutes. (b) When budgeting next year, will label projects. Each project will have a separate ID so we know exactly what was spent on which tasks. (c) Cut back the tree between Angelastros' unit and the common house, following storm damage. Will be planting an oak there.
Crown is transitioning. We will require the rent to be paid when due. New leases are signed. Enforcing existing leases finally.
(Marla): (a) When paying vendors (especially landscaping or repair work), have them submit the invoice to Wasatch Commons for payment. Please don't write personal checks for reimbursement. Their 1099 needs to reflect everything they were paid. (b) If have trouble opening office to put check inside, put check for fees in envelope and put in internal mail management folder.
Membership just Kay and Linda R. Please consider joining. (a) Next scheduled ACM is the 24th. Because people may be out of town, it is rescheduled to July 31st. (b) We need to start meetings on time. Snacks were provided at 6:45 the last two meetings. It doesn't seem to work; can it? What do people think? Energy gathering at 6:45. From now on, there will be 15 minutes of snacks/gathering before meetings.
Curtains are coming. Cleaning blinds. Would like maintenance person to do hanging, finishing touches; contact Marla. Some outlets in sitting room don't work. [Hans knew where GFI was for that circuit, outside of sitting room; problem fixed.]
(See handouts "Pay-Or-Play Proposal Consensed Points" and "interim provisions" and "Pay or Work Power plan")
This is temporary. Management has authority to change it.
Change to single wording for what is written on check memo? Don't want checks rejected because worded wrong. Just needs to be clear to bookkeeper what check is for.
Crown people can participate this same way as well. This would govern everyone.
Plan has been set up with grace period. Therefore fee is due after work period, looking back, rather than for coming month. You write check for August condo fee at beginning of month, and August maintenance fee at end of the month if you didn't do anything work-wise.
Payments can be made with a separate check payable to "Wasatch Commons Cohousing Association" or "WCCA" and marked "pay or play" "power plan" or "maintenance fee"
The method of handling payments will be determined by management committee or by an individual or group designated by and reporting to management.
What we would be starting are the items that are already consensed. (See handout on Pay or Play proposal Consensed points)
If you don't earn work credits during August, you will owe for the month of August on September 1, 2011.
Do new Crown leases include pay-or-play provisions? Crown leases can be amended.
Notifying before end of July provides 31 days before payment is due. What is the mandated notification period in CC&R? Mike P looked up. CC&R don't appear to state required period. Per CC&R change in fees requires 2/3 of owners (households not individuals) to approve, not including Crown. 2/3 of 21 = 14 households.
Everyone needs to be notified, particularly people not coming to meetings. Need notification of owner of the unit, including nonresident owners, not just renters.
Provide renters a courtesy notice.
Since work/pay requirement is per adult resident, notify all adult residents, not household.
Use multiple methods of notification.
Point on which decision got hung up last meeting was notification so little time before July 1. Now that we have more time, it would be easier to hand deliver.
Do we need to notify in person? More polite, human to go to door. Just taping note to door or sending official mail can seem intimidating.
Need signature? Not really, but covers us better in case of question; can't claim wasn't notified. Signature doesn't mean that person agrees, just that they have been notified. Consensus happens as a group, not door to door; everyone is welcome to the meetings where the consensus happens.
Go around with sheet for signatures. Person signs and marks, 'agree to this' or 'don't agree to this.' Not "do they consense" but signer "has been notified".
If they don't want to sign, then send registered mail? Certified mail? Return receipt requested? Would proof of delivery be good legally? Yes, probably.
Okay to leave important notice on doors? Procedure that is legally acceptable to Crown: Go to door, see if someone answers. Hand note to person (adult in household). If no answer, tape to door by all four corners of page. Possibly backup copies by mail.
Change suggested wording from "each household" to "Each adult resident and owner" will be notified prior to 8-1.
The Power plan starts August 1, 2011. The grace period to earn work credits is August with the first monthly maintenance payments from those who have not earned work credits during the previous month due September 1, 2011.
Each adult resident and owner will be notified in writing prior to August 1, 2011 by the management committee or its agents.
This start date applies to the already consensed provisions of the POWer plan. New provisions will be effective at the beginning of the month following their consensus.
Kay and Linda will do the door to door notification. For renters this is a courtesy notice ("your landlord may be contacting you "). Talk to each adult at home (not just one per household), provide copy of consensed provisions, get signature for "I received notification" for all adult residents we can get. If no adults home, tape notice on door.
Nonresident owners Lydia, Anne Hammond, Steve, and Isabella will get mail. (Mike P will sign.)
Did any break-out groups at last acm discuss temporary agreements? Apparently not.
All provisions are "pending further agreement." These are not permanent, they are interim solutions. Place holders. Look at it as, this will work until better ideas come up.
Suggested provision:
"Definition of work
Change 'worker' to 'resident.' (Hired workers don't get to choose.)
Replace suggestion #2 by amending already consensed agreement (new wording in brackets), "start immediately recording work. For now, each adult resident decides for themselves [within these guidelines] what is community work."
Amend #1 to physical work? Add "and improvement" to "cleaning and upkeep "
This is a temporary piece. Let's see how it works. Then update and modify. At least this way we'll get a little money from people who don't participate.
What counts as work? If you would pay a laborer to do it, then it'll count. Does tracking pay or play tracking (spreadsheet, tabulation) count as community work? That is maintenance. Marla wants to do it and as of this point what is work is up to the individual. We just need to make sure that somehow all work is recorded. Later, assessment process can be a thorough evaluation.
Strike whole thing (#1 and 2). Default back to already consensed, "Start immediately recording work. For now, each adult resident decides for themselves what community work is."
Didn't get to interim provisions for Transfer of Work Credits, Accrual of Work Credits and Hardship Exemptions.
Round robin checkout: What are your hopes?
On Monday, July 18, 2011 12:33 PM WaCoHo on behalf of Kay Argyle wrote:
Subject: Re: [WaCoHo] minutes, ACM July 13, 2011
I thought we had agreement that 'work' wol include 'creating community programs/events' Naomi"
We reverted to the previously consensed definition that, for now, the community member doing the work decides what is community work. Thus it is up to the event organizer's judgment whether it should count.
From: WaCoHo on behalf of Kay Argyle\Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 12:33 PM
To: Kay ArgyleSubject: Re: [WaCoHo] minutes, ACM July 13, 2011
" I thought we had agreement that 'work' wol include 'creating community programs/events' Naomi"
We reverted to the previously consensed definition that, for now, the community member doing the work decides what is community work. Thus it is up to the event organizer's judgment whether it should count.
Crossroads Food Coop has individualized orders. Pickup site at Habitat for Humanity Restore. Can check Crossroads Urban Center website for info.
City will be sealing Utah St sometimes in next two weeks. Will be closed for 24 hrs.
Celebrations report (Vicky, Laraine). Planning a harvest ball.
Management report. Can't find original of minutes from annual meeting, need everyone's signature on page for credit union to get management signatures on account.
Marla will be pd $300/mo for bookkeeping. Updating QuickBooks software.
Anne Hammond (#7 owner) had a friend work on swamp cooler, who used our ladder upside down, fell and was injured. Kevin is providing a letter that the community isn't paying anything so he can get a break on his medical bills.
Welcoming report. #1 is for rent. Welcoming is revising packet and planning an orientation.
Parents report. Parents are planning summer events.
Landscaping report. Because of rain, lots of weeding. Hiring Angel to do a lot of maintenance. Trimmed trees rubbing on #9 and 11.
Furnishings report. Will be putting tv on a cart so it can be tucked away in alcove. Maybe a whiteboard on wheels. Provide feedback to Furn. if have opinions about holding meetings in sitting room or in dining room.
Keep an eye out. Vicky heard water running in garden middle of night, hose bib turned on and running without hose attached.
Need spigot in orchard turned on.
Interviewed Matt & Melissa (from Hans's Cheyenne St house) for unit 25. They will stay in 22 until 25 is ready.
Possible name: POWER _Pay _or _Work _Engaging _Responsibility, or _Every _Resident
Board for recording time: Need more space to record work on posted page. Someone needs to transfer items from the "done" list for the bookkeeper since it isn't in any particular order. Record amount of time spent so we create a time budget.
Breakout into small groups.
Report from "start date" group. Can we start July 1? Accrual not in place. Haven't settled anything since earlier meeting when we weren't ready. Need formal notification of fee increase. Grace period to start July 1, payments start August 1. Would have two meetings before money is due to refine more details.
Suggested language for notification: "All adult residents and owners will be notified in documented ways."
No consensus on start date. Block, Linda R - not adequate time to perform notification.
Parents meeting Sunday.
Person interested in interviewing people (including children) about environmental issues on the west side. Tentatively Tuesday June 22, 10:30
Round robin: one thing you like about living here.
For privately owned rentals, is the landlord ultimately responsible to meet the pay-or-play obligation?
Making the landlord responsible might give the landlord an incentive to rent to a single adult, to minimize payment if renter doesn't work. Landlord might simply look for least trouble, charge extra $40 in rent and not worry about renter working.
Landlords could put requirement to meet work-or-pay obligation. HOA could provide model language for leases. HOA can prevent owner from renewing lease if dissatisfied with a nonparticipating renter.
There are contracts between the owner and the HOA and between the owner and the renter. There is no contract between the HOA and the renter. The HOA can't enforce anything on the renter except through the owner.
Historically most landlords have tried to get renters who will be active in the community.
Consensed: The obligation of work or payment is based on the number of adult residents in the household, and the ultimate responsibility to work or pay is upon the owner.
When will the proposal go into effect?
Want to get started, keep momentum.
If start too early, with no definition of work, may lead to disagreements about whether people are meeting obligation. Can't require payment if we haven't clarified what satisfies work requirement. Don't have structure for payments in place yet.
Can start with proviso that definition of work is under discussion and will change. Let people do what they personally regard as work and that will give us examples of discuss the definition of work. Could regard this as trying out the reporting system.
Report work done by emailing to list done@... Anyone can subscribe who wants. Also email suggestions for work to be done.
Taking forever discussing the proposal before starting this system makes nonparticipants take it less seriously. Implementing without enforcement also makes nonparticipants take it less seriously.
If we are starting unofficially, we need some criteria for when the proposal is "complete" and the system should start officially.
Are enough pieces of the proposal consensed that we could start officially, not "as if"? Can implement new pieces of proposal as details are consensed.
Consensed: start immediately recording work. For now, each adult resident decides for themselves what is community work.
ActionItem: Discussions will proceed more smoothly if we are clear on what has been consensed so far, and exactly what is under discussion. It will help if discussion point is written in front of group. Kay will make a poster in large print of all consensed points.
There will be an evaluation of the work-or-pay system in six months. Consensed 4/13/2011.
Each adult resident will work a minimum of 2 hours per adult per month, or will pay $20 an hour for any time not worked. Consensed 4/13/2011.
"Adult" (worker) is defined as a person age 18 or older, living at Wasatch Commons more than a month, in residence more than half the time. Consensed 5.22.2011
The obligation of work or payment is based on the number of adult residents in the household, and the ultimate responsibility to work or pay is upon the owner of the unit. Consensed 6.8.2011
The money paid is used to hire out physically the labor of landscaping , maintenance and upkeep of property, to be controlled and managed by the Management team. Consensed 5/11/2011
Crown resident fees will increase when leases are renewed. Until the lease is renewed, Crown members are requested to voluntarily participate/pay. Consensed 4/13/2011.
There will be a one-month grace period to accrue hours before first month in which payment is required. Consensed 4/13/2011.
Work credit is accrued publicly on a task board on the honor system & reported publicly by a tabulator monthly. Consensed 5.22.2011
Start immediately recording work. For now, each adult resident decides for themselves what is community work. Consensed 6.8.2011.
On Friday, June 10, 2011 11:01 AM WaCoHo on behalf of Sandra McIntyre wrote:
Subject: Re: [WaCoHo] ACM minutes June 8, 2011
Yay for the complete list of consensed points! Thanks for the great minutes. By the way, I should be added to the list of attendees. Thanks.
Mike P brought copies of information on facilitating and consensus that people can review.
Weeds are going to seed in garden beds. We need to clarify new bed assignments so gardeners can get started. Linda R will cover any unused beds in garden with black plastic.
Note: Ideas are not in order as expressed.
Item #7. Work credit accrued & reported to bookkeeper on honor system.
Ideas: How Are Hours/Jobs Reported?
Have a public declaration of what work is done. Process should be transparent, simple, and elegant.
* Keep people honest.
* Show what is being done. It will be evident when a job has been done and doesn't need doing again this month.
* Compile a record of what needs to be done when.
* Keep records of what is needed for a job, who to talk to.
* Committees that need things done can write tasks on board with indications of urgency, etc.
* Residents can write "will pay".
* Find out what people are unwilling to do.
* Let people show hours donated to others.
Possible formats of public declaration and/or permanent record:
* Whiteboards where residents track what they have done.
* On paper would allow keeping record permanently.
* Spreadsheet on computer, when job last done, how long it took.
Job of adding up hours for bookkeeper wouldn't require physical labor, would reduce cost of running work system.
Weeds are growing now. To speed matters up, set up subcommittees addressing certain issues within proposal.
Action Item: Ad hoc committee will design & prepare task board by next ACM (or June 1st?). Members: Isabella, Laraine, Nancy. One board of names, one board of tasks. People can add tasks. This committee is not expected to create the list of jobs, only compile suggestions for jobs. The list of jobs being compiled is not final or necessarily highest priority jobs.
Consensed: "Work credit is accrued publicly on a task board on the honor system & reported publicly by a tabulator monthly." No stand asides.
Who goes on the list of names?
Ultimately owner is responsible for any fees; landlords need to work out responsibility with tenants.
What is an "adult"? Persons under 18 are here because their parents are here, not because they choose. It is parents' responsibility how children learn to be part of a community. Kids can do work to be credited towards households' total, but don't increase households total.
Consensed: "Adult" (worker) is defined as a person age 18 or older, living in house more than a month, in residence more than half the time. No stand asides.
Item #9. Who defines work to be done?
Goal is to save money. A specific list of jobs will get things done that would otherwise need to be hired.
Some people will do better with a list to pick from rather than having to figure out what to do on their own.
If Mgt has jobs, announce and let people sign up.
For month of June, let people sign up to do weeds.
Balance between prioritizing work and letting people be creative about community work.
Might let residents define work for themselves for 6 months. Then review, and community can decide for future what is work and what isn't.
Rotate everyone through committee that tracks what needs to be done.
Multiple eyes catch problems better rather than just a few people designating what needs to be done. Anyone can submit task to be done; should say who submitted task, who to contact.
Action item: Committees and individuals send lists of tasks to Ad Hoc Work Board. Kay will organize lists for Ad Hoc Work Board Committee.
Carryover -- Like to see limited accrual into following months so residents can take month off occasionally, yet people don't get so many hours they stop work for a year or two.
Distinguish between work under this proposal and work covered by HOA fees? Any work done under p-or-p will hold down HOA fees.
Include work in unit's yard? Doing yard is resident's own choice. Does how visible the yard is affect whether it counts as work credit?
How much one person accomplishes in an hour is different than what another accomplishes, particularly hired labor. This complicates calculating total time budget. We need to know what particular jobs cost when we hire jobs out. It may be a simple multiplier to calculate time of community member compared to Angel.
Item #10. Participation on committees included/not? No consensus. Discuss further.
Item #8. Hardship exemption seems generally acceptable; discuss who okays approval of exemption.
Next meeting: Wednesday June 8th 7:00 p.m.
Saturday at 6:00 meeting in for people interested in ad hoc meeting with Hans about committee to assist recruiting new members and the process of getting them orientated.
Free pepper plant from Kay
Naomi: Kyle LaMalfa is a candidate for SLC Council District 2 for Glendale, Poplar Grove, Fairpark, Jordan Meadows. Kevin and Naomi are going to invite him and the other two candidates to WaCoHo for a Q & A. Watch for the date and time. All welcome and others in the community.
Michelle announced that on Saturday at 1:00 Dance recital for Sophie at Kingsbury Hall. She has tickets and they are free.
CH Sitting Room is getting a makeover. Carpet has been pulled out. Baseboards and walls need to be painted. Painting of the CH Sitting Room is in progress. WE NEED HELP PAINTING! $15/HOUR FOR SOMEONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DO IT THIS WEEK OR VERY SOON.
Todd and Marie are here visiting and are looking at one of the houses here. They have a little girl 11 years old.
Naomi: Westview newspaper is starting again and Charlotte Fife is starting it up again.
Mike W. is helping with trying to move the process along with issues between Kevin and some members. Terry Martin will be asked to do a clearing meeting to help with the process. We have no idea if she will be available.
Ann asked about aphids and worried about little plumb tree. Vaughn said that the extension people said don't spray the early spring but too wait. Mary said not to spray after the leaves start to bud. Some like ladybugs.
Drains won't be cleaned in the water. So Naomi will put mosquito dunks out.
Check in question: In relationship to the Play or pay proposal: What are your motivations, what are you motivated to do and what blocks you from taking action?
It was already decided that this plan is Per resident and not Per house.
Six months trial period decided.
Review of where we were at. Started with #5Raise HOA fees by $40 per adult resident in each home to cover cost of hiring it out. Alternatives: $20 per adult, $20 per home, $40 per month.
Dusty pointed out that problem with calling it HOA fee because of taxes and CROWN can't have it raised.
Mike A. talked about many things: what to do when someone works 12 hours one month. Can they bank it? If they don't work and pay and then start to work can they get there money back?
Hans: don't worry about CROWN because we only have 3 more years and we won't have CROWN anymore.
Minimum becomes the maximum concept.
Mike P. agreed with Michelle to let #5 to move to the bottom and move forward. So skipped to number 6.
#6 This money is use to hire out physical labor of landscaping, maintenance and up keep of property.
Mary: get bids, assist when someone else is hired, make the calls to get the work done.
Sandra: lets include cleaning, all cleaning.
Susan: what about community committee meetings? Does it count?
Mike A. This will make it hard to budget. We don't know how much money will will get from people who only pay and don't play. And we don't know if people will be motivated to do work so we don't have to pay so much.
Mike P. Lets keep working at is. It isn't necessary to have it perfect.
Dusty: The money collected will be used at the discretion of Management to complete uncompleted tasks.
Mary reminded us that work teams used to do dojo, raking, snow shovel, mowing, etc. Then it changed.
Laraine asked for clarification about the bookkeeping. Money wouldn't be paid up front. There would be a list of tasks created and some bookkeeping done on it.
Michelle: Need to define the work and what needs to be done.
If the idea is that we are raising HOA fees in the past years and if the goal is to reduce that, you can't hire out committee work, therefore, maybe we can't include it in this.Only labor
Mike P. We need to divide out the money we get. The purpose it to get something from the people who don't do anything. Who controls the work to hire out? Management is logical. Making curtains could count too. Standards are an issue. Hard to predict how people will behave when this is passed.
Sandra counted 41 eighteen and older individuals here, but we don't have to do it all as individuals, we can work as teams together as week teams.
Hans: pay or play makes up work more individually?.
Mary would like the CH work teams to keep working. They are doing OK.
Michelle, Laraine and others said no the teams are not working.
Dusty said the 6 months will take care of the issues.
Mike P. Proposes #6 be adjusted to the following "This money is used to hire out physically labor of landscaping , maintenance and up keep of property to be controlled and managed by the management team. CONCENSED
We jumped to #11 and we did not consensus on #11.
Everyone thanked Michelle. She will not be here for the next ACM. Dusty will facilitate the next meeting, May 22, 3-5 pm
On Friday, May 13, 2011 WaCoHo on behalf of Michele Frandsen wrote:
Thank you Vicki for taking such detailed notes.
I just wanted to correct one thing stated incorrectly.
We did not agree in the 4/13/11 meeting to a 6-month trial period. We changed that wording to reflect that in 6 months of operating the plan we would do a formal evaluation and make changes as necessary. The wording of "Trial period" could imply that it is temporary and would need to be re-voted. So while we will use the first 6 months to test things out and be able to correct inequities or problems, it isn't actually a trial period. Hope that is clear to folks.
Kevin announced water behind his unit and it is being observed
Hans has announced that Tyler has sold his home back to Hans. He would like some help in getting the new tenants. The move out date is unknown. Four bedroom home
Mike Angelastro said it is possible that the questioning minds event held on Sunday was the last event. They currently have 7 members and they need 14 members. [Clarification: Questioning Minds needs seven members on its board and only has fourteen members total. - Kay 4/14]
Hans reported that an outside consultant was decided to be hired to deal with CROWN issues last year. Linda Reed has been handling all of the Crown issues for the last few years. Susan Scowl (sp?) There were some negative vibes of the consultant's role (not her as an individual). Good Synergy between Marla and Susan working together and beefing up our condominium association which is more professional and top of the line. Management is looking at provisions of contract, expecting CROWN to get back to us in one week. Suggestion was made to have a special meeting that addresses a particular individual's role in the community and negative feelings surrounding that. Michelle will organize a clearing meeting to address these issues.
Nancy reported that she has been feeling much better but her organs are not functioning as they should be. Nancy is asking for compassion but will be withdrawing from the community as she needs to focus on the comfort of her life. She is at a very high risk of sudden death. On Friday she will have an implant in her heart to help. She shared her opinion on the extra burden of paying financially for her inability to work.
Purchased 2 new forks. Working on the means of hauling the massive pile of fallen branches and wood that need to be moved.
Safety: There were a few points made from the fire marshal walk through about the unit numbers being more visible.
Richard reported on the outside lights. He is seeking help with having the outside lights put on an automatic system or timer of some sort. Mary is going to look for the blueprint plans on the electrical. Kevin will also offer help.
A moment of silence was devoted in memory of Gene.
A candle was lit and a reading out loud in hopes to have open hearts and open ears to listen to what everyone has to say.
Focused check in on the topic. What are your hopes and what are your concerns? What do you need to do to participate?
Michelle: Hope is a decision is made. Concern: people's fears will overcome their
Kevin: Hope- able to pass something that encourages participation. Something that further acts as a model. Fear- is that we don't pass anything.
Amy: Pleased the topic is being discussed. Concern- none really.
Richard: Hopes to come to a conclusion as well. Concern- There won't be an agreement.
Naomi: Passes. She is open to suggestion.
Hans: Hopes: Glad the topic is discussed. Concern- none?
Kay: Hopes- the physical and mental community has chosen to have obligations to the physical location (vs. religion, etc.). Hoping this will make individuals confront what their commitment is to the community. Concern- pinning hopes on us trying this and the damage if it doesn't work!!!
Mary: Hopes- Glad that after a long period we are addressing it. Concern- Relationships in the community are at jeopardy over it. Concerned that people who live here may end up leaving over the topic.
Carol: Hopes- Remembers the joy the day she saw the community in a work party. She would love to see this. Concern- we have hungry people, people with no food in their cupboards. She would like to see help with that.
Mike Wason: Hopes- come to an agreement. Concern- In the long run, concerned that the big topic which involves a lot of emotions will spur negative emotions.
Mike Angelastro: Hopes- We all look at Wasatch commons and the grounds and view it as our home. Hopes to come to a point where we all truly care for one another. It involvesfairnesss, respect, truth. The bottom line is that we have to care for one another. Concern: making an ineffective decision. End up having the same old.
Dusty: Hope- To see the community bloom like the flowers, and see people support one another. Concern- lingering animosity and resentment may make discussion difficult.
Mike P.: Hope- continue to get a good level of participation. Hopes to plan on participation.
Hobb: Hope- has great hope everyday!! Concern- so many of us are vested in moving ahead that he hopes we don't have people slow us down for unknown reasons.
Sandra: Hope- Excited about the fact we are discussing this.Concern- that our community turns into a suburban community.
Natalia: Hope- the negativity is turned into something more positive. Concerned- A LOT, but dismissing them as they are less important then just jumping into it.
It is noted that there was A 7 DAY POSTED NOTICE was put on every home's front door.
Agree that there is an opportunity to gain more participation.Discussion of the topic.
The wording of the 6 month" Trial period" will change to an evaluation to be had in 6 months. There will be a formal check in to evaluate in 6 months.
Agreement made that there is one month grace period to accrue hours.
Agreement made that Crown members fees will increase when leases are renewed. Until the lease is renewed, crown members are requested to voluntarily participate/pay.
Agreement made One hour of physical labor agreed to be equal to $20 an hour. A minimum of 2 hours per adult per home per month.
Meeting adjourned at 9:14pm.
Kind Regards, Natalia Lafollette
Addendum: from: Kay Argyle, Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 4:23 AM
- What happens to the Landscape Weeding budget?
(There are multiple ad hoc committees.)
Ad hoc committee forming for CH upkeep, improvement and care
[Mary] Carpet guy checking coming up with bids for CH. Kitchen shelves fixed
[Kevin] Process is trying to organize a candidates forum. Waiting to hear from third candidate
[Marla] - bookkeeper] Mailman updated with directions and keys. Fees in office. Myste donating two drawer file for internal mail. Organizing students reorganized inner office and kitchen-utensils now on cart. Extra dishes from CH will be arranged on table in CH, please pickup
[Hans] Mngmt dealt w/ CROWN inspection, Myste facilitated inspection, successfully. Last inspection prior to final in 2 years.
Gutter and downspout work completed
Getting prices on hauling branches
$150 allocated to kids working around commons
5 hrs allocated to KD for repairs to CH
[Hob] Tree planting committee wants to get planning for 3rd weekend in April. 3pm Sat. meet at CH to walk and talk about trees at Wasatch Commons
[Vicky] Parents met successfully and planned events
[Mary] Past experience people managed certain areas
We also were spray free
New cardboard and chips.
[Kay] Thistles are easy while the soil is soft
[Naomi] Time to prune fruit trees
[Sandra] How about preventing the aphid bloom
[Kevin] Dormant oil spray
[Mike] West berm retaining wall
[Sandra] Bare spots with weed fabric showing
[Kay] Fruit needs thinning prior to breaking branches (late may, early june)
[Amy] Alert people as to spraying especially in front
[Naomi] Would like to continue CH gardens areas with Suzy's help
[Sandra] Is there a budget for planting, generally
[Kevin] Doesn't want to maintain West berm anymore, needs new person
[Mike] Guttering needs cleaning
[Mary] Curb and guttering needs cleaning
[Naomi] Locust pods
[Sandra] How about trees?
[Mary] Not landscaping, requires professional
[Michelle] Want to resolve and maker assignments
Joanne no longer wants to do her weeding
[Sandra] Issue tied to work, pay, play
[Mary] no common understanding on landscaping
[Linda R] No one wants to talk about work, vitality has waned, related to work talk
Remove work from community, raise fees: getting together is fun
[Kevin] Work may not be the issue, participation also lags for fun events and ACMs
[Anne] Ditto on the work not being an inspiring topic; would be happy to pay; being in community takes a lot of work
[Kay] Pay or play incentivizes people properly/effectively
[Amy] Many orgs going through this with a greater squeezing of labor; less is happening but the reasons are not all internal
[Linda] What counts as work?
[Susan] lets segregate any additional fees to go toward Maintenance and weeding and landscaping
[Michelle] Process can be overwhelming, simplification is in order to move forward
[Linda] Several times we've tried and gotten bogged down
[Susan] Some people may want to work
[Hans] People working in the community is good for the community and fair to residents, helps residents, lets discuss pay or play
[Hob] Renters may not face same impact cause fees may be included in lease
[Mary] We need real tools/equipment to maintain 6+ acres.
Kay, Amy, Susan, Richard, Hans interested in moving Pay or Play forward
[Sandra] Lets move forward with common values.
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Joanne Lovejoy wrote:
Thank you for the notes Kevin..They give me an idea of what was covered.
I have a question: I noticed that Mary has a carpet guy coming for bids on carpet..We have a committee and plans for carpet from Common House furnishings. We applied for that budget for this year. That committee is myself, Marla, Susan, Sandra and Vicky.. I'd like to know what the bid is for, can you clarify Mary?
From: WaCoHo on behalf of Mary English\Sent:: Thursday, March 17, 2011 5:00 PM
Subject: [WaCoHo] Question on ACM notes
The bid is for stretching the wrinkles out of the carpet in the east hall and getting something over the cement in the west entry way Mary
Yes, I was wondering about that myself. I thought we had a committee that met and asked for some funding and we were moving ahead. I was confused when Mary came in with the piece for the entry way and was talking about carpeting for the hall way and the living room.
I had such a great time at our ACM yesterday. It was really a treat to hear about everyone's hopes and dreams for 2011. May they all come true!
Feb 3 is Chinese New Year. A Celebration from 3-7pm will be hosted by Marla and a group of Feng Shui Practitioners All are invited to drop in and meet the folks and discuss Feng Shui topics- they love to talk about that stuff. These folks will also be doing an assessment of our space and provide recommendations to the CH furnishing committee.
Tues 25th at 6:30- Planning for the West side discussion seeking community input will be held at the pioneer precinct. Approximated 7thS and 9W) Joanne has more information. Good opportunity for us to be more involved in what is going on around us.
Tue 25 from 12-2 Tanner Building at the U. Hans will be speaking on a panel discussing the ethics of punishing someone as a deterrent for future reoccurrences. He will be discussing Timothy DeChristopher as an example. He will send out email with more details.
Management Committee: Hans reports, new people with new ideas, they want to be proactive and plan things out well. They want a better understanding of captial versus operating expenditures. There is excitement and fresh ideas
Process- nothing from the committee itself to report however, Carol brought up the topic of having more facilitators for ACMs so the burden didn't fall always on the same folks. Thanks for thinking of us Carol!
Further discussion led to the decision to have this topic as an ACM agenda item with two outcomes:
Hob brought up the topic of the maintenance of our property and buildings. He would like to see the maintenance committee revitalized and would like to get together with other folks who are interested in making that happen. One particular concern is thinking long term about what things will need to be maintained and or replaced looking out 5, 10 + years.
This was also recommended as an ACM topic. It was suggested that perhaps the conversation around that one committee also be expanded into participation in other committees as well.
Laraine would like others to join her on the celebration committee. Michelle and Marla both volunteered to be ad hoc members of the committee inviting Laraine to phone them as specific things come up.
Naomi is concerned and confused as to why no action has yet been taken to establish the legal structure necessary for folks to invest in a fund outside and separate from Wasatch Commons to take advantage of opportunities to support and further our values. It was agreed that she or Richard would check in with Mike A. who had the action to take next steps and determine what needs to happen next. Naomi, Richard, Carol and Hob were all interested in following up on this topic.
We all drew maps of our hopes and dreams for 2011. It was wonderful and touching!
We discussed a model showing the power our assumptions and beliefs have to create the environment that we will in. Our discussion highlighted the need to have compassion for one another. Choose to see people in a good light, even if they are behaving at their worst. Choose to extend good will to one another. Living in cohousing doesn't necessarily make it easier to get along, it actually requires us to have more understanding, forgiveness and tolerance on one another's short comings. Also, the more we spend time with one another and get to know each other better, and what each of us is going though, the easier it is to support one another, and overlook our shortcomings. Great discussion! More to follow in future ACMs.
Kay had a wonderful vision for Wasatch Commons and posted it for all of us to see! Take a look at it, and let's talk about it some more.
Take Care! Michelle
Can't wait to see you all there! Let's dream together and support one another in creating what we want for ourselves in the new year!
April 25, 2020