Management Committee
Topics: Topics: Minutes approved, Facilitation schedule, 2018 budget, Snow removal, Financial report, Tree project
Management Committee
Management Committee
Topics: Topics: Financial update, Trees, Maintenance, Landlord compliance letters, Ovens, New tenant
Management Committee
Decisions: Decision: Management will cover the cost of plumber in Aitch and Lucas's unit.
Topics: Topics: Sewer issues and scoping, tree walkthrough, Ovens, Reserve Analysis, Office Door, Washing Door, Dishwasher, Inner office
Management Committee
Topics: smoke detectors, tree work & hazard arborist, central path emergency access
Management Committee
Management Committee
Topics: Topics: Approval of minutes, Financial update, Maintenance minute: work parties/trees/common path, CC&Rs, Roofing update, North Field Play Structure, leases
Management Committee
Topics: Topics: Approval of minutes, Follow ups from last MTG, Maintenance minute, Landscaping, Snow removal, Patio update behind unit 5
Management Committee
Topics: Topics: approval of minutes, reserve analysis, tree servicing, landscaping, washing machine replacement, roofing, FHA, north field light, ovens, Marks locked gate, north field play structure, leases from renters, roof repair in #20, patio upgrade in unit 5
Management Committee
Management Committee
Topics: Topics: Approval of minutes, Follow-up from last mtg, Maintenance minute, Financial Minute, Sale of Anne's unit, Roofing, Bees in Unit 25, Oven update
Management Committee
Topics: Topics: Approval of minutes, Follow up from last meeting, Commitee reports, Financial report, Maintenance minute, Calendar
Management Committee
Topics: North field light fixture, Update on previous meeting action items, Maintenance Minute, Financial update, ACH transfers, Alley way, Dog poop, renters
Management Committee
Management Committee
Topics: Update on open action items, Financial reports, Maintenance minute, Too much water on the property, Insurance underwriter risk assessment, Elaine's request
Management Committee
Topics: Facilitating schedule, Maintenance Minute, Maintenance of equipment/insurance, Financial updates, Landscaping, Susan and Richard's unit, Mark's unit
Management Committee
Topics: Maintenance, Noises in Mark's unit, Reserve Analysis, Bookkeeping
Management Committee
Topics: Goals of management, Chase debit cards, Miscellaneous financials, Security, Landscaping, Maintenance, Ovens, Furnaces
Proposal File: ../ proposals/
Management Committee
Decisions: Decisions: Repair the broken furnace part instead of replacing entire furnace.
Topics: Topics: Approval of minutes, Goals of management, Chase debit cards, Miscellaneous financials, Security, Landscaping, Maintenance, Ovens, Furnaces
Management Committee
Management Committee
Decisions: Decisions: Kay elected as president, Ben as treasurer, and Kellie will remain as secretary.
Topics: Election of officers, Meeting time, Financials, Department of Commerce
Management Committee
Management Committee
Decisions: Decisions: This year, management will not enforce provision of by-laws that states members in arrears cannot vote at the annual meeting.
Topics: 2016 financial report, Reserves, Crown closure
Ben will submit 3 budgets to community via email with schedule of fee increases
Didn't get a lot of feedback from community during ACM about specific budget changes. Increases suggested will be prohibitive for some but they did not speak up. Perhaps fee increases would be more clear if unit owners could see how much their individual HOA fees would increase.
Action Item: Ben will submit 3 budgets to community via email with schedule of fee increases
Maxine brought concerns to management regarding the safety of the path and whether volunteer snow removal by residents has been adequate. In the beginning of the community, monthly work teams handled the shoveling on the path. The expectation of community members now is to keep the walkway in front of their homes clear and to volunteer (if physically able) when available to keep the common path clear and salted. Maxine agreed to work a plan for adequate community snow removal.
Suburban property maintenance (who laid the path and years ago plowed our parking lots) is contracted to plow our lots this year.
It is important to remind the community to shovel and ice the path regularly. We all can email the community whenever the path is icy or when someone needs help shoveling or if they need assistance leaving their house/getting to their car.
Rebate available for new furnace, submitted info to Linda Reed to pursue.
Scheduled for two days in January or February with Diamond Tree Removal. We are on a waiting list and will be notified within 48 hours based on weather when they will be out to work on trees. The tree in front of unit 5 and 6 is set to be trimmed.
The tree in front of Kathy A's unit was examined by several arborists and the tree itself is not a problem, but the roots are causing the path to bubble, and taking out the roots will kill the tree. The roots will need to ground and path leveled before the tree is dealt with.
Christensen tree service is finished with his tree work, waiting for invoice.
We were going to have Scott Dickson do tree work as well but Mary has been too unwell to supervise and help with work so he hasn't been scheduled.
7:38pm - Minutes from 11/22 approved.
2 residents still owe Assessment.
Monthly Budget handout - reviewed Budget vs. Actual.
Checks signed for reimbursements.
12/13/2017 ACM "Proposed Budget" presentation:.
Review and prepare proposed 2018 budget for discussion
Prepare Reserve Analysis for community - distributed via email post-ACM.
Lynda will bring projector.
Project team Lynda, Mary, Lindawg.
First phase is in process through Friday - Christensen Tree Service
Scott will be coming in before the end of 2017 - Mary will oversee
Second phase in Jan/Feb - Diamond Tree Service.
Project team Becca and Kellie.
Headland Construction: may oversee as GC/quote provided
Electricians have provided quotes.
Steve Harris will be electrical oversight.
Kitchen will be unavailable during work - about a week
Dean will modify cabinet.
Attic space cleared for Electrician access.
Report by Susan.
Proposed budget concerns to present to ACM regarding:
Project team Mary.
Pavers have been tended on paths - too cold to continue
Kathy A's path still a dilemma - metal piece is tripping hazard
Project team John.
Submitted 5 page review by VF to management committee.
Lawyer recommends update of original to remove obsolete clauses, simplify language and comply to new rules.
*Next meeting: 12/19/2017 - Kay is facilitator.
Elections on 1/10/2017.
Budget approval: 1/10/2017.
9:10pm - meeting concluded.
WC Minutes - Linda wg.
John will follow up with the insurance company about specifically what is needed to stabilize north field play structure
John will contact an attorney who specializes in condo law.
Kellie and Becca will find electricians and handy people to do the ovens
Mary will verify the city boundaries on our property and whether they are responsible for tree maintenance on the border of our property
Mary will talk to someone about the cement on the path
Kay will look into service contracts for CH appliances
All management members are encouraged to read the draft reserve study by Dale
Ben will circulate 2017 budget vs actuals to community
Susan will call Mendenhall about reset of the washer.
Playground climber stabilized by the play structure committee. Need to point out to the committee that the changes are not adequate; needs something soft under there. John will follow up with the insurance company about specifically what is needed.
Ben did not draft a paragraph for landlord compliance, however, the necessary verbage is in the bylaws. Some landlords find the requirements confusing, but landlords can copy and paste requirements from bylaws into their leases.
Ben was not able to get ahold of attorney (James Harwood). Would it be beneficial to find an attorney who specializes in condo law?
Action Item: John will contact an attorney who specializes in condo law.
Becca sent an email to the community asking for volunteers to take on the fascia repair project. This project could be taken on now, but it might be too cold for necessary painting.
There is also the option to replace the wood fascia with metal.
Do we have a locking file cabinet for the inner office?
Linda Reed submitted her financial report regarding insurance and status of arrears to the community
Roofing was paid for out of checking account.
What are reserve funds used for? Traditionally, reserve funds have paid for "capital" expenses, ie replacements or upgrades to the property. Per the Condo Ownership Act, the reserves are for specific items that fall outside the regular operating budget. We do not have the ability to write checks out of the reserve account.
All management members are encouraged to read the reserve item
Ben will circulate 2017 budget vs actuals to community.
We have received $550 from credit card in cash back.
Lynda sent copy to the community of arborist's report, which includes a prioritized list of tree work.
Trees identified for removal by both arborists are behind Mel & Annalise's and Susan &
Richard's homes. The trunks have an almost horizontal slope and are leaning towards neighboring backyard. The tree growth cannot be corrected, hence why these trees were identified for removal. The arborist recommended that cold weather was the best time of year to do trees- trees are easier to deal with (fewer leaves, growth inhibited), cheaper, slower time of year for the removal companies. January is the recommended month.
Scott Dickson (neighborhood tree guy) will resume work for us again after Thanksgiving.
We will use recommendations of the arborist friend of Vaughn's regarding what trees to replace the outgoing siberian elms.
Need to appropriate tree maintenance funds that we didn't use this year for next year's tree removal.
Should we plant new trees in the fall before the removal of the old trees? Could they be planted far enough that they wouldn't be damaged when the old trees come down? Mary already has some trees she bought at half price. Would need volunteers and a team to put the trees in.
What about the large raised area of the path by Kathy A's unit? Can't reset the bricks without removing the tree and the roots. An arborist would not consider this tripping hazard and potential liability and would not be reflected on their priority list, but management will consider this when making the final list. Management will confer with the person who originally laid the bricks that Linda WG contacted.
There are several fall maintenance items that need to be done around the property
Management also cheers the efforts of Meagan in fixing the dishwasher.
Action Item: Susan will call Mendenhall about reset of the washer
John drafted letters for all landlords asking for a lease that is compliant with the bylaws.
Management has collected leases from most tenants, these letters are to notify that leases must include a section from the bylaws in order to be in compliance.
There is another electrician coming on Thursday for a bid. Will update next meeting.
Per bylaws, management must meet with prospective tenants. Traditionally, management has designated welcoming to meet with new tenant. Vicky and Elaine have met with new prospective tenant Tim to convey the co-housing requirements. There was some discussion on how to ensure that rental units benefit the community and renters follow community guidelines.
Action items updates from last meeting:
- Mary: agreed with hazard arborist on tree maintenance/removal. Will forego her suggestions in lieu of what arborist reports
- Becca: Lucas is still following up with committee on play structure
- Ben spoke with a lawyer (James Harward) about HOA bylaws, he is very familiar with process. Normal hourly rate is $350/hr, with Ben's discount is $265/hr. Can also be paid a $500-$1500 retainer fee to keep him on call.
-Ben followed up with someone from the fire department, they stated the 20 ft path requirement is part of the international fire code to get up close to the houses when fighting house fires.
Ben will draft a paragraph as an amendment to leases about tenant compliance to community rules
Ben will ask lawyer about what changes to CC&Rs banks need to approve and about HOA responsibility to sewer line to individual houses
Becca will send out an email asking for volunteers to take on the fascia project this spring. She will also confer with Linda WG
Lynda A will contact Diamond tree service
Mary will verify the city boundaries on our property and whether they are responsible for tree maintenance on the border of our property
Mary will talk to someone about the cement on the path
Becca will contact Elaine and ask who did her pavers
Kay will look into service contracts for above appliances
Kay will get homeowner information from each condo unit
Lynda will call about getting a lock replacement
Lynda A will look into getting a locking file cabinet.
Topics: Sewer issues and scoping, tree walkthrough, Ovens, Reserve Analysis, Office Door, Washing Door, Dishwasher, Inner office
Plumbing company responded to unit Lucas and Aitch's unit. The problem is 48 feet out (likely the main sewer line) and caused by a tree root.
From the homeowner's sewer line to the main sewer line is the homeowner's responsibility. When a problem is caused by a tree or bush this is a grey area.
Decision: Management will cover the cost of plumber in Aitch and Lucas's unit.
Get unit owners to pour anti-root agents down drains once a month?
There are two trees mentioned by each arborist consulted as being a problem; the trees behind Annalise & Mel's unit and Susan & Richard's unit. Not cost effective to maintain the trees, best to remove them. Management will communicate with the rest of the community and keep them updated about the potential removal of these two trees.
Action Item: Lynda A will contact Diamond tree service
This is still on the agenda for management.
Dale Gifford sent a rough draft to the management email with some questions for management.
Kay has received ownership information from 11 units but still need 15 units.
The sliding door to the office in the Common House has a bad lock.
Action Item: Lynda will call about getting a lock replacement
There is an error code flashing on the laundry machine stating there is something wrong with the controls. It's possible to just reset the machine and it might reset the code.
Kathy A mentioned the pan under the dishwasher looks partially removed and the inside is caked with minerals. This could be a filter problem, but replacement is $200 every few months so it was decided to clean with citric acid regularly.
The inner office has sensitive information in the filing cabinet. It's needed to replace the filing cabinet with a locking cabinet.
Action Item: Lynda A will look into getting a locking file cabinet.
Becca will tell Annalise that smoke/heat/CO detectors are part of work party
Kellie will send email to community with theory as to why detectors are going off
Mary will come up with a list of tree work that she thinks is a priority
Lynda A will contact a hazard arborist for a property walk through
Mary will verify the city boundaries on our property and whether they are responsible for tree maintenance on the border of our property
Becca will talk to Lucas about the play structure
Becca will ask community for volunteers for fascia project
Mary will talk to someone about the cement on the path
Becca will contact Elaine and ask who did her pavers
Kay will look into service contracts for above appliances
Mary will ask Scott Price if he's still interested in looking into landscaping contract
Becca will talk to process about getting fire extinguisher walkthrough done at ACM
Kay to assemble list of ownership status for each unit, including mortgage holder information;
John to set meeting for working committee;
Kay to doc-compare current and proposed bylaws [CC&R] as starting point for committee
Ben to look into opening savings account
Kellie will look into snow removal contracts
Kellie will talk to contractors about wiring new electric ovens
John will go ahead with setting up the working group
Kay still needs to assemble ownership status for each unit
John: Set meeting with working CC&R committee
Still need to send compliance letter to landlords
Ben: talked to the city, the city said the 20 ft rule was a fire department rule. He left a voicemail with the fire department and they will call back
Mary suggested it's likely bugs getting in and causing the chirping. The detector was not chirping during management meeting. The batteries do need to be changed each year.
Suggestion: tie in smoke detector change to the next work party (deep clean of sitting room). Will need the help of community members who are familiar with locations of detectors and a very tall ladder (and preferably a very tall person :) ).
Action Item: Becca will tell Annalise that smoke/heat/CO detectors are part of work party
Action Item: Kellie will send email to community with theory as to why they are going off
Lights on the west side of the Common House have to be reset and they are malfunctioning. Richard usually sets them but he is gone till the 17th. An electrician will look at them on Wednesday (9/6).
They are scheduled to start at 7am on Wednesday!
Scott Dixon may be coming this weekend to work.
Linda WG researched a list of hazard arborists to consult with us on which trees are a priority.
Action Item: Mary will come up with a list of tree work that she thinks is a priority
Action Item: Lynda wiill contact a hazard arborist for a property walk through
Action Item: Mary will verify the city boundaries on our property and whether they are responsible for tree maintenance on the border of our property
Action Item: Kellie will get a snow removal contact
Linda R sent her bookkeeper's report .
Only two units owe major amounts to Wasatch Commons. Progress!
Linda is looking into tax returns for Wasatch Commons and wants to make sure the taxes were filed for CROWN. From the memory of those on management last year, taxes for CROWN [were done] and associated bank accounts were all closed.
Linda R is also requesting more communication from management, specifically about transactions made on the credit card. It can be hard to categorize transactions and she needs to verify what they were for. It was agreed that Ben will send Linda the card statements.
Projects need accountability, and it can help us to assign a person to the task. There are several unfinished tasks that we need to move along. Next year are management elections where new members will join and old members will leave the board. We will also be moving on to focus on the budget soon.
Action Item: John will contact sewer scoping person.
Action Item for Becca to talk to Lucas about the play structure
John is assigned to this task
Do we want to paint or maintain or replace? No volunteers for this project.
Decision: Ask community who can take fascia project on. If not, roll this task over till next year.
Action Item: Becca will ask community for volunteers for fascia project
Action Item: Mary will talk to someone about the cement on the path
Action Item: Becca will contact Elaine and ask who did her pavers
Ben assigned to this
Kellie and Becca assigned to this
Action Item: Kay will look into service contracts for above appliances
Kellie assigned
Action Item: Mary will ask Scott Price if he's still interested in looking into this.
Action Item: Becca will talk to process about getting fire extinguisher walkthrough done at ACM
Kay facilitates next meeting
From John Garrison, Thursday, September 7, 2017 6:14 PM
Hi Kellie--
Thanks for the extraordinarily quick action circulating the meeting notes! Greatly appreciated by all, I'm certain...
John G to notify community of roof schedule
Mary will provide sewer scope contact information for follow-up
Kay to assemble list of ownership status for each unit, including mortgage holder information;
John to set meeting for working committee;
Kay to doc-compare current and proposed by laws as starting point for committee
Ben to look into opening savings account
Mgmt to send compliance notification reminder letter to each landlord requiring lease copies
Ben checking with city planning department on 20' roadway requirements for WC
Process committee request: CH guest room usage discussion at next ACM
Process committee request: schedule Ben's co-housing highlights presentation at next ACM
Review and approval of 8/1 meeting minutes
Management meeting times for balance of year changed to 7:30 pm start time
Maintenance minute: Roofing project start date is Sept 6; John G to notify community; Mary will provide sewer scope contact information for follow-up; North Field light components arrived, next step is modifying parts and bringing electrician out for install
Landscape update: branches on roof segments to be redone next month will be removed by Matt and Mary; Linda W-G provided name of risk arborist for Lynda A follow-up (Lynda A not present);
Declaration and CC&R review: Kay to assemble list of ownership status for each unit, including mortgage holder information; mortgage holders' approval necessary for any changes; John to set meeting for working committee; Kay to doc-compare current and proposed by laws as starting point for committee
Financial update: Linda R. making great progress in streamlining the community financial information; Ben to look into opening savings account & move any funds over 2 months operating expenses from the checking account to the savings account to earn interest
Landlord compliance: management will send compliance notification reminder letter to each landlord requiring lease copies. Landlord current address file needs updating.
Discussion around new insurance policy bill. Resident reminder that management committee is the only entity to enter Wasatch Commons into contracts.
Discussion around common pathway through the community and the legal requirement for the pathway to be 20' wide roadway for emergency vehicle access. This was part of the original community design, Ben checking with city planning department to learn more.
Discussion on CH guest room usage and contributions. Suggestion to post a contribution notice in room along with pre-printed envelopes for contributions; also discussed cleaning options, as not all hosts are cleaning after their guest stays. Ideas to be discussed at next ACM
Ben and Esther toured co-housing communities in Colorado, and gathered information on co-housing life and operations from their perspectives. Ben will present the highlights at the next ACM
Whoops! Let's try that again!
John will call Scott Hirschi (insurance agent) and try and figure out what happened/ if he was contacted by anyone in the community
Mary will give written list of high priority tree work to management
John will consult with Linda WG about getting a hazard arborist to come out and evaluate the property.
Mary will talk to sprinkler people and get sewer scope recommendation.
Ben will look for attorney recoendations and get back to us
Becca will talk to Hans about getting copies of the leases. Will find out where the physical copies went.
Kay will look into West Berm flooding.
-Linda Reed is still working on updating the accounts receivable to make sure everything is matching and entered correctly.
-Linda R. received a letter notifying the community that a policy issues by CNA Assurity for a
"dishonesty rider" was cancelled, and they issued a $122 refund. Management was not aware this policy existed or that it had been cancelled. This policy probably covers the HOA from fraudulent actions of board members.
Action Item: John will call Scott Hirschi (insurance agent) and try and figure out what happened/ if he was contacted by anyone in the community
It's easier if one person in the community is the point person for the insurance company to decrease the chance of wires being crossed and miscommunications.
-Mary reimbursed the community for her 2014 and 2016 water usage.
- There was an incident in 2014 where Mary hired a tree maintenance person personally and had them do work on the community as well. Management, at the time, agreed to reimburse her
$200. Hans recalled that Mary was reimbursed for that money
Has been delivered and is hooked up, but not pushed into wall. Update: the washing machine is pushed back into the wall & ready to use
Dryer not working?
The outside vents are blocked with debri. They need to be cleaned out every two months.
The most recent work party was a success (linseed oil application to dumpster enclosures).
Best to use a pressure washer next time.
Next work party?
Still too hot to work outside or finish the gutters. It was suggested that we could work on the common house one room at a time and do a deep clean.
Decision: next work party will clean the sitting room. Get volunteers from ACM.
Ty Harrison was an professor and a friend of Vaughn (former community member) who walked through the community and gave an ecological email, including a tree assessment, in
2010. Use these estimates and get an estimate on tree removal from Diamond service.
Action Item: Mary will give written list of high priority tree work to management
Who can remove a tree? There are various opinions on the prorities of tree removal, but it's important that we respect that trees belong to all of us as community members. Individuals cannot make executive decisions to remove trees on their own. Management will instead come up with a plan for tree removal based on consultation with various experts.
Action item: John will consult with Linda WG about getting a hazard arborist to come out and evaluate the property.
Mary will talk to sprinkler people and get sewer scope recommendation.
Putting in gravel in your front yard where it meets the common path can make mowing hazardous. Important to keep it clear, don't obstruct it.
Our HOA free schedule is not in legal compliance with our CC&RS. We consented the changes but haven't filed them. Previously, some of the banks objected to some of the changes, even though the language did not apply to them because it didn't change their allocation. Is it possible to only submit the changes that have to do with allocation?
Should we use a different attorney this time? He was careful and made good suggestions but perhaps the tactics could be improved. We will still use the draft that was created regardless.
Can we consult as a management committee with the attorney? Fe is $220/hour.
Action item: Ben will look for attorney recoendations and get back to us.
John sent out a helpful table with the list of roofing segments repaired. Roofing is scheduled for the end of August.
Lucas will email the community with a decision.
Where to store these leases? We can put a copy in a locked cabinet in the office.
Action item: Becca will talk to Hans about getting copies of the leases. Will find out where the physical copies went.
Kay will look into West Berm flooding.
On Aug 15, 2017 7:00 PM, Kellie Henderson wrote:
Becca will talk to Hans about getting copies of the leases. Will find out where the physical copies went.
Kay will look into West Berm flooding.
Becca will talk to north field play structure committee and get a decision on repair or replace as well as a deadline
Lynda a will ask Mike P.
Kay will ask Mary about getting sewers scoped.
Ben will ask Linda Reed who has repaired stucco in the past.
: Kellie will contact contractors for snow removal in the winter
Ben Will talk to unit 5 and ok the patio bricks.
Kay will look up the declaration.***Follow ups from last meeting**
- Linda WG is still narrowing down the list of hazard arborists
- Linda WG is still looking for a cylinder for the north field light, trying to get ahold of suppliers
- Northfield play structure update: Mary would like to stabilize the structure and will give a proposal to the committee.
- Washing machine was scheduled to arrive on Monday but that didn't happen. Ben will call them. Can we use the existing hoses? We will ask the repairman if they will hold. up
Are these a management or ACM task? Management is, for now, de facto maintenance and, since members are elected and come to most meetings, follow up is easier.
Decision: Come up with a structure and get volunteers from ACM
What work can community members do that Matt Noorda is getting paid to do now? Can we finish the gutters from the first work party? Probably too hot.
Decision: plan a work party and announce and ask for volunteers at next ACM. Will be cleaning and oiling dumpster enclosures.
Susan and Richard are getting nervous about their sewer system as the pipe is still broken.
Is it our responsibility? The CC&Rs say no, but does the Condo Act trump them? If we cover this repair, does it set a bad precedent?
First step: Consult a lawyer to read CC&Rs and give advice.
Second: Consult lawyer who drafted them.
Third: Talk to community.
Action Item: Lynda a will ask Mike P.
Kay will ask Mary about getting sewers scoped.
Starting to rot. Should we paint it? Eventually should replace with metal. Decision: repaint this year, then look into replacement.
Action item: Ben will ask Linda Reed who has repaired stucco in the past.
Kathy A spoke with management about the trees on the property. During her tenure on management, they had decided to eventually remove all the Siberian Elms. They had an expert do an ecological assessment of the trees and he recommended removal for many reasons. They don't attract song birds, etc.
Wild Bill, who evaluated our property several weeks ago, is a hazard arborist and recommended removal of only a few of the elms. He said they were good shade trees and cost of removal would be prohibitive.
Next steps? Still need more information and to get evaluation from other tree companies.
Probably doesn't need a proposal.
Action item: Kellie will contact contractors for snow removal in the winter
Just replacing pavers with bricks, similar to common path. At some point will build a free standing gazebo that will be removable.
What has been done historically about structures built in limited common area? There was some discussion on how to handle. This will require further research.
Action Item: Ben Will talk to unit 5 and ok the patio bricks.
Kay will look up the declaration.
Lynda A will contact a second tree service as well as Diamond tree service for a second opinion.
Mary will talk to Scott Dixon and get a priority list of tree work
Linda WG will contact hazard arborist.
John will make appointment with roofers?
Linda WG and Kathy K will go forward with fixing the light
Kellie will get updated quotes from electricians for electrical work and contact Steve Harris.
Becca will talk to Lucas about the north field play structure**Reserve Analysis**
Haven't heard anything from Dale since the walk through. He has the paperwork he needs, though he hasn't asked for HOA rates, etc.
Lynda did a walkthrough with Wild Bill's tree service and took copious notes. There are a list of trees that need removal or maintenance and suggested the community prioritize the trees. He recommends we do 2-3 of necessary work then maintenance there after.
There was some discussion as to whether this tree service was too conservative since the goal is to preserve trees whenever possible. Maintenance over time can be costly, especially with problem trees.
Action Item: Lynda A will contact a second tree service as well as Diamond tree service for a second opinion.
Mary will talk to Scott Dixon and get a priority list of tree work
Linda WG will contact hazard arborist.
Kay mended irrigation on Utah street. Compost was spread on the lawn. Mary and Alex worked in the East Berm.
We now have 2 more fire extinguishers. Thanks Mary!!
Kathy K presented the recommendations for a new washing machine as decided by the ad hoc washing machine committee. They recommend a Samsung residential unit. Commercial units are twice as much as residential. A unit with a charge attached would only be available for commercial units, so that discussoon was tabled for the time being.
Mary would like to have the old washing machine.
Decision: Purchase new machine with credit card.
$23,000 for the roofs on the list( 14 roof segments). We are ready to start work.
Do we need to do every roof on the list? If we do fewer segments the price per square goes up.
Between this year's and last year's list we'll have fewer roofs to do over the next few years.
If roofers take credit card we can get cash back.
Decision: schedule roofers to come out.
Kathy K submitted the paperwork for FHA approval after initial rejection. We now have the required level of fidelity insurance.
Found replacement cap and cylinder. $300 or less cost estimate.
Decision: approve the funds.
Action item: Linda WG and Kathy K will go forward with fixing the light.
Mark made copies of the key to the lock on his back gate. Lynda a made a copy and put it in the key box.
There is a sale on ovens that ends tomorrow. At this point, we're not ready to purchase and can wait until the labor day sale.
Most of the oven models that were considered had a 1 year warranty. However, if we purchase with the credit card it gives us an additional warranty. Most double wall oven models have at least one convection oven.
Action item: Kellie will get updated quotes from electricians for electrical work and contact
Steve Harris.
Need to consult with play structure committee.
Action Item: Becca will talk to Lucas about the north field play structure
Still need lease for unit #14, Scott and Marina can't find their lease.
Mel and Annalise submitted a receipt for work done on the ceiling of their unit due to a leaky roof. This won't be covered by homeowners insurance (too low for deductible).
Decision: reimburse Mel and Annalise.
Joel sent an email notifying management of some adjustments he wants to make to his back patio. After some discussion, management's best practice recommendations are:
- talk to your immediate neighbors about the project.
- make an announcement at ACM.
There was some confusion about what to do if the project involves a structure (ie an arbor) constructed on the limited common area.
Decision: Ask unit 5 for clarification on their project.
Becca will send an email noting that our next Management Meeting will be on the 11th July, instead of the 4th.
Myste will contact David Morrison and Dean Pataja to get quotes for repairing the pavers in front of her unit.
Kay will look for the brick pavers consensed agreement.
Ben will pay the Concierge Cooler for starting up the swamp coolers in the Common House and garage.
Each member of Management will check to see if they have any conflicts with the new facilitation schedule.
John, Lynda, Joel and Mary will meet with Reserve Analysis preparer at 10 am on Tuesday 27th June. John will invite others interested.
Lynda will contact new tree service in Bountiful and arrange for walk through. Will then publish date and invite others.
Kathy K and her group will do more research on washing machines and report at next Management Meeting.
Ben will be sure existing bills are charged to our credit card to ensure we profit from generous first month credit refund.
Kathy K and the North Field Light group will send a written estimate to Management for consideration.
Kathy K will follow up with insurance agent about cost of raising fidelity bond to qualify us for FHA certification.
Kathy K will send invitation to community for ad hoc committee concerning changing table. Proposal then to go to ACM.
Becca will contact Lucas to determine outcome of North Field play structure discussion so John can get back to insurance person.
Myste updated us on the Concierge Cooler Service visit. Repairs were needed to CH and Workshop coolers. Concierge proposes a $20 shutdown fee to be arranged by Myste and done for all participants on the same day. Ben will pay bill for the Common House and Workshop charges.
Myste asked again about the grassy paver situation outside her house that was consensed to be repaired by the community several years ago. Kay will find that documentation, Myste will get bids.
The next few months' Facilitation Schedule was proposed. Board members will double check for conflicts.
Date is Tuesday June 27th at 10 am. Meet at Common House if you are interested in walking the property for this meeting. Expected to be several hours.
Lynda has obtained numbers for a new tree service out of Bountiful. She will contact them and arrange a walk through. Time and date will be posted so that interested community members can attend.
Washing Machine Update
The Washing Machine group has come up with many interesting facts about repairing or replacing washing machines, but more info is coming in. Committee will finish research and present at next Management Meeting.
John will prioritize needed roof repairs and come up with a plan that will take care of the most urgent roofing needs with any remaining repairs to be made based on suggestions from the Reserve Analysis study.
Kay has been able to fix water to the West Berm and it is now operational.
Linda Reed emailed Management with our latest finacial documents. All HOA fees were paid this month and no unit incurred late fees. Ben is trying to have us pay as many bills as possible using our new credit card as it gives us a substantial rebate.
North Field Lighting Update
Committee has met and has worked out which lighting fixtures they need. Will send an estimate to Management.
We now meet most of the criteria for FHA approval, however the FHA is still rejecting our application because our fidelity bond insurance is not high enough. Kathy K will follow through with our insurance company to find out how much it will cost to increase this bond from 100K to 135K and then email Management so they can authorize this last roadblock.
Changing Table in Handicapped Bathroom in CH
Kathy K will form an ad hoc committee to research and recommend a wall-mounted changing table. Brief proposal will then be brought to an ACM.
Our solar panels are now connected to the Internet and can tell us how much power we are generating and if individual panels are faulty.
We are still waiting to know what has been decided about the North Field play structure so that John can respond to the insurance company. Becca will contact committee chair to find out.
Meeting adjourned with next meeting to be held July 11, 2017
Ben will follow up with Joel about renter agreement.
Kay will try and find some buckets and scoops for the work party Saturday
Ben will ask Scott Hirschi who pays to fix the sewer pipe below Susan's unit and ask if we can pay insurance with a credit card
Ben will finish reserve transfer over to the Spark bank account.
Mary will shop around for other quotes for fire extinguisher servicing, then will choose a company and make an appointment.
Becca will talk to Process committee about the future of the North Field play structure, as well as work parties on an ongoing basis.
Becca will label the new mower as "lawns only"
Lynda A will notify the community via email this mower is only to be used on lawns
Becca will acquire the manual for the electric lawn mower. If manual is acquired, buy a replacement battery.
Lynda A will email John about Susan's swamp cooler and Annalise and Mel's roofing issues
Becca will ask Ace disposal if they charge a fee when paying by credit card
Ben will do more research on credit cards.
Kellie will follow up with Joel about plan for oven electrical
(from last meeting)
Kellie will get more information from electricians about ovens like, what info does the electrician need before we buy? Double oven or two separate ovens?
Becca will research ovens.
Ben will research alternatives to Chase bank.
Action Item: Ben will follow up with Joel about renter agreement.
Becca and Kellie were tasked with planning the work party for Saturday, May 20th from 10am-noon. The plan is to encourage the entire community to clean their first story rain gutters and spray any wasp nests on their property and common property.
-Tackle the roofs in teams. Only have 2 or 3 ladders.
-Have at least two "point people" who remain by the common house to pass out equipment, give instructions, and organize teams
When Roto-rooter responded to Susan's unit they said the root problem could be caused by tree or bush roots. If the trees and bushes are watered properly they won't go searching out sewer pipes for water.
What kind of sewer pipes do we have? Most pipes are plastic or concrete. Kay believes we have concrete pipes.
Every time this problem is brought up in management, the issue is difficult to tackle because the scope of the problem is unknown. Scoping of sewer pipes is needed to ascertain if other units are affected and if the issue is ongoing. Do we have a map of the sewer line? We possibly have a map with the construction drawings, however, these maps might be inaccurate.
Per Roto-rooter, the sewer pipe below Susan's unit is still broken. Who pays to replace it, the HOA's insurance or the homeowner's? Will discuss further at the next meeting.
Action Item: Ben will ask Scott Hirschi who pays to fix the sewer pipe below Susan's unit
Updates from Ben.
-Monthly statements are being emailed to the community
-Quickbooks allows free ACH transfers. Ben sent out a consent form for people to fill out authorizing automatic transfers from their bank account to our account. This is preferable to having to deposit paper checks.
Richard bought the camera from Costco that he mentioned the previous meeting, but it had poor resolution so he returned it.
Matt agreed to do the second story rain gutters, but unknown when he will follow up.
Spark account is set up and ready to go, but a few test deposits must be made before the reserve funds can be transferred. This is tricky because we don't have online access to the Federal Credit Union account, so Ben is having to drive down to the branch to verify the deposited amounts. He believes it should be complete by this weekend, however.
Action Item: Ben will finish reserve transfer over to the Spark bank account.
John and Lynda A attended the second walk-through risk assessment with the insurance company. A few things:
-Fire extinguishers in the common house need to be serviced a. Mary called a company that services fire extinguishers, they charge $20/extinguisher, which is a good price. b. Insurance company also suggested we get a second fire extinguisher for the kitchen.
Action Item: Mary will shop around for other quotes for fire extinguisher servicing, then will choose a company and make an appointment.
-Play structure by the common house is sturdy and safe, insurance rep had a few minor suggestions for added safety
-North Field play structure, however, is not anchored securely and moved a few inches when pushed. It needs to be destroyed. This will be discussed at an ACM
Action Item: Becca will talk to Process committee about the future of the North Field play structure, as well as work parties on an ongoing basis.
Carol bought a new lawn mower that works! Carol doesn't want to be reimbursed, but the community can use the mower and will pay to maintain it. To prevent the pitfalls of other mowers on the property, this one will only be used to mow lawns, not berms, which can be rough on a mower.
Action Item: Becca will label the new mower as "lawns only"
Lynda A will notify the community via email this mower is only to be used on lawns
One of our mowers was used to mow the berms and the rubber tread came off. Mary had it serviced and the parts should be here in a few days. The other gas mower is working, per Mike W's test.
The electric mower isn't working, and several people strongly suspect it is a battery issue. To avoid unnecessary service fees, it was decided to replace the battery first.
Action Item: Becca will acquire the manual for the electric lawn mower. If manual is acquired, buy a replacement battery.
The tubing from Susan's swamp coo ler was wrapped around her roof vent, causing it to leak. Most likely, the roofers did this while working on her unit last year. Should Susan pay Matt to do it and get roofers to reimburse her, or contact
John and get roofers out to fix the tubing?
Action Item: Lynda A will email John about Susan's swamp cooler and Annalise and Mel's roofing issues
Linda Reed sent an email update to management members:
-Most people have caught up on their outstanding dues since statements were sent out
-Is $25/mo fee harsh? Management: no complaints from community. This fee was consensed so cannot change it without another consensus process. Will report back if complaints when the fee goes into effect in June.
-Spark bank account should be opened later this week. Kay and Kellie are listed as co-signers
-Switched Quickbooks subscription from monthly to annual. This will save us $50/yr
Ben ordered a wifi adapter to get output readings from the solar panels.
Ben will get a chart set up that offers (anonymous) information about what money is owed to the community, etc.
Spark offers a 2% cash business credit card. There is a $59/yr fee, but we recoup the fee if we pay over $3k/year, which would be easy to do if we paid our insurance, water, and other utilities on the card. We would pay the credit card statement from the operational budget.
The city doesn't charge extra to pay a bill via credit card versus automatic bank withdrawal.
Action Item: Becca will ask Ace disposal if they charge a fee when paying by credit card
Ben will do more research on credit cards.
Hans has offered to buy Anne's unit, which would make him owner of 3 units in the community, violating FHA rules (no one can own more than 10% of the units). Does this need to go to ACM? Hans mentioned that others are interested in the unit, so he considers that a better solution. Topic is tabled at this time pending a buyer other than Hans.
New residents Annalise and Mel had a report about their roof. When they moved in to their unit (22), there was water damage on the ceiling from a leak. They were told it was due to the seal on the swamp cooler. According to swamp cooler techs who serviced their swamp cooler recently, this is a roof issue. The roof will need to be replaced, and, to avoid having to install the cooler twice, preferably before the new swamp cooler is installed.
Their question for management is: are they getting new roofs? If so, when? Can they be moved to the top of the list to avoid an extended period without a swamp cooler? Carol mentioned she might be near the top of the list for a roof replacement and offered to let Annalise and Mel go first.
This question brings up general questions about the roofing project: How many roofs are scheduled to be replaced this year? When? How many roofs have to be patched?
Bees have invaded unit 25. The bees are not inside the living space, but in the ceiling between the first and second floor. There was some discussion about getting a removal company to relocate the bees without killing them, if possible. It was suggested that wire mesh be put on the outside of any holes in unit 25 to prevent this happening again.
More information is still pending from the electrical companies who offered the bids on the common house. Joel had an idea to have Steve Harris, electrician, do some of the wiring, have the insured electricians do the rest, and have laborers patch the drywall.
Action Item: Kellie will follow up with Joel about plan for oven electrical
Becca and Kellie will plan the work party and send an email out!
Kellie will get more information from electricians about ovens like, what info does the electrician need before we buy? Double oven or two separate ovens?
Becca will research ovens.
Ben will research alternatives to Chase bank.
Action item from 4.18: "Linda WG and Mary will confer with Marina about root problem. Will return and report to management."
Unknown if Linda Wg, Mary, or Marina were able to talk about the root issue.
Default to email statements unless otherwise stated? What about people who don't check their email?
Action Item: Ben will make an announcement at the next ACM about emailed statements.
Decision: Will email all statements.
Ben sent an email to Joel asking for a lease from his new tenant, as required by bylaws, will follow up.
Kay was tasked with finding out if we consensed over the $25 late fee for HOA dues. As she found out, it was actually consensed twice.
Next steps: Management will notify the community that the late fee is going into effect in June. Fees due on the 1st of the month, then there is a ten day grace period. If not paid by the tenth of the month, a $25/month late fee will be assessed. If a personal situation arises, appointments can be made to talk to management before they might have any issues paying.
Action Item: Ben will send out email telling community we are applying the $25 late fee starting June 1st (effective the 10th), UNLESS specific arrangements are made with management ahead of time.
Last meeting, Ben offered to go through the wasatch commons email and sift through some of the many unread emails. However, he still needs the password.
$462 of budget for 2017 left.
Richard has researched some cameras for the community. Unknown what brand they are, but they are sold by
Costco, $350 for 8 cameras. These cameras only record when there is an "event", ie, something sets off the motion sensor. The cameras also come with online access. All 8 cameras would be planned for the two car ports.
Jam club had a successful proposal to use the messy craft room for storage and to get a cabinet.
The person tasked with "re-wiring" the sprinkler system behind the car port gave Mary a date to do the work, but
Kay couldn't recall what the date was.
Matt turned in a time card for 38 hours.
Discussed giving Mary okay to have Matt clean the 2nd story gutters
9% of budget for contract labor used so far.
I. Linda R gave out a hand out of budgets vs actuals and percentage of budget for spending so far this year.
II. Linda R got some old receipts from Mary totalling $341.73. Are they too old?
Decision: Pay them. From now on, ask that receipts be turned in by the end of the budget year.
III. How much credit to give Mary for water? Need to decide actual usage.
Update: We need to pay money to get the official management list updated. Opening the Spark bank account and transferring reserves there is still in progress. Agreed we won't deposit money into reserves until move is officially made.
V. Accountants a. Who are our accountants, or who is our contact?
Used to be called "Lake, Hill, and Meyers" (?), but now has a new name. Linda R will follow up with Amy and find out if we paid taxes. b, Roofing repairs from last year were booked as a "building asset". This might have tax implications, and it also buries the true cost. We should talk to an accountant about this.
There is capability to do ACH transfer through Quickbooks for free. Ben did a test run and he's waiting for it to show up on the bank account. It's unsure how we'd set up recurring transfers, however.
Multiple members of management have had frustrating experiences with the limited capabilities of Chase banks. Discussed possibility of moving money to another bank.
Action Item: Ben will research alternatives to Chase bank
The insurance company is doing another walk-through to determine the safety of our property. Location and time TBD.
Action Item: Lynda will send John an email about what's going on with the walk through and ask if he will be there and what we can do.
Estimates from electricians:
Next step? Someone needs to talk to Steve.
Overall, project will cost between $4-6,000.
Action Item: Kellie will get more information from electricians about ovens like, what info does the electrician need before we buy? Double oven or two different ovens?
Becca will research ovens.
Saturday the 20th, 10am-noon.
How many ladders do we need?
How to help?
Action Item: Becca and Kellie will plan and send an email out!
Carol mentioned that many people are having trouble accessing the google calendar. Diary emails need to be sent out.
Kathy K will email community about forming committee to choose new light top for North Field light.
Kellie will send email asking community member to look for wasp nests on their own property and on community property.
Linda WG and Mary will confer with Marina about root problem. Will return and report to management.
Ben will send an email out and put financial statements in internal mail folder.
Kay will look through her records to see if we consensed on the fee.
Ben will review some of the emails to wasatchcommons at gmail dot com
Originally, Steve Harris, our electrician, was scheduled on Tuesday the 25th to work on the North Field light. After much discussion regarding the pros and cons of different light fixtures and tops, it was decided that Kathy K would form an ad hoc committee to research a replacement top and they would ask Steve for advice on recommendations.
Action Item: Kathy K will email community about forming committee to choose new light tops.
Action Item Updates
Company hasn't returned Mary's call. She will continue to call
The 2 gas mowers are working
Vicky wants to adopt the electric mower. She believes the electric isn't working as far as she knows.
Insurance company will send another agent out for a risk assessment
Clean drains in the parking lots: Last year, Matt N and his brother did this. Involves lifting lid, going inside drain, scooping out al the water, and scraping off muck
Gutters: Best done after the trees have dropped all their blossoms.
Work party to clean first story rain gutters?
Best time: Mid May
Linda Reed bought a robot that does this and donated to the community. She believes Joel still has it.
Many active nests under several eaves
Ask community to let us know where the wasp nests are & take a picture of them
Residents can spray their own wasp nests, ask for help if they're unable to. We have community wasp spray.
Action Item: Kellie will send email asking community member to look for wasp nests on their own property and on community property.
Should we try the foam treatment that Marina recommended? We can also confer with the company that does our reserve analysis and tap his contacts.
Action Item: Linda WG and Mary will confer with Marina about root problem. Will return and report to management.
Painting is needed on the front of houses. Possible wood rot? If we contracted out this work, would a laborer replace the wood as well?
Painting goals:
Linseed oil on porches on all the vertical and horizontal beams. Once this has been applied to each porch we can re-apply every other year.
$5,000 of the fees owed us have been paid. $11,000 is still owed.
Action Item: Ben will send an email out and put financial statements in internal mail folder.
HOA fees are paid [due] on the 1st of the month with a ten day grace period, then a $25 late fee.
Action Item: Kay will look through her records to see if we consensed on the fee.
We will continue to charge $5/mo late fee for assessment.
We now have access to wasatchcommons at gmail dot com . There are 805 unread emails!
Action Item: Ben will review some of these emails.
Spark bank needed a letter from the IRS in order to apply for online bank account for reserve. Now that the form has been submitted, it should take 5-7 business days to hear back.
Need more information from Chase to set this up. Ben will continue to research this.
There was a letter sent to our community regarding Hans petitioned the city to vacate the alleyway south of our property. If city vacates the alleyway, someone has the option to purchase it. Virtually nothing would change for our community.
Dog Poop
Lots of dog poop left in dog run. How to solve this problem? What is the city ordinance on loose dogs?
Renters agreements
Discussed the need to get renters agreements from all new renters (minus sub-letters, of course).
-Kathy K will email community about forming committee to choose new light top for North
Field light.
- Kellie will send email asking community member to look for wasp nests on their own property and on community property.
-Linda WG and Mary will confer with Marina about root problem. Will return and report to management.
-Ben will send an email out and put financial statements in internal mail folder.
-Kay will look through her records to see if we consensed on the fee.
- Ben will review some of the emails to
Topics: Approval of minutes, North field light fixture, Update on previous meeting action items,
Maintenance Minute, Financial update, ACH transfers, Alley way, Dog poop, renters
Originally, Steve Harris, our electrician, was scheduled on Tuesday the 25th to work on the
North Field light. After much discussion regarding the pros and cons of different light fixtures and tops, it was decided that Kathy K would form an ad hoc committee to research a replacement top and they would ask Steve for advice on recommendations.
Action Item: Kathy K will email community about forming committee to choose new light tops.
Company hasn't returned Mary's call. She will continue to call
The 2 gas mowers are working.
Vicky wants to adopt the electric mower. She believes the electric isn't working as far as she knows.
Insurance company will send another agent out for a risk assessment
Clean drains in the parking lots: Last year, Matt N and his brother did this. Involves lifting lid, going inside drain, scooping out al the water, and scraping off muck
Gutters: Best done after the trees have dropped all their blossoms. Work party to clean first story rain gutters? Best time: Mid May
Linda Reed bought a robot that does this and donated to the community. She believes Joel still has it.
Many active nests under several eaves.
Ask community to let us know where the wasp nests are & take a picture of them
Residents can spray their own wasp nests, ask for help if they're unable to. We have community wasp spray.
Action Item: Kellie will send email asking community member to look for wasp nests on their own property and on community property.
Should we try the foam treatment that Marina recommended? We can also confer with the company that does our reserve analysis and tap his contacts.
Action Item: Linda WG and Mary will confer with Marina about root problem. Will return and report to management.
Painting is needed on the front of houses. Possible wood rot? If we contracted out this work, would a laborer replace the wood as well?
Linseed oil on porches on all the vertical and horizontal beams. Once this has been applied to each porch we can re-apply every other year.
$5,000 of the fees owed us have been paid. $11,000 is still owed.
Action Item: Ben will send an email out and put financial statements in internal mail folder.
HOA fees are paid on the 1st of the month with a ten day grace period, then a $25 late fee.
Action Item: Kay will look through her records to see if we consensed on the fee.
We will continue to charge $5/mo late fee for assessment.
We now have access to There are 805 unread emails!
Action Item: Ben will review some of these emails.
Spark bank needed a letter from the IRS in order to apply for online bank account for reserve. Now that the form has been submitted, it should take 5-7 business days to hear back.
Need more information from Chase to set this up. Ben will continue to research this.
There was a letter sent to our community regarding Hans petitioned the city to vacate the alleyway south of our property. If city vacates the alleyway, someone has the option to purchase it. Virtually nothing would change for our community.
Lots of dog poop left in dog run. How to solve this problem? What is the city ordinance on loose dogs?
Discussed the need to get renters agreements from all new renters (minus sub-letters, of course).
John will ask insurance company for clarification on their risk assessment
Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
Kay will put maintenance request forms on the clipboard
Mike W will check out lawn mowers first to see if he can fix them and do an oil change
Mary will schedule thE rewiring of the sprinkler system behind the carport.
Mary will supervise Matt while he fixes the two gas lawnmowers (if Mike W is unable to)
Ben and Kay will set up Spark's account.
Ladder and wheelbarrow. Mary will order with the debit card and get receipts
Izzy/lawn care. She does want to mow lawns, but what about the field and other places?
Roots/plumbing. Mary checked with a couple of companies who do plumbing inspections, but they charged several hundred dollars per home, which is out of our price range in a 26-unit community. She suggested it might be cheaper to rent or buy a specialized camera for ourselves.
* Mark's unit. No closer to finding solution to noises. Linda R suggested contacting a firm that does sound trace and diagnostic. There is a company in town that charges a flat rate of $598 per case. Mark hasn't been able to get ahold of them. One test: turn off Mark's water for a night, then turn off Myste's water a subsequent night. This will help determine if this is a plumbing issue. Mark consented to this decision and will update management with the results.
Ben and Mary put together an initial draft of a maintenance calendar.
ú Handyman request was sent to community. So far, Dean was recommended as a handyman. $40/hr Kathy K mentioned she had an electrician she could recommend
ú Kay drafted the maintenance forms but hasn't posted them yet
ú Mike W got one lawn mower running, but the black one wouldn't start
Have Matt to look over the lawn mower for 15 mins to see if he can fix it
ú Speed's does service lawnmower, charges $56.95 for gas and electric
ú Mary will wait another week to schedule re-wiring of the system. She wants to wait until the rain stops
ú Ben opened the Spark's account but he needs a letter from the IRS
ú John set up the online Utah Federal Credit Union online account, but one hiccup is there is an email address of wasatchcommons at gmail dot com registered. Email verifications go to that email. Do we know who has access to that email account?
Should we close the Federal Credit Union account? Ben can close it once Spark's is set up
Accounts receivable is up-to-date. Linda R generated statements for all non-zero accounts. Some people were confused about what they needed to pay, some households were charged 2015 rates in 2016, and others were not charged the $5 late fee for the assessment.
Where to put the statements? After some discussion, it was decided that residents can choose a physical statement or an electronic one. Physical statements will be placed in a sealed envelope in the internal mail folder. If they're not picked up in one week, Lynda A will hand deliver them to each resident.
What is the history of our deal with Naomi for the solar panels? According to Hans, Naomi paid most of the cost of the solar panels. No contract was physically written, which seemed to be what she preferred. How much did Naomi actually pay? Ben will talk to the solar panel company and try to find out.
Kathy K made a request to fix the light fixture in the North Field for the garden work parties. Estimate of $200 to fix, Kathy K offered to cover extra cost. We could replace the entire fixture, especially since the fixture is old, however, Mary has the parts to repair the fixture.
Kathy A reported this. You can hear water leaking inside the tank, not outside.
Hans reported standing water over the storm drain near the east garden boxes. He's been measuring the water every day or so, if doesn't rain it drops by an inch.
City says that all runoff stays on our property. However, we can appeal to the water department and they can grant us permission to use the city storm drains. Hans will write a letter asking for permission to pump water out.
Larger problem is that our water retention plans are for normal rain years, and with a changing climate we will get more rain.
Insurance company did a walkthrough of the property and identified a few areas of risk:
Playground as an "attractive nuisance" (unknown which play structure)
Fire extinguishers, no further details
Action Item: John clarify with insurance company which play structure, what the problem is with the fire extinguishers.
Elaine asked management if she could level the cement block patio in her backyard. Since this is not permanent and her neighbors are okay with the idea, management approves the plan.
Ben and Mary will write up a first draft of maintenance calendar. This will include maintenance work items in various intervals ie seasonally, monthly, weekly, etc
Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
John will notify the community about this new system of tackling maintenance
Kellie will "crowd source" a handyman/electrician
Kay will put maintenance request forms on the clipboard
Mike W will check out lawn mowers first to see if he can fix them and do an oil change
Kellie will call Speed's and see if he will service the electric lawnmower and how much he will charge
Mary will schedule the rewiring of the sprinkler system behind the carport.
Mary will supervise Matt while he fixes the two gas lawnmowers (if Mike W is unable to)
Ben and Kay will set up Spark's account.
John will set up an online University Federal Credit Union account and get necessary info from Hans.
John will notify the community about this new system of tackling maintenance
Kellie will "crowd source" a handyman/electrician
Kay will put maintenance request forms on the clipboard
Maintenance of equipment/Insurance
John sent an email to the management list asking (1) if we wanted to renew our Employers Liability insurance for $495, (2) If we wanted to switch that policy over to Scott Hirschi and discontinue Sentry West, (3) if we consented to Mary scheduling a spring re-wiring of the sprinkler system for east carport, and (4) if we would like to pay for a tune up of our lawn mowers.
Consensus to agree to all four proposals.
Action Items: Mike W will check out lawn mowers first to see if he can fix them and do an oil change
Kellie will call Speed's and see if he will service the electric lawnmower and how much he will charge
Mary will schedule the rewiring of the sprinkler system behind the carport.
Mary will supervise Matt while he fixes the two gas lawnmowers (if Mike W is unable to)
Linda R gave Ben a hand out of accounts payable and accounts receivable. Quickbooks takes a long time to sync with the server. Every year since 1998 is still active on QB, do we want them to be active or should we archive them? Might make the program run faster. In addition, every resident account that has ever been active on QB and 180 vendors are still "active".
Decision: Transfer reserves to Spark account to receive a 1% interest rate.
Action Item: Ben and Kay will set up Spark's account.
John will set up an online University Federal Credit Union account and get necessary info from Hans.
Ladder and wheelbarrow need to be replaced. Kay will help Mary come up with a proposal if the total cost is over $250.
Scott Dixon can't work on our trees until May. Matt Noorda has been working on removing dead branches in the West Berm and wild area. They will continue to clear dead branches for the time being.
Izzy will continue mowing lawns for the season.
Susan and Richard's unit has one toilet that won't flush.
History: in the fall of 2016, the community paid $250 to roto-rooter to clear out some roots that had invaded their pipes. Mike W went over to help plunge their toilets. Because only one toilet is affected, and the rest of their plumbing works fine, it's probably not a sewer problem. At one point we had video of roots invading the pipes, but the company lost it. Roto-rooter thought bush roots were the problem, not tree roots.
If the community does pay for a sewer expert to look at the pipes, it should be for every unit. This is a larger project that would involve talking to sewage contractors and getting multiple estimates and opinions. When should we take this on?
Lynda A called Walton plumbing and asked him about the noises, and he said it's probably the pressure regulator valve. They made an appointment to look at the plumbing and install one. Myste says she one was installed 18 months ago, which, upon further inquiry, Walton found in his records. Additionally, Myste says there's no plumbing in that shared wall.
What to do next? Perhaps we should look at the plans and confirm where the plumbing is. Should we have Walton Plumbing look at Mark's wall? What will he charge? Should consult Mark as well.
Management has devoted a lot of time in the past year to finding someone to lead the maintenance committee. Without a convener, maintenance still has to get done. Management has become the overseeing body for maintenance, but in reality, management members cannot and should not take on all these tasks themselves. John suggested we focus on a few items per meeting which may include follow up or appointing someone to recruit volunteers for a task. It might be easier for community members to tackle maintenance if a task is outlined for them. This will include emails to community and regular maintenance updates as part of the management committee update!
Ben will: add auto-pay feature on the 1st to pay Linda R
Find out exact amount Hobart charged us for work on dishwasher
Ask Chase about spending limits on Chase cards
Lynda A will contact Walton Plumbing about the noises in Mark's apartment
Ben and Mary will write up a first draft of maintenance calendar. This will include maintenance work items in various intervals ie seasonally, monthly, weekly, etc
Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
Schedule reserve analysis and walkthrough
Furnace has been repaired!
Repaired through Affordable Heating and Air. This is the furnace in the attic near the craft room. Cost around $500
Matt Noorda is paid $20/hr because he is using his own equipment and he has his own insurance. Mike, Kathy a, and Amy at one point did help keep track of the things he got done. Ben got a copy of his time card and tried to double check it.
* Unanswered questions: Who assigns his work? Who signs off on it?
Landscaping: Mark cannot serve as landscaping head for at least a few months because of personal responsibilities. He brought up a few questions about the position:
* Who is responsible for what? If you plant something, do you have ownership of it
Tangent: How to empower committees to get work done?
Give them projects & ideas to start with
Encourage a culture of respecting committee decisions. If you don't like a decision a committee has made, attend their meetings. Many committees died because of complaining and criticism
Noises in Mark's unit
Background: Since the day Mark moved into his unit, he's heard loud noises in the night from the south wall, which borders the shed. The two previous tenants heard the noises as well. The noises has severely disturbed his sleep and lifestyle. Noise is:
* Series of loud bangs, as many as 9 in a row.
* Can occur up to 7 times in one night, several times a week
* Only during the night
* Because of the nature of the noise, very difficult to capture on recording equipment
Speculation as to cause:
Management agreed to take on the project.
Mark has bled his pipes, but Myste's pipes have not been bled. Is this possibly air in the pipes?
Action Item: Lynda A will contact Walton Plumbing and ask for a consultation.
Ben has found a company- Dale Gifford with Complex Solutions- to do a reserve analysis for $1500. Per our bylaws the president has to sign the paperwork. Complex Solutions is scheduling for May. Will do a walkthrough of the property beforehand that will take several hours.
Pricing: Conference calls, emails are no charge. Mr. Gifford will attend a meeting for $150/hr. Analysis will take 7 weeks to complete.
Complex Solutions is a Utah-based, professionally certified company with 7 years experience in doing reserve analyses.
Decision: Schedule a walk through for the reserve analysis and Kay will sign the paperwork.
Linda Reed is officially the new bookkeeper. She has two boxes of files from Amy, one of which is full of documents management should file away.
Action Item: Management will sort through papers in the box after cafe on the 18th.
Linda R will be paid $250/mo. Check will automatically be sent from Chase bank.
We need a clear reimbursement system.
Should we get a credit card? This is a security risk and we need to be able to track who is spending what.
Chase account balance: $25,000
Reserve money market account: $57,000
Many issues people in the community have with financials are because they are looking at the wrong Quickbooks report. Certain things need to be more clearly stated, for example, the community's debt to Naomi.
Linda R will sign off on a balance sheet so we can submit that for FHA approval.
Kellie will email Marc and ask: 1) Are you head of landscaping? 2) What are your goals for the committee 3) Do you have communication with Scott Dixon? 4) What can we do to help you?
Ben and Mary will write up a first draft of maintenance calendar. This will include maintenance work items in various intervals ie seasonally, monthly, weekly, etc
Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
Decisions: Repair the broken furnace part instead of replacing entire furnace.
Management discussed some things they would like to achieve over the next year:
Our Quickbooks subscription is in view-only mode because it wasn't paid for. This is normally done via debit card, and since the names on the Chase bank account were recently changed, this might have affected the auto-pay function. Ben ordered cards for every management member.
Is there a benefit to every management member having a debit card? We only use the card for a dozen or so purchases, and more debit cards=more risk. However, in an emergency it would enable us to pay without waiting.
Should we get a credit card? If we applied for one, Chase bank would run a credit check on one of us and on the business.
Miscellaneous financials
We are still waiting for the balance sheet
The water heater replacement in 2016 was paid out of a surplus in operating budget that would have gone to reserves anyway
There were questions at the ACM about the budget, including: What is our income is for HOA fees, and does that reflect members who are credited HOA feeds, like Naomi?
Mary got more lights for the carports from the electrician who originally wired them, we just need to install them.
Who's working with Scott Dixon (tree guy)? There are two trees in Vaughn's backyard that are leaning and may need to come out completely.
Who heads landscaping? Marc? Will confirm.
Action Item: Kellie will email Marc and ask: 1) Are you head of landscaping? 2) What are your goals for the committee 3) do you communicate with Scott Dixon? 4) What can we do to help you?
Who oversees Matt M. now that Mary doesn't? Questions we don't know the answer to:
Who is giving him his assignments"
What is his hourly rate?
Who signs off on his work?
We established last meeting that management will continue to be the interim committee for maintenance as we don't have a covener. Can we get a maintenance calendar? We could use Mary's extensive knowledge in order to make a draft and then edit it as a management committee.
Action Item: Ben and Mary will write up a first draft of maintenance calendar. This will include maintenance work items in various intervals ie seasonally, monthly, weekly, etc.
We do not know which model we want yet. We should probably run the electrical first before it's even a possibility. We need to screen other electricians and get comparable quotes. Steve Harris estimated: $500- $1,000. Becca will talk to Joel in order to get this done.
Action Item: Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
The furnace in the attic by the craft room requires a major repair, estimate from Affordable Heating & Air was $550, with $79 credit applied from the visit where they gave the estimate. Costs $3300 to replace. The draft inducer motor assembly needs replacing.
Should we replace the furnace or just repair for now?
A new furnace might be more efficient. However, new furnaces aren't really that much better for the environment. Current furnace runs at 90% efficiency and newer ones run at 95% efficiency.
Should we go with Affordable for this repair? Yes
Affordable did not give a lifespan of the furnace or recommend one option over the other.
Can we save money by buying the part ourselves? Part would run us $400 and would involve climbing into attic to find individual serial number.
Decision: Replace the broken part.
Kellie will email Marc and ask: 1) Are you head of landscaping? 2) What are your goals for the committee 3) Do you have communication with Scott Dixon? 4) What can we do to help you?
Ben and Mary will write up a first draft of maintenance calendar. This will include maintenance work items in various intervals ie seasonally, monthly, weekly, etc
Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
Management discussed some things they would like to achieve over the next year:
Our Quickbooks subscription is in view-only mode because it wasn't paid for. This is normally done via debit card, and since the names on the Chase bank account were recently changed, this might have affected the auto-pay function. Ben ordered cards for every management member.
Is there a benefit to every management member having a debit card? We only use the card for a dozen or so purchases, and more debit cards=more risk. However, in an emergency it would enable us to pay without waiting.
Should we get a credit card? If we applied for one, Chase bank would run a credit check on one of us and on the business.
We are still waiting for the balance sheet.
The water heater replacement in 2016 was paid out of a surplus in operating budget that would have gone to reserves anyway
There were questions at the ACM about the budget, including: What is our income is for HOA fees, and does that reflect members who are credited HOA feeds, like Naomi?
Mary got more lights for the carports from the electrician who originally wired them, we just need to install them.
Who's working with Scott Dixon (tree guy)? There are two trees in Vaughn's backyard that are leaning and may need to come out completely.
Who heads landscaping? Marc? Will confirm.
Action Item: Kellie will email Marc and ask: 1) Are you head of landscaping? 2) What are your goals for the committee 3) do you communicate with Scott Dixon? 4) What can we do to help you?
Who oversees Matt M. now that Mary doesn't? Questions we don't know the answer to:
We established last meeting that management will continue to be the interim committee for maintenance as we don't have a covener. Can we get a maintenance calendar? We could use Mary's extensive knowledge in order to make a draft and then edit it as a management committee.
Action Item: Ben and Mary will write up a first draft of maintenance calendar. This will include maintenance work items in various intervals ie seasonally, monthly, weekly, etc.
We do not know which model we want yet. We should probably run the electrical first before it's even a possibility. We need to screen other electricians and get comparable quotes. Steve
Harris estimated: $500- $1,000. Becca will talk to Joel in order to get this done.
Action Item: Becca will get quotes from two more electricians and Kellie will help.
The furnace in the attic by the craft room requires a major repair, estimate from Affordable
Heating & Air was $550, with $79 credit applied from the visit where they gave the estimate. Costs $3300 to replace. The draft inducer motor assembly needs replacing.
Should we replace the furnace or just repair for now?
A new furnace might be more efficient. However, new furnaces aren't really that much better for the environment. Current furnace runs at 90% efficiency and newer ones run at 95% efficiency.
Should we go with Affordable for this repair? Yes
Affordable did not give a lifespan of the furnace or recommend one option over the other.
Can we save money by buying the part ourselves? Part would run us $400 and would involve climbing into attic to find individual serial number.
Decision: Replace the broken part.
Hey all,
Since Kellie was facilitating our last meeting, I took minutes. As you will soon realize, that was a terrible idea- not only are they decidedly scattered, but I forgot I was supposed to send them out.
Here they are!
By the way, if you think something is wrong or I skipped something, you're probably correct; let me know!
With so many apologies,
Lynda A will talk to Hans about financials and get a status report.
Ben will compose a list of financial information management needs and will email it to the management list
John will check with Mike P about registering with the Department of Commerce and its pros and cons.
Sewer line repair
Oven replacement
HOA fee/duties automatization
Capitol Reserve study
Vacant maintenance manager position/time card from Shyra J
Assessment delinquencies (see Hans email Sept 6th)
Property maintenance report
Monthly Finance Statement
The first meeting of the new management team must select officers. John, Kellie, Lynda A, and Kay were nominated as President, and Kay was selected under the condition that Kellie would set the agenda and the position of facilitator would rotate. Ben was selected as treasurer and Kellie will remain secretary. The new members, Kay, Ben and Lynda A, will need to have their names added to the Chase bank account and at the credit union.
Management meetings will take place on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.
One of the first items of business for the new year is open financial information to management and the rest of the community. Management will need to make decisions as to what information is a priority to them and how often they want to see it.
Action Item: Ben will compose a list of necessary financial information and will email it to the management list
It's unknown if the books are up-to-date and Hans had expressed some concerns about the quickbooks report.
Action Item: Lynda A will talk to Hans about financials and get a status report.
According to the Utah Condominium Ownership Act, each HOA board is required to register with the Department of Commerce within 90 days of an election of a new board. This empowers us to do certain things, such as put a lien on a home. No one could recall if this had been done before for other management members.
(Update: As of this writing, Amy stated she had been registering the new management teams with the Department of Commerce each year.)
Action Item: John will check with Mike P about registering with the Department of Commerce and its pros and cons.
Hello Wacohos:
in the next ACM the community decides on the budget.
For this, management committee has to give you three things:
Mike Wason and Amy are still working on the financial statements.
The budget with the new HOA fees should be emailed to you soon.
Here is point (3), the report about the status of the reserve fund:
Beginning balance 1/1/2016 of the Wasatch Commons Reserve Account at the University Credit Union: $53,240.09
9/7/2016 Check Withdrawal for Roofing: $23,970.39
Additions to the reserve from monthly HOA Dues:
twelve times $1925 (each month)
and a one-time payment of $5000 in February 2016
Gives a total of $28,100.00 in additions.
Interest: $148.54
Therefore the ending balance on 12/31/2016 was $57,518.24
Despite a large expenditure for roofing we increased our reserves this year. Our reserve balance is continuing to recover. On Jan 1, 2015 it had been $14,659.49. This had been dangerously low, and we are now on a much more comfortable level.
Our next budget includes an increase in the monthly additions to the reserves. I think any formal reserve study would tell us just that: continue putting a large portion of our HOA dues into the reserve.
Hans will present reserve report to community
**Minutes approved by email
2016 Financial Report
At the annual meeting (January 11th) management will need to make a report on the 2016 financial, 2017 budget, and reserves. It is the responsibility of the outgoing management to leave the books in good working order for the next management committee. Since quickbooks is not up to date we cannot give an accurate accounting of the budget. For example, many units appear to be in arrears, and the new owners of unit 13 and unit 21 are not correct. According to our by-laws, owners in arrears can't vote at the annual meeting. However, the accuracy of who is or is not in arrears is under question. Amy, Hans and Joel will work on the books to get them in working order before the annual meeting, but that would only give owners in arrears a few days notice to put their unit in good standing.
Decision: This year, management will not enforce provision of by-laws that states members in arrears cannot vote at the annual meeting.
Reserve Report
Approximately 20% of our budget is going to reserves. We should give a report to the community, along with the 2017 and 2016 budget vs actuals, as to whether reserves went up or down and what we plan to spend them on in 2017. There was some discussion as to whether our reserves are adequate for our property needs, however, without a professional reserve analysis it's difficult to speculate.
Project another $20,000 approximately for roofing in 2017 (from reserves). After that, no roofing projects for a number of years.
What is the current balance of our reserves?
Action Item: Hans will present reserve report to community.
CROWN is officially closed! Taxes for 2017 have already been filed. NO future tax filings.
Should Wasatch Cohousing LLC be dissolved? It was originally created to start this community and these organizations are usually dissolved after construction. We will consult with Mike P if there is a benefit to retaining this organization.
Page generated May 19, 2020