Topics: Topics: goals, financials, boundary. Maintenance: painting fascia, gutter cleaning.
Topics: Topics: boundary adjustment; painting & repairing fascia & soffits. Financials; foreclosure
Decisions: Decisions: Not doing asphalt resealing this year.
Topics: Topics. maintenance: asphalt resealing, fascia painting, weed whacking, general clean-up, Naomi's roof leak. Other: boundary line agreement, reinvestment fee.
Topics: Maintenance: washer error code, fascia painting, asphalt sealing, weeds. Other Topics: reinvestment fee proposal.
Decisions: Decisions: Grant one late fee waiver for three months, then reassess. Continue using Spark card for utilities and pre-approved (contracted) expenditures, but not purchases.
Topics: Topics: Maintenance - painting fascia, sealing parking lots, mistaken lawn spraying. Legal - conservation easement, sales notification requirements. Financial - late fees, balances & liens, safety of checks, credit card.
Topics: Topics: Vehicles on paths, uproar about trees, Garrisons' issues.
Decisions: Decisions: Close debit card, either Treasurer holds credit card or it closes. Daily fine until fence is taken down. Caf‚ will be held online not in person.
Topics: Topics: Community credit cards, pavement, unit 9 move out, unit 9 fence, pandemic planning.
Decisions: Decision: Linda will run financial reports at the end of the month and email them for discussion at the first Management meeting of the month, rather than reporting at each meeting.
Topics: Topics: reinvestment fee, frequency of financial reports. Maintenance items: washer, keypad locks, parking lot pavement, getting community involvement.
Topics: Topics: transfer fee, accounts receivable
Discussion: Decision: Charge a $500 transfer fee when a unit is sold. Move deadline for committee budget requests earlier, with goal of budget discussions late October/early November.
Discussion: Topics: getting community involved in maintenance, #11 leak, annual budget scheduling,< accounts receivable
Decisions: Decisions: Meet first and third Mondays 7:30-9:00 p.m. Officers are Victor - President, Joe -Treasurer, Kay - Secretary. Keeping the Spark card. Naomi may give her fee check to Joe.
Topics: 7:30 p.m.
Discussion: Topics: schedule, officers, leak unit 11, loan #10.
Decisions: Decisions: In budget proposal, leave reserve study amount at $500, move $1K from landscape contract labor to tree work, $500 Safety & Security. Purchase 2-mic set.
Topics: 7:40-9:00 p.m.
Discussion: Topics: budget, bank transition, electricity, loan #10, microphones
- Joe > obtain new quotes on fascia repair and painting. Quote said one color. Ask about different color on fascia than on soffits.
- Kay > burn WCCA on wooden handles of c.h. knives. OPEN
- ACM report > Ask at ACM if we can get a volunteer to head up a gutter cleaning work party.
- Kay > Request to agenda setters for a discussion of pay-or-play at an ACM.
- Kay > include the pay-or-play links at the end of minutes.
- Vicky > call Hans re boundary.
- Joe > do the next agenda.
- Mary > see to getting the white truck donated.
- Susan needs an internet connection to connect the new cameras to.
- Joe wants to make progress on some of the current projects.
- Vicky wants to get our infrastructure taken care of. Get south boundary settled; easement if that is what the community wants.
- Kay would like to get pay-or-play functional and enforced.
- Victor would like to see about getting greenhouse that was planned originally for pad behind common house.
Might the same company doing the fascia repairs also take care of the sliding picture windows?
We've been talking for months now about getting the community involved in painting the fascia and haven't gotten much interest from the community. Maybe time to move forward with professionals.
Any new painting quote should include repair damaged fascia.
:: Joe will obtain new quotes on fascia repair and painting. Quote said one color. Ask about different color on fascia than on soffits.
All the elm seeds are down now. The recent storm made it obvious that some of the gutters are clogged. Gutters on east side of the common house are overflowing.
Joe cleaned the gutters on the fourplex 8-14.
Ask at ACM if we can get a volunteer to head up a gutter cleaning work party.
Victor's work party putting chips around the play structure was successful.
Two homes southeast with deck railings weren't powder-coated when the others were done (because walls underneath didn't need repair) and have never been repainted since originally done. Would need to get them taken off and sent for powder coating. With powder coating, we never have to worry about painting them again.
Total expenses year-to-date $11,000, significantly under budget. Income year to date
$32,408. Water is under budget but high-use season is just starting.
"Undeposited funds" in report is automatic monthly fee payments; there's a lag between the date fees are pulled from the unit owner's account and when they are credited in
Izzy has been paying about an extra $40 towards her balance. She hasn't incurred any new late charges.
Garrisons paid another $40 for pay-or-play. That's the amount for a single adult.
Differences of opinion on this. They aren't in residence, so charging for two people would be questionable.
The title company has cleared up Annalise's past due.
Follow the link at the end of any email to a google doc with links to report pay-or-play
hours and to view other people's reports.
:: Kay will include the pay-or-play links at the end of minutes.
:: Request a discussion of pay-or-play at an ACM.
Victor checked a handful of surveyors, most very expensive, two to three thousand dollars.
Peterson, who did the original survey on our property, would be willing to do it for $500.
Peterson didn't think it would be legal to just have the HOA president sign the agreement; it would need approval by the whole community. He felt that getting an easement would be a much better solution.
As a next step, Victor wants to know where the proposed boundary is in relation to the current boundary and the fence, either showing the fence on the map or putting stakes in the ground. Otherwise he feels we are signing something we don't understand.
Have someone ask Hans if he would be willing to do an easement, or if he would be willing to accept a payment to do an easement.
One issue was that Hans was thinking about putting up a fence, which would be a problem with the community's fence intruding.
:: Vicky will call Hans.
:: Joe will do the next agenda.
:: Mary will see about getting white truck donated.
- 6/2/2020 9:00 a.m. Management meeting, c.h. sandbox, boundary adjustment.
- Kay > burn WCCA on wooden handles of c.h. knives.
- Victor > agenda.
- Marina > survey to ask if anyone is interested in painting, possibly for HOA credit.
- Marina > check with painting company about cost of two colors, if gutters are removed or taped off.
- Marina > see about a second painting quote.
Shad is living in the yellow house and is interested in working out an arrangement to use our laundry.
Correction to last minutes: Not a leak. Amy said KJ was on their roof doing the swamp cooler, looked over at Naomi's and saw a couple of roof tiles loose.
West berm has just had its water turned on, although repairs are needed.
Map that Hans sent doesn't say how far the fence is over the boundary. Drawing is not to scale.
Victor talked to his friend, a civil engineer. He said something that comes up in boundary disputes is that surveys are made from different markers. Check that Hans's survey is off the same marker as our plat. He suggests we get our own survey.
Vicky walked the boundary with Hans. He says the proposed layout puts feet outside of the fences so people can get out their back gates. The proposed boundary is right up against the back of the play structure. Victor would like to ask Ward Engineering how far the fence is over the current boundary. Could Kevin relate an aerial map to the survey for us?
Tuesday morning, Management meeting 9:00 a.m. at common house sandbox to look at boundary.
Accts Receivable, usual people haven't paid yet.
Annalise's fees were discontinued before June payment. Vaughn told Kathy the closing is June 5.
- Home Depot, electric lawn mower? May 14 receipt, Joe will forward to Linda.
Ben had c.h. knives sharpened, $50.
:: Kay > burn WCCA on wooden handles of c.h. knives.
Kathy estimates the last ninety-day waiting period will be up July 19. Ten to twenty days after that, unit will be auctioned on courthouse steps. Right up until the last day, Myste could still sell it and would get a lot more. Zillow gives a price of $175K, although their tend to be a little high.
Kathy is reluctant to do an eviction because of how nasty it could get. The new owner gets to do one, instead. A reverse mortgage might not be feasible since it's a condo. Sara's realtor has been trying to reach Myste and hasn't been able to get her. Since she won't answer her door, tape a note to it for her to retrieve.
Does the quote include removing the gutters to paint under them, or just tape them off? The quote is for a single color for both the fascia and soffit rather than two colors as we have now. Quote included repair of fascia as needed.
:: Marina will check on cost for two colors and other questions, and see about getting another quote.
Marina would be interested in a trial, painting one fascia to see how long it would take and how hard it was. She acknowledges she might decide it was too much.
On Saturday, June 6, 2020 2:59 PM, Linda Walsh-Garrison wrote:
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes mgt 2020 06 01
Just one thought about fascia repair/painting....if WC does it - who do we call when a section might peel, crack or leaks?
Professionals come with warranties and professional results.
The previous management boards wisely focused on financial stability and negotiated a good contract for this work in a three year plan - starting with the carports last year. The company did a good job on the carports and the money has been aligned in the reserve fund.
WC has a lot of other projects to work on that are safer....physically and financially.
Linda wg
WC Unit 9
- Research acquiring stencils for parking lot stripes.
- Vicky & Marina > get volunteers to help with fascia painting.
- Kay > work with Mike on what not to whack by the mail room.
- Ask Amy if she will coordinate roof repairs with Naomi.
- Victor > talk to civil engineer friend about boundary.
- Linda R > Ask title company contacts if they would accept a percentage rather than a flat number for a reinvestment fee.
- Marina > Agenda for next meeting.
- Maytag fixed. Junk in drain.
- Work party pulling white-top held.
- Reinvestment proposal sent to Agenda-Setters.
- Kay asked if someone else would take on writing the Accts Receivable letter, since she wasn't getting to it.
The bid includes painting handicap symbols in two stalls. We have two spots on each side, on either side of a ramp which we also use for parking. It appears only one on each side got repainted last resealing.
The quote makes us responsible for sweeping the lots and burning the weeds.
The bid includes 48 parking stripes, which comes out to a little more than $10 each. If we do the stripes ourselves, we would want to buy stencils, so it wouldn't actually save a lot of money, but we would have the stencils for next time. Q. Are stencils necessary? Taping an outline takes a lot longer than taping down a stencil.
If we present the costs to the community, could we get volunteers?
The part Eckles recommends to resurface is by the drain in the middle of the parking lot.
Victor is still unconvinced that resealing extends the life of the pavement and is concerned about tracking into houses. Walking the parking lots, they don't seem that bad to him.
Q. The majority of sources say it is worthwhile. What would it take to convince him?
The reserve analysis assumes we don't repave until 2028. It includes resealing a side each in
2018 & 2019 and in 2021 & 2022.
Just repainting the stripes and the red no-parking curb along the east driveway would make things look better. Would that be a good compromise? It wouldn't extend the pavement life.
Call for consensus. Resealing & crack filling blocked by Susan, Vicky, and Victor.
Would filling the cracks with sand extend pavement life? Sand in the cracks doesn't keep water out, and it's the water freeze cycle that breaks up the pavement.
Could the community paint the fascias on the first floors? Could we get enough volunteers?
The community doesn't have the skill to fix the fascias that need repair. Not sure most have the skill to tell what needs repair.
Plan was to divide it into two years, but if we aren't doing the resealing we can do all of it this year.
Vicky & Marina > See if they can find volunteers.
East berm getting very shaggy. South of sidewalk to mail room. Could we hire Mike
MacD? He sends his hours to Joe.
Kay > work with Mike on what not to whack by the mail room.
Might be better to save our work party energy for things like clean-up, and hire the painting done. Since we didn't do the national cohousing open house, we didn't have the usual work party to clean up before that.
Fence that is lying on the ground by the common house is from the south end of Hans's property.
Not all of Naomi's roof was done, because of interference from tree branches. Is the leak in the area redone? Can Amy convince Naomi to let the rest of the roof to be done?
The info Hans sent out included a map. The agreement got delayed before because Hans was trying to work out a boundary change with another neighbor. Victor has a friend who is a civil engineer who might be persuaded to look at it. Can we commit to making a decision by next meeting?
Agenda-Setters forgot to include the reinvestment fee proposal on the agenda. We could do just a discussion, even if not a decision.
Linda R > Ask title company contacts if they would accept a percentage rather than a flat number for a reinvestment fee.
Bring up spring clean-up. Report on resealing decision. Reminder that pay-or-play is
$40/person in the household.
Could we discuss pay-or-play at the next Management meeting?
Marina > Agenda for next meeting.
- Ask Ben if he would be willing to follow-up on error code on Maytag washer.
- Vicky & Joe > check with each unit on condition of fascia.
- Kay > send reinvestment fee proposal to Agenda Setters and request spot on ACM agenda.
- Find volunteer to install Laraine's back light.
- Work party to pull whitetop.
Approved 4/6 and 4/20 minutes.
Waive reinvestment fee for pending sales. It is only Annalise's at this time.
Using a percentage would be self-adjusting for inflation. Title companies want a number to put on the closing papers, which would require knowing the sale price. Could use property tax valuation, but looking it up is an extra step. Flat amount keeps it simple. Include a recommendation to evaluate amount periodically.
Kay > send proposal to Agenda Setters and request spot on ACM agenda. [Linda R, Marina]
Showing Error 28. Someone who uses the laundry would be more motivated to get it taken care. Ask Ben?
Didn't get any reports back that anyone had looked at their fascia, for repair or painting.
Marina's soffit (white underside) is splintery. Find estimate on repainting.
:: Vicky & Joe will check with people.
Laraine's unit #14 had a live wire where the back porchlight had been removed. Mary has the new light to be installed.
Cheryl & Lila are watering the newly planted trees.
Need someone to adopt the west berm. Weed whacking needed in a number of places.
Mary has always worked with the people she's hired Angel, Matt, Mike doubling the work accomplished for the hours billed.
Whitetop and foxtails are going to seed.
Work party to pull white-top? Don't want to pull all the grass out since the roots hold the soil, but could weed-whack it after the white-top is pulled less to weed whack.
Eckert's has given us a bid a couple of times. They apply Tuft-Coat, for which we got the
MSDS & other literature. Tuft-Coat is 10 to 30% asphalt. The document that talks about the formula indicates the "trade secret" filler is ground shale rock.
Becca has not said she won't need her pod, so assume for now she will. Proposal was that pod would be gone by the end of June. Could it be put somewhere besides the parking lot?
Susan had a pod once. The company had restrictions on where they were willing to place the pod.
Victor has read that some sealants may not hold together as well and are more likely to be tracked into a house.
Having the two sides done on separate days would cost extra. Will need to stay off of the sealant for 24 hours.
A site that Kay came across, that said what a sealant can do and what it doesn't do, said it could extend the life of a parking lot by 20 years.
Redwood Road Clinic just sealed their parking lot. They only did the driving areas, not the parking slots. Can check that to see how it looks.
Contractor told Joe sealing needed to be done before September 15. Get on their schedule for July?
Bid total $9,337. $2K for saw cut, $800 pressure wash, $1,140 filling cracks, $920 concrete edges, $3,927 clean debris & apply two coats, $550 for restriping. Victor sent copy to listserv. Joe remembers the estimate in the reserve analysis for repaving at around $40K.
Resealing every 3 years at $3K would add up to $20K in 20 years.
We could do work parties to burn/dig weeds beforehand and to paint parking lines afterward. A weed burner torch costs about $70 per Mary. Kay thinks we can do the restriping ourselves.
Gather more information before next Management meeting and make a decision then.
Ended 9:15.
Each management member > present a needed maintenance task at the ACM and ask for a volunteer.
Kay > draft letter re accts receivable.
Joe > deliver letter & discuss.
Kay > deal with white Chevy truck.
Vicky > will do the agenda for next meeting May 4.
Would we be able to paint at least the lower-level fascia ourselves? We would need a volunteer to head up the project.
The company sent information on the material they use as sealant. It was attached to the email. Vicky sent the MSDS. Anyone who would like to see the company's work can drive over to the apartment building that the address was sent out. They sealed the driveway and middle of the parking lot but not under the carports.
Victor says some of the things he's read say that sealant doesn't prolong the life of asphalt enough to be worth the cost. Marina asked for him to forward the article.
The asphalt would last longer if the dumpsters were at the beginning of the parking lots instead of the far ends.
Victor wants to get rid of one dumpster. We could do a trial run of just one dumpster for a few months and see how it works. If we had just one, could put it in the enclosure by the common house, which is equidistant to both sides, and would mean neither parking lot has a dump truck driving on it.
Becca would like us to postpone resealing until her pod is gone.
Kay's white Chevy truck would need to be (re)moved. She & Mary have been trying to get the tow hooks off, then she plans to donate the truck. She'll try to get it dealt with in the next couple of weeks.
Hans is working on getting a conservation easement on the land he owns, the Bells' property, and Mary's field. He would like to ask the community if they would agree to a conservation easement on the north and east garden areas. He will pay for the legal cost if the community is willing. The more properties in an area that have easements, the harder it would be for a would-be developer to break all of them. The lawyer suggested it might be helpful if the land is a contiguous block.
Each plot would require slightly different language in the legal documents because of differences, e.g., shape, size, location, single-family property vs. a condo. Hans put a write-up about it on most of the Management members' porches.
There is a tax break for a single-family property. The condo association doesn't pay property taxes; 1/26 of the worth of the whole property is included in each unit owner's property taxes.
Hens will write a proposal and take it to the Agenda Setters committee.
There was a sign on the lawn that the lawn had been sprayed. Kierstin saw them spraying; Laraine saw the truck. Kathy called the company; they said they had not sprayed. However, the dandelions are looking sick. It seems to have been a mistake; complaining to the BBB could get the poor worker fired.
Wasons paid $411 for the electricity used by their car.
The Spark card has stopped reporting to QuickBooks. Nobody has shut down the card; Linda will investigate. Joe is okay with continuing with the auto-payments of utilities and insurance as long as there is a review and expenses have been approved.
We received a request for a late fee waiver from one unit. The condo fee was paid late, plus an amount towards the balance as agreed. Request says "for January 2020 and on-going". Late fee policy is that Management can grant an owner one waiver per year, then any additional waiver must be requested from the community.
:: Waiver for three months, then will reassess.
In most circumstances, the association gets any fees owed during closing even without a lien. It's several people's understanding that a title company doesn't have to be involved if it's a cash sale, in which case the amount owed would not necessarily be settled up, and short sales don't necessarily settle up. The cost to file a lien is $150. Important to talk to the owner first; we are trying to balance our duty to the community yet go on working with them on this.
:: Kay will draft a letter, & Joe will speak to the party.
Joe pointed out that cash payments and check-writing are possible methods of virus transfer; possible to have checks signed electronically? Linda isn't too concerned because of the research indicating the virus doesn't survive well on paper.
Management notified both Annalise and the Garrisons that the CCR requires management be notified of the buyers' identity two weeks before the sale.
On Sunday, April 26, 2020 2:35 PM, Victor Miele wrote:
Re: minutes mgt 2020 04 20
Given the confusion around the meeting time somecohousing members were not able to attend, and I received a request to revisit approval of the previous minutes as well as the topics that were discussed in the next management meeting.
On Monday, April 27, 2020 1:35 PM, Marina Price wrote:
Re: [wasatch mgt] minutes mgt 2020 04 20
I agree with Kay, minutes reflect what was said. The accuracy of the statements themselves may be questioned, but the fact that it was stated does not get expunged from the record because someone doesn't like it.
That said, if Scott said "47 feet", he meant "37 feet". It would be fine by him if the minutes reflected this, or were amended to reflect that for a more accurate measurement.
I do not believe it is proper or right that any member of management should be trying to accommodate the wishes of individuals at the expense of our practices, policies, or of management's mandate.
On Mon, Apr 27, 2020, 1:16 PM E Kay Argyle wrote:
If Sara can demonstrate that something in the minutes is factually incorrect, I will add that further information to the minutes.
Minutes are a report of what was said at a meeting. Sara was not there. She is in no position to claim that the minutes don't accurately represent what was said.
If Sara's objection is that her version of an event is different than the version reported at the meeting by other person(s) present at the event, she may offer her version. When I post the minutes on the website, Sara's initial email, mine in response, and any further communication on the matter from
Sara, if she offers any, will be appended. That's my standard policy for emails following up on minutes.
Sara didn't respond to my request for clarification. Does she plan to be at the next Management meeting? If she continues her failure to explain her objections, all Management can do is approve or disapprove the minutes based on the memories of those who were present. So far nobody has spoken up to agree there were inaccuracies.
I might might be willing to make minor insertions in the minutes, according to my recollections of who said what, to make the source of statements more obvious than it already is. People reading the minutes can credit a statement, or not, according to their knowledge of the source.
I found only one solitary sentence in the whole discussion that could correctly be called hearsay', and that is the Prices' report of Sarah's complaint to Anne. If Sara says that never happened, I am checking with Anne directly.
If her objection is that John or Linda's version is different, John or Linda can offer their version if they want. Sara's version of their version is irrelevant.
I don't appreciate having my integrity impugned.
Report vehicle recommendation at ACM.
Get backflow preventer fixed.
- Ben wants to remind us to deal with the lawn mower coupon he emailed about.
- Kierstin wants to discuss vehicles outside the parking lots.
Minutes from 3/16/2020 not discussed.
- Marina > research sealants. See emails.
- Joe > leases. We don't appear to have any of Hans's leases. [Note: He has said previously his tenants are on month-to-month leases and as such there isn't a new lease every year.]
- Vicky & Kay > cleanings washers. Clipboard & picture hanger acquired. Form created but needs a revision.
- Joe > Either take possession of the card or ask for it to be closed. ???
- Kay > close the debit card from Mountain America. No action.
Mary had pulled her truck up the wild area path so she could unload compost into Marina's yard.
Kierstin wants forewarning if vehicles are on the path or in the wild area. Although she supervises Otto when he plays in the wild area, she can't always stop him from dashing around. Victor said he and his children couldn't ride their bikes past the truck.
The generally agreed policy (it's never been felt necessary to set a firm rule) has been that
anyone backing up on path or off-road should have a second person acting as a spotter.
Other children's safety issues include the tub in the1 north field or electrical plugs in the c.h. It's up to the Parents Committee to be thinking about these things.
Any official policy around vehicles on the path or elsewhere must be done by proposal.
Management's recommendation to community: Have a spotter when backing. Notify community by email when vehicles will be outside the parking lot & driveway. Driving outside of the parking lots & driveways should be minimized.
Standing aside on the decision to issue & content of the recommendation: Kay.
Linda emailed reports.
Ben questioned why we are not making any payments with the credit card anymore. It boils down to Joe doesn't want the card paid automatically because there isn't a review process in place.
The reserve funds that were sitting in the operating account have been moved to the reserve account.
Joe suggests the community spend as little as possible during the pandemic in anticipation of people being unable to pay dues. On the other hand, we have $31K float in the checking account, and so far nobody has notified us they may have difficulty paying.
Backflow preventer next to workshop is spraying water. Can't turn on water to north garden until it's fixed.
Concern about uproar over trees. Removal of those trees was approved last year. People have requested time to say goodbye, and were only notified the day before the tree company would be here. As explained in the email, the short notice was because tree company rescheduled unexpectedly,.
Can't make progress on anything if everybody keeps going back on decisions.
Naomi, Victor & Amy would rather the north Russian olive stay.
Mary asked if it would be acceptable if, when a large tree is being cut/trimmed and drops a branch breaking a smaller tree, the broken tree was left? Yes, preferable.
Victor suggests making no more landscaping expenditures until a landscaping committee is reformed. That could be problematic right when landscaping needs are ramping up for the year.
The Garrisons' emails were sent to Management, so Victor feels Management needs to review them and at least decide if Management is the appropriate group to handle them.
Early in the dispute, Scott quit discussing the issue over email, as requested. The Garrisons have continued to email the community with their grievances. Scott would like the Garrisons censured and removed from the listserv.
Scott points out Management has not yet responded to Anne's and the Prices' letter of June 6, 2019. Despite the chicken wire coming down, the planting boxes still constitute a fence.
Equity is not possible; Garrisons' shed is 9.5 ft south of their house, while the path is only 2 ft beyond Prices' yards. The Garrisons' yard was 47' feet deep. (I question this figure. My yard is ~25' deep. The Garrisons went further, but 20' further? -- Note-taker) [Correction: 37']
Sara complained to Anne, the Prices' landlady, that the Prices' berm was "ugly" and needed to be removed, yet the Garrisons have stuff piled along most of the south and east walls, counter to CC&R policy.
Garrisons ripped out the rose bush under the Prices' window, without asking; now they are complaining about the Prices' removing an invasive plant from that location.
To Marina, it feels like the Garrisons are using Victor to continue their bullying. When Marina asked what was the problem, Victor suggested she talk to her neighbor, yet her neighbor was making complaining phone calls instead of talking to Marina.
To Mike it seems like a fresh start; have Sara as a neighbor instead of John & Linda. How is it a fresh start when the Garrisons' emails say this is still their home and their stay in Florida is temporary, and Sara is continuing the warfare?
Mary had asked Sara to move the shed, because (apart from being in violation of policy), the shed prevented the tree company from using a decent-sized stump grinder on the repeatedly resprouting elm stump at the edge of her yard. They could only bring in a small grinder that wasn't up to the job. Mary doesn't want to talk to Sara when she comes out screaming, making no attempt to find out what is happening. Garrisons didn't tell Mary they were returning the fencing, they just sent Mike to ask where she wanted it. She put the boards she removed with the fencing. When Sara objected, Mary put the boards on their patio, gently, not thrown as Sara alleged.
It's coming up on five years since Garrisons installed the planting boxes. If the planting boxes constitute a fence, some laws appears to say that at five years that unit have a permanent right to the boxes, despite their being on common area.
On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 5:10 PM Marina Price wrote:
In researching the safer alternatives to coal tar sealants for our parking lots, I called a company with a good rating (Eccles) and asked if they had alternatives. They said they no longer use coal tar sealant for the same reasons we don't want it.
They sent me a link: difference-anyway/
They use asphalt emulsion. They are going to send a quote for our lots. I will pass it on when I have it.
< class="signature"p>On Wed, Apr 8, 2020, 7:20 AM, Vicky WasonThanks this is helpful. We have 3 other bids in a binder that we can use as comparisons.
What criteria did you use to judge them as "good" company?
The article (linked)you sent was very informative. Both MN and WA have band the use of Coal tar sealants.
On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 7:55 AM, Marina Price wrote:
Subject: Re: [wasatch mgt] Parking lot sealants
I looked at their rating and some reviews from people who worked with them, (or at least claimed to). I'd look deeper into them if we were considering them for the work (bbb, angies list), but for ideas on alternatives to coal tar, I figured I'd just call to see what's available.
He offered to do the estimate, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to know how it compared. I think coal tar is cheaper which is why people still use it, but I wanted to know how much more it would be, roughly.
On Saturday, April 11, 2020 5:46 PM, Marina Price wrote:
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes mgt 2020 04 06
Yowza, Kay! One correction, Scott says the yard is 37, not 47.
BTW, all that talk of "help us defend our home" that came from the Garrisons had to have come simultaneous to their selling it. You don't just sell a house, you have it appraised, an inspector comes to inspect, even if you are selling to Sara. We've been saying this whole time that they created that berm, patio and expanded boundary as a ploy to increase their own bottom line when they flipped it, and all that "were being attacked" nonsense was just to make sure we, as a community, let them.
Betcha anything they had a perspective buyer and needed the fence to be up when the buyer saw it on a final run or something. Because they really rallied the troops, and why would you do that when you don't even have your dog here.
We will be, no doubt, the scapegoats for their leaving.
Anyway, thanks for the minutes.
Marina > research sealants.
Kay > close the debit card from Mountain America.
Joe > will meet with Ben. If Ben is reluctant for someone else to have physical possession of the card, ask him to close the card.
Joe > check what leases we have and don't and get updates.
Vicky & Kay > weekly or twice a month cleanings of washers.
Kay > revise letter to unit 9.
Kay & Vicky > submit the proposal for transfer fee. Community can decide on the amount.
Minutes from 3/2/2020 approved.
Asked non-management attendees if they have business for Management. Lauren would like to discuss the pandemic. Lynda no. John, fence & financials. Kathy no.
Joe & Victor remember that we agreed to do away with the credit card; Kay & Marina do not remember that, and it isn't in the minutes.
If we get rid of the Spark card, need to transfer auto payments to the checking account, then remove the card from auto payment.
Linda R doesn't get a physical statement but she can download it electronically into
The Spark card is in the community's name but Ben is the personal guarantor.
Joe is opposed to having any credit cards in the community's name. He would be okay with payments coming out of the checking account. Other members can't see any difference; more legal protections on a credit card.
Victor & Joe think the Treasurer should hold the credit card. Kay suggested putting it in the office safe.
Joe > will meet with Ben. If Ben is reluctant for someone else to have physical possession of the card, ask him to close the card.
Kay > close the debit card from Mountain America.
Paving or resealing has kept getting postponed, several years now.
Don't worry about research on pavement replacement until that is what we are doing.
We don't have to run our current pavement into the ground out of concern about coal tar. There are sealants other than coal tar.
Marina > research sealants.
John sent some questions about financials. Says they have contacted realtors but not hired one.
Says fence will come down before they show the place. They plan to be out by April 1.
John says Sara will be staying. They don't have a lease with her; John says she is a room-mate who house sits.
Joe > check what leases we have or don't, and get updates.
The community gave a specific deadline for removal of fence.
John asks what is the benefit to the community of insisting on taking down the fence sooner than April 1. Benefit is respect for community decisions and policy.
The community gave John & Linda ample time to do a proposal. Cheryl did a proposal & revised it in much shorter time.
They have been told repeatedly they need to take it down. Joe expressed the opinion that should prevent an easement.
Requested to take meeting private to Management. Resistance from John.
The January meeting was unanimous that John & Linda were being given time to get together with their neighbors to come up with an acceptable proposal, and if they didn't the fence was to come down March 11. Management is trying to keep faith with the community's decision.
Mary offered earlier to rearrange the fence to a narrow run off the side door. She repeated the offer at the meeting. John refused.
John left the meeting.
Joe suggests telling them the community will take it down March 30 if they don't. Other members don't like that idea.
Can change the letter to the Garrisons to include a fine for each day the fence is up past the deadline. Starting the day the letter is delivered? The 11th? How much per day?
Victor suggests saying, "Fence will be taken down at the community's discretion." Marina asked if that means she can take it down immediately.
Marina says she can't bear it anymore.
Deliver letter in person & get a signature.
Caf‚ will go online. Lynda says it breaks her heart but she understands.
On Sunday, March 22, 2020 10:00 PM, Vicky Wason wrote:
Re: [wasatch mgt] minutes mgt 2020 03 16
Thanks Kay.
I think one correction might be that: That John did NOT say they were renting. He only said:
Sara is a roommate and is staying.
And under action: Vicky and Kay will submit the proposal for transfer fee. Community can
decide on the amount.
I hope we can talk together tomorrow. I hope people can get a good night's sleep without anymore earthquakes.
Good night!
On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:56 AM John Garrison wrote:
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes mgt 2020 03 16
Dear management--
I'm taking my own advice to the community and speaking up about the minutes record published.
In the interests of accuracy for the 3/16 minutes:
"The community gave a specific deadline for removal of fence." The 1/26 meeting was not a quorum and did not include us -- it should not be characterized as "the community". This is misleading.
"The community gave John & Linda ample time to do a proposal." Excuse me -- on Feb 2, in response to Marina's request to follow-up, we explained that we'd like to hold an "open backyard" community input session in March on our return to UT to discuss and stake out specific lines and proposed changes. Our travel/work schedule precluded any earlier time back in UT together. Good news is there was absolutely no objection from anyone in the community for our proposed solution.
Also in that Feb 2 response - we requested input from the entire community to discover solutions ... not management, not Unit 7 or 11, responded contradicting their statements that they were available and we did not reach out.
Subsequently, at the March 11th ACM, we learned and advised that we were relocating, and would remove the fence on our departure at month's end. "Ample time to do proposal" was someone's stated opinion which disregarded the clear context of the Feb 2 email. That someone should have responded earlier than March 16 if they objected to the practicality of Feb 2 email plan.
Other examples of misleading opinion statements that were incorporated apparently just because someone stated it:
"They have been told repeatedly they need to take it down."
"The January meeting was unanimous" ... not true -- disregards the multiple comments from community members who disagreed with the meeting minutes characterization -- and were ignored.
And finally completely incorrect:
"Mary offered earlier to rearrange the fence to a narrow run off the side door. She repeated the offer at the meeting. John refused."
Mary offered to re-stake the fence line between Unit 9 and Unit 7. I asked Mary when she could do it, she responded 'tomorrow". I said "that would be great". John did not "refuse".
Granted online conferencing is not the perfect medium for communications (unless recorded), but now these minutes constitute the only written record. PLEASE take the time to avoid errors of either omission or commission (fior example, there was NO mention in the Mar 2 meeting minutes about further fence discussions by management that took place then). And please take particular care to no longer repeat misleading statements in the minutes just because someone stated it. Just because someone said it doesn't make it true.
On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 12:43 PM, Marina Price wrote:
[wasatch mgt] John's suggested changes to the minutes
Please do not make these changes, even to keep the peace. If they are leaving, what do they care what our minutes say, how does it possibly affect them? I believe Kay's notes meet the usual high bar she has set for concise and accurate accounting of what took place, and that John's arguments are largely borne from a lack of understanding of how we function as a community
(discounting decisions made at ACM as invalid because they were not participants, for example)
More importantly, if John is attempting to remove instances where the record shows they were asked to remove the fence and refused, they can later show we, as a community and as management, knew about the fence but did not attempt enforcement. I believe this is the REAL reason for the push to rescind the letter from management (refer to the letter he sent to management regarding the clause about possibly having forfeited our right to enforce in a previous email).
I realize all of this has taken its toll on you, us, the community, and it seems like a harmless, if not petty, request. But I truly think there is more to this than meets the eye. I suspect the barrage of emails demanding the rescinding of the original letter came from a behind-the-scenes request to do so, not a grass-roots movement. I think the outrage was ginned up, but unbeknownst to the participants, the real goal of rescinding the letter was to clear a path for their claim.
At worst, by leaving the minutes as is, we hurt someone's feelings who has already gotten all they wanted elsewise, even to the detriment of their neighbors. But on the flip side, we preserve the record that shows that we requested, formally, that the fence be removed and they refused, which could be key in the upcoming lawsuit I see brewing with these two.
Maybe I'm wrong about them and their possible motive, but Pascal's wager says you should err on this side of things. I see no benefit to changing the minutes, as John has requested, but I see the potential loss of ground to stand on if what I suspect is correct.
On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 3:54 PM E Kay Argyle wrote:
"Also in that Feb 2 response - we requested input from the entire community to discover solutions ... ."
What form did this communication take? I'd be interested in seeing a copy of it.
On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 10:50 PM, John Garrison wrote:
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes mgt 2020 03 16
Hi Kay
Check your email, 2/2/2029, "Fence Proposal Request" or something like that. I would forward a copy but all our computer stuff is already packed for tomorrow mornings move.
On Mar 24, 2020, at 6:57 PM, E Kay Argyle wrote to Management:
Since John is claiming my minutes are wrong-wrong-wrong, I'd like to get input from the other people present at this conversation.
"And finally completely incorrect:
'Mary offered earlier to rearrange the fence to a narrow run off the side door. She repeated the offer at the meeting. John refused.'
Mary offered to re-stake the fence line between Unit 9 and Unit 7.
I asked Mary when she could do it, she responded 'tomorrow". I said "that would be great". John did not 'refuse'."
Who remembers this exchange? What was said?
< class="signature"p>On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 7:29 PM, Linda Reed wrote to Kay Argyle:Re: [wasatch mgt] Fw: [WaCoHo] minutes mgt 2020 03 16
So many things wrong with that request. It is just another argument.
Notice that he wants a quorum to legitimize a consensus agreement that was properly done.
Never before needed a quorum for any meeting except the one official meeting we have: the annual meeting.
BUT wants a meeting called by them at an irregular time and place to be binding. And the claim that the whole community was invited? Not that I am aware of. AND if there were no objections at that meeting of his friends, that should over ride the consensed decision?
The cognitive dissonance I'm feeling is making me crazy. This is worse than the earthquake at scrambling things.
Minutes have been approved. Suggest they stay as is.
Sent from my iPhone.
Linda Reed
On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 8:13 PM Marina Price wrote to Kay Argyle:
Re: [wasatch mgt] Fw: [WaCoHo] minutes mgt 2020 03 16
I don't recall it, but what great news! That means it's fine to move the fence now.
It does seem strange, though, given that just days prior to this, there was an email with the header
"IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED-Mary threatening unit 9!" when Mary tried to do this very thing. I guess he had a change of heart.
Minutes 2/17/2020 approved.
Joe checked with utilities. RMP charges 1.5% fee for credit card. Gas and water will take credit card.
Joe has started downloading tax forms & will tackle doing them.
Marina sent an email with links to keypad locks and self-locking locks. She suggests the gym doors might be a trial location. Just over $50 at Home Depot.
Joe & Vicky have an Accounts Receivable appointment tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
Maximum allowed reinvestment fee in Utah is 0.5%, which is higher than $500 would be for most units. Charging a percentage of, say, 0.3%, would be self-adjusting for inflation.
A number of people have requested the reinvestment fee be implemented by a proposal. The CC&R says Management can make Rules & Regs "with the advice and consent" of the Association (e.g., all residents). There are points that need to be clarified such as whether buyer or seller pays. The community is always more accepting of new policies when they fully understand them and have had a chance to hash them over.
Mary has checked with several other condo associations, and they charge a flat fee, not a percentage.
Victor & Joe are arguing that the only proposal would be if someone wants to reverse the decision. Kay feels strongly the approval needs to be by proposal.
:: Kay & Vicky will work on a reinvestment fee proposal.
Maybe in proposal for Reinvestment fee, exempt any units that sell within 90 days? six months? a year?
No checks to be signed tonight. Joe suggests that the financials be presented at the first meeting of the month, not every month. Email at the end of the month so
Management can review before the first meeting.
All the utilities are still paid automatically out of Chase.
Credit card is paid automatically each month from Chase.
:: Linda will move the utililty & credit card payments to Mountain America.
If using community credit or debit charge at Lowe's & Home Depot, ask them to email receipts to
Several management members are uncomfortable with community members having charge cards on the community's accounts.
Kay found the electronics from the older Maytag, which may or may not work for the newer model. Mary is not doing any maintenance currently. Asking Maxine to make an appointment with Mendenhall on a day Joe and/or Susan can also meet.
Study that Victor found was for coal tar-sealed parking lot. Outlawed in some states. Old asphalt is much less toxic. Weeds growing in the cracks increase damage to the asphalt. Our pavement is 20 years old and may need to be completely redone within a few years; might be better to hold off on resealing and save for repaving. Joe's experience with repaving a parking lot was that it cost $125K. Since there are local
Leeds buildings, presumably there is a local contractor who does it. Can we find out who they are? We have some areas that are beyond patching.
:: Susan will research permeable pavement.
Write maintenance jobs on whiteboard or on pages pinned to corkboard on back of whiteboard cabinet doors.
- Rip in round ottoman.
- Get blueprints scanned; e.g., Marriott Library 2nd floor scanner for very large pages.
- Encourage people to notify Google Maps that our central path is not a road. "Report a problem".
- Hang sliding barn door over sitting room closet.
- Door in laundry room won't close properly. Plane & putty.
- Weed by mail room, especially donkey spurge.
- Repair door of NW dumpster enclosure.
- Reattach slide to play structure.
- Paint east hall where replastered after ovens were installed.
- Put sign on driveway barriers "For emergency use only."
- Install "Private Drive No Thru Access" signs at each drive. Signs in garage.
- Install "Wasatch Commons 1411 Utah St" signs on each driveway. Kay has signs.
(Installation was consensed before signs were purchased.)
- Acquire & install sign "Units 1-14 left, 15-26 right."
Marina > do agenda for next meeting. Email to whole community.
CC&R requires landlord insurance.
:: Kay, check that residents have condo insurance and landlords have landlord insurance.
On Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7:55 AM, John Garrison wrote:
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 03 02
Hi Kay
Thanks for getting the notes out in such a timely manner.
One heads up regarding the parking lot contractors there are 3 estimates for full cut and repaving in the maintenance files provided to Vicky. The total costs including both lots were less than $30K as I recall. I'd suggest starting with those contractors to address questions and concerns about environmental compatibility. Contact names are in the files.
The Maytag washer is showing error code F28.
:: Kay will talk to Mary. If she won't have time for it by Friday, call Mendenhall.
Linda has updated the management names on the Chamber of Commerce website.
UFCU will require everyone to be present to update signatures. Will need copy of annual meeting minutes. UFCU requires all Management members present. Mtn Am just wants new members.
:: Kay will find pdf of minutes with signature page.
:: Saturday morning field trips to credit unions for signature update. Meet Saturday noon at the common house. Bring ID.
[Update Saturday February 22, 2020. Susan was unable to come. Mountain America requires John to be present since he was the previous treasurer and their contact; unable to complete change. UFCU requires minutes to say who was elected to what position; Kay added hand-written addendum of officer elections from January 22 meeting. UFCU needs either Susan's signature or her statement she doesn't need to be on the account; Vicky will see about getting Susan to UFCU next week. Emily at UFCU will be going to a different branch March 2, so must happen before then. Once she has Susan's signature, Emily will remove John, Kellie, & Cheryl and add Joe, Vicky, & Susan.
Joe will look at the tax form. If he doesn't feel comfortable doing it, he'll hire the same accountant that did the 2018 minutes. Linda gave Joe balance sheet and P&L.
:: Kay Ask Mike MacD for his SSN for a 1099.
To accommodate people who say that, if only they knew what was being scheduled, they would do it themselves to save money: Could we ask Mary to send out a weekly message saying what she will be having Mike working on? If someone does a job, that saves money and/or gets extra work done.
:: Kay talk to Mary.
Five checks to be signed.
- Joe Sweeney $19.78 bathroom door lock in workshop, stemware racks, downspout extender to keep water off sidewalk.
- $78.67 Lauren, electric edger.
- Workman s comp $375 annual insurance.
- $15 to Linda R for state registration of [word missing. LLC?].
:: Linda will do an ACM presentation on the late fee waiver.
The community has expenses associated with changes in ownership. Most condo associations charge a transfer fee to new owners; such is common enough that people expect it.
Straw poll: All management members approve the idea of having a transfer fee of
$500, part of closing costs. Do we need to do a proposal? Kay is arguing yes, others don't think it necessary. Other fees Management has created (late fees & fines for nonrunning cars) affect current residents, which this doesn't. The transfer fee wasn't on the published agenda, so we shouldn't finalize the decision tonight.
Announce we want to create a fee at ACM. If someone has concerns they should talk to Management members or to come to the next Management meeting.
:: Vicky will announce transfer fee at ACM.
The special assessment has a $5 fee each month it has not been paid off, consensed decision. Monthly assessment balance is not accumulating new late fees so long as the current monthly fee is paid. Offering special incentives to pay off balance would set a bad precedent and create a moral hazard.
:: Joe & Vicky will talk to account in arrears; ask for partial payments towards balance and ask what they can do.
:: Linda will add up total late fees for accounts receivable.
If we want to change decision on earthquake insurance, must decide in October at latest. Policy is effective November 1.
Annual Meeting is required to be in January, but we could reach consensus on budget before then and have approval as a formality at Annual Meeting.
:: Move deadline for committee budget requests earlier, with goal of budget discussions late October/early November.
Becca's purse was stolen from car at park-and-ride lot Sunday, with keys and ID. She had unit locks changed, and asked Management about common building locks. All five
Management members were at potluck Sunday and discussed; locksmith estimated
$85/deadbolt (times 7 = ~$515, not including new keys) and several hundred each for handle locks. Theft took place elsewhere & most car thieves don't follow up by trying to break into house, esp. with victims on heightened alert. Management decided against changing c.h. & workshop keys at this time, Discussed installing keypad lock on inner office door as a trial.
:: Marina will research keypad locks.
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 02 17
On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 7:01 AM Linda WG wrote:
Thank you Kay - for the timely minutes.
I am assuming that $500 for a transfer fee must be a typo.
The average transaction/transfer fee is $50 - this is to cover the time or paper required to update records.
Since WC has only one doc, the directory, to be updated - it would be unreasonable to charge higher than average....and would be a greedy "welcome present" to new members.
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 02 17.
On Feb 23, 2020, at 9:18 AM, Marina Price wrote:
In Utah, it is called a "reinvestment fee", rather than a "transfer fee", and it can be up to .5 percent of the sale price of the unit. It is a common and practical way to build the reserve and avoid special assessments.
If we change the amount to a percentage (rather than a fixed amount if $500) it might solve the issue of equitability, and would ensure that we are within the legal limit.
Here's an interesting post about it: why
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 02 17.
On Sunday, February 23, 2020 1:58 PM Kellie Henderson wrote:
Thanks management for a productive meeting!
Just a few notes:
- on behalf of agenda setters: we will make note of linda r's request to do a presentation at an acm. Linda r, do you have any schedule requests/ constraints (ie upcoming ACM dates that do or dont work, preference for sooner than later, etc)?
- I support the transfer fee.
- Re: budget discussion. I like the idea of have a budget discussion in the fall and vote in January, but have little faith it will work. Almost every year we have committee deadlines for budgets of nov or dec 1st and yet we receive many budget requests last minute (i humbly propose we be more hardline about this and not award committees $ unless they meet this deadline, but i understand that's not an idea ppl like) and could create difficulties when ppl dont remember what was discussed and/or someone who didnt give input in the fall wants to revisit the discussion at the annual mtg (again, that this shouldn't happen doesnt stop it from happening).
That said, I'm not opposed to trying.
Question.... i was under the impression that ammending the cc&rs was not an arduous process? If the transfer requires an ammendment (i don't know that it does) would it be too difficult to change the date of the annual mtg? Im not suggesting we do this, just want to know if anyone has an idea how much of a pain it would be.
-i like the idea of being informed about mike macd's work, and generally being more appraised about current maintenance/work needs at wacoho.
Mic purchased. Joe got John's inner office keys.
Minutes 1/16/2020 approved.
Will try approving minutes by email, but go over action items at start of meeting.
Publish maintenance tasks and encourage volunteers to lead projects.
Agenda Setters is talking about a Maintenance Moment in ACMs to discuss a specific maintenance project, break down steps and get volunteers for each.
Underutilized Spaces did two work parties for gym. Almost too many people showed up at first so some were mostly standing around, then nobody at the second work party.
Have several projects ready in case plenty if people show up, but one priority task selected if fewer come.
Schedule work days a year out so people can plan on them. Maybe two per month on different days of the week.
This month would need to find something inside at the moment.
Joe will check with utilities whether they accept credit cards (Spark cash back). Any who don't should be set up on auto pay on the Mountain America.
After zeroed out Cap One account, by transfer to Chase, they deposited interest.
Kay > Move $19.58 to Chase.
Joe will look into cash back card on Mountain America. Compare percentage cash back from Spark.
Spark card is still in Ben's name. Can't transfer it; would need to close and apply in someone else's name.
Got a donation check from the student group for use of the common house.
Resident has requested waiver of late fee, said they "talked to Management". Forgot to put check in box. Nobody at meeting recalls such a conversation. Late fee waiver forms in internal mail bottom drawer.
:: Do a presentation at ACM on waiver process and form.
To change fiscal year for tax filing, would need to file Form 1128.
Could solve holiday crunch for budget by moving annual meeting to November.
There is a cohousing webinar on budget process. Can watch separately or get together to watch together.
Roof Doctor looked at leak. When deck railing was replaced after powder coating, wasn't put back into the same holes. Light over patio was changed. Old holes weren't closed in either case. He will charge $100 to patch in both places.
When snow melts, need to inspect all the decks that were replaced.
It was pointed out, again, that internet is not Management business and would need a proposal.
9:10 Closed meeting.
Ask resident if can pay a little towards the principal each month. Could we offer to waive one month's late fee for every so much paid back, as an incentive? Would need community okay; waiver policy is that Management can waive once in a given period, but a second waiver needs community permission. Could we ask the community to okay plan without naming names?
:: Ask Linda R what portion of balance is late fees.
Minutes 1/7/2020 approved.
Suggestion that we approve each previous meeting's minutes via email. Advantage: Streamline the meeting. Disadvantage: No review of previous business at beginning of meeting.
Management Meetings will be the first and third Mondays at 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
The duties of the Management officers are
- President: Sign official documents such as contracts on behalf of the community. Some years the facilitator has been the president, sometimes not. Some years we've rotated facilitating.
- Secretary: Take minutes, email to community, print & put in record book, upload to website.
- Treasurer: Sign checks, make financial plan recommendations, work with Bookkeeper.
Management members have keys to the inner office and to the keybox inside the inner office containing keys to (most) units. Person in charge of sprinklers (currently Kay, who in any case is on Mgt) also has a key because control boxes are there.
When someone locks themselves out, the member can get out the unit key, open the door for them, and put the key back in the box don't give the person the key.
Victor is President, Joe is Treasurer, Kay is Secretary.
We try to get agendas out to the community seven days before the meeting. The person doing it selects from on-going issues and new issues, and solicits items from the community.
Victor will put together the agenda for the next meeting.
Unit 11 has a leak when it rains, from the inside top of their patio sliding door below a wall of the deck. Don't know whether the water is getting in through the door frame or through the wall. A couple of units have had a leak in a similar location which turned out to be through the membrane roof of the deck.
It may be helpful if Management's report at ACMs included a request for volunteers on maintenance projects. We could select a couple of items off the big list to bring up and hopefully work through the list.
Kathy has hired Vial and Fotheringham to start the foreclosure process. Concern about her lights not being on some evenings. Don't want to call in the police for a wellness check. Can we arrange an internal wellness check on Myste? Lila will text her about bringing a plate from potluck or visiting Susan. Does Myste realize that there are people interested in buying the unit?
Kay will take the original signed copy of the CC&R, make a file for it, and store it in the inner office.
Transfer Fee. Kay's recollection is that a transfer fee was proposed in the revised CC&R in 2012 but rejected. John confirms it is not part of the CC&R.
John has binders he set up for insurance, treasurer, capital reserve spending plan. Turned over to Joe as new treasurer.
Keeping the Spark card.
Naomi likes to pay her monthly fees by check, handing it over in person.
:: Have her give it to Joe.
Hans has never had his surveyor send us a map to finish out the land swap.
Kellie will remove herself, Cheryl, and John from the management listserv.
Kellie gave Vicky her inner office & keybox key. Joe will get John's. That might be a good door to put a keypad on.
9:05. Requested non-members to leave so we could close the meeting in order to discuss accounts receivable.
Policy has been that Management tries to handle resident finances sensitively when someone is behind, although often additional residents know about them anyway. On the other hand, our experience has been that when past-due accounts are posted, suddenly people find the money to pay off their balances.
Balance includes special assessment from 2012 plus years of monthly assessments.
Party has been keeping up monthly fee payments recently. Not charging late fees on the balance except for $5/month for the special assessment. Have previously discussed putting a lien on but have chosen not to.
Question: Do payments on the special assessment go into the reserve or into the operating fund?
:: Linda will check how it was handled.
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 21
On Saturday, February 1, 2020 1:55 PM John Garrison wrote:
Hi Kay
Thanks for getting these out. Two notes: I was present at the meeting; and the maintenance binder with 2020 plan was passed onto Vicky.
Cheryl will be resigning from Management, so we will need to elect someone to finish a year of her term.
Latest draft in 1/5 email from Linda R.
Email from John, Dale Gifford's estimate for reserve update, without coming on site, is
$1,080. Budget amt is $500. John suggests $500 for legal fees.
Mary got two bids for tree work, Christensen & Diamond. Christensen's climbers are neither available. Diamond's winter rates have gone up to $2K/day; they are booked a month out. Tree maintenance budget will need to be increased. She suggests we move $1K from contract labor to tree work. That is 50 hours of Mike's paid time, plus 50 hours of Mary's unpaid time, so 100 hours the community would have to take over.
Susan says she submitted a $500 request for Safety & Security; not received. She will email it to the community before the annual meeting tomorrow.
Victor suggests dropping earthquake insurance for this budget. Currently paid through
November 2020; if decided to drop, would be payment for last part of 2020 and most of 2021. A couple of management members don't want that to be management's proposal, but Victor can propose. Can be discussed at annual meeting. Time to change our minds even if included in 2020 budget; could revise budget before 2021 payment is due in November.
If individuals have taken insurance on their condo insurance for 2020 starting in January then it is in sync with the community's insurance for 10 months no matter what community decides about community earthquake insurance.
Is there anything in the CC&R that allows Management to require everyone to show us their condo insurance policies?
Notice of foreclosure takes three months. Notice of sale takes another month. Foreclosure means it sells at auction, meaning it might go for less than market (meaning Myste gets much less) and we have no control over who buys it. Attorney suggested deed in lieu of foreclosure might be better. Hans is no longer paying Myste's fees & Myste hasn't paid them.
When parking strip was planted, a circle was put around the meter but later got moved. Kathy has located the meter and put a log on top of it. Measuring its location from fixed points might be a good idea.
:: Need to find a place to store information like this.
Checks for Mary, cubic yd of rubber playground chips (okayed by Victor), drinking glasses, light bulbs.
Check for Renae, porch swing for c.h., to be installed in spring.
Check for Joe, repair to bathroom door in workshop.
From her research, Lila suggested two possible microphone systems. Both have a receiver and cordless mics. $130 with two mics, $300+ with four. Maybe borrow Annalise's karaoke set for a meeting for a trial? It's corded, however.
Kay > purchase 2-mic set.
Kathy sent the numbers from her meter and would like to know what the community wants her to pay. Wasons' car is on same meter; Mike calculates an amount based on mileage for his payment; remainder is what Kathy owes.
Kellie > Discuss with Becca & calculate.
Letter from Rocky Mtn Power asking about community participating in a survey. Kathy will fill out.
Linda has gotten online access with Mountain America but not to UFCU.
Email from John: Ben will be transferring remaining balance $51K from Cap One to
UFCU. Setting up automatic monthly payment for reserve from Mt Am to UFCU and link from
UFCU to Mt Am for payments.
Kellie > set up auto payments from Mt Am.
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 07
On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 11:22 AM Lila Sweeney wrote:
A minor point but The check Joe received was for parts not labor for the door.
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 07.
On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 1:34 PM John Garrison wrote:
Hi all
It's important to clarify two budget items which were misrepresented in the meeting notes; and remind about an IRS item that was omitted.
(1) per our service provider, Dale Gifford, the reserve update fee is $1080 for 2020, so please change the $500 line item to $1080.
(2) my recommendation was $500 in "professional fees", not $500 in legal fees. Professional fees include both legal and accounting line items, without presuming to know what the breakout will be between the two lines. For example, tax prep fees may be around $450 alone, but rather than a line item for tax accounting, it should be rolled into professional fees.
(3) Reminder: the 1099-MISC for Mike needs to be submitted to IRS by end of January. That wasn't mentioned in the meeting minutes.
Thanks, John
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 07.
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020, 2:54 PM John Garrison wrote:
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 07.
On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 4:11 PM John Garrison wrote:
To all community members regarding the reserve analysis update:
Management is required "if necessary" to update the reserve study every three years. In the case of Wacoho, reserve elements have changed significantly since the last study in December of
2017 that found the community was reserved for less than 30% of its needs. It is prudent financial management to update the reserve study in 2020 in my opinion at the quoted cost of $1080.
The full reserve study is required every 6 years, next due in 2023.
The exact Utah code (Title 57, Chapter 8) states:
" Effective 5/8/2018.
57-8-7.5. Reserve analysis -- Reserve fund.
(1) As used in this section:
(a)"Reserve analysis" means an analysis to determine:
(I) the need for a reserve fund to accumulate reserve funds; and
(ii) the appropriate amount of any reserve fund.
(b)"Reserve fund line item" means the line item in an association of unit owners' annual budget that identifies the amount to be placed into a reserve fund.
(c)"Reserve funds" means money to cover the cost of repairing, replacing, or restoring common areas and facilities that have a useful life of three years or more and a remaining useful life of less than 30 years, if the cost cannot reasonably be funded from the general budget or other funds of the association of unit owners.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in the declaration, a management committee shall:
(a) cause a reserve analysis to be conducted no less frequently than every six years; and
(b) review and, if necessary, update a previously conducted reserve analysis no less frequently than every three years.
(3) The management committee may conduct a reserve analysis itself or may engage a reliable person or organization, as determined by the management committee, to conduct the reserve analysis.
(4) A reserve fund analysis shall include:
(a) a list of the components identified in the reserve analysis that will reasonably require reserve funds;
(b) a statement of the probable remaining useful life, as of the date of the reserve analysis, of each component identified in the reserve analysis;
(c) an estimate of the cost to repair, replace, or restore each component identified in the reserve analysis;
(d) an estimate of the total annual contribution to a reserve fund necessary to meet the cost to repair, replace, or restore each component identified in the reserve analysis during the component's useful life and at the end of the component's useful life; and
(e) a reserve funding plan that recommends how the association of unit owners may fund the annual contribution described in
Subsection (4)(d)."
Thanks for careful consideration of this important issue,
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 07.
On Jan 8, 2020, at 4:42 PM, Kellie Hendersonmwrote:
John we didn't misrepresent your email, we read it at the beginning of the meeting, we just opted as a group to keep the $500 budget for the reserve update. Thanks.
Re: [WaCoHo] minutes Mgt 2020 01 07.
On Jan 8, 2020, at 5:15 PM, Kellie Henderson wrote:
The community is of course free to change this decision, but our thought was that $1k/3 years is expensive if we're only required by law to pay for professional reserve study every 6 years.
Page generated June 21, 2020