Sunday, December 22, 2019


All-Community Meeting minutes, Sunday December 22, 2019

Topics: Topics: 2020 budget draft

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Topics: Topics: fence behind #9

Discussion: Decisions: Want to see a proposal for the fence

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: Restart practice of Keeper of the Heart. Add "change furnace filters" to monthly work team during the winter.

Topics: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: Role of Keeper of the Heart, helping new residents adapt, community work participation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Decisions: Decision: Keep earthquake insurance; Management will decide on policy.

Topics: 7:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: emergency contacts, thefts, insurance presentation by agent, earthquake insurance, work parties.

Sunday, October 27, 2019



Topics: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: glass recycling, encourage participation by feeling ownership, scheduling common house


Proposal File: proposals/

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Topics: 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: landscaping adopt-a-spot, Noorda house demolition, six-month review of Process committee split.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Topics: 3:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: carport painting, demolition of Noorda house & removal of trees, swamp cooler shutdown, grading wild area paths

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Decisions: Decisions: Keep shed in north field but relocate it. North Field Group will email a survey and call a meeting to discuss precise location, to be approved at ACM.

Topics: Topics: recycling, north field shed, envisioning boards

Sunday, August 25, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Sunday August 25, 2019

Topics: Discussion: community rules

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Topics: Topics: Stucco, CC&R

Discussion: Discussion: Clarifying agreements & communicating them to all residents


Proposal File: proposals/

Sunday, July 28, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Sunday, July 28, 2019

Decisions: No decisions.

Discussion: Discussion: Keyless locks.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Wednesday July 10, 2019

Discussion: Discussion: Trees

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Topics: Topics: Portland cohousing conference report, landscape clean-up before anniversary party, common house entrance and guest room locks; how to operate the dishwasher

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Minutes, ACM, Sunday, May 26, 2019

Decisions: Decision: The Chicken Club may increase the number of chickens in the north field coop to the 25 allowed on the permit.

Topics: Discussion: chickens

Discussion: topics: 20th anniversary celebration, reports from newly formed committees, emptying vacuum cleaner

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: create a Committee Support Committee

Discussion: Discussion: committee support, what gets in the way of participating

Proposal: Proposal: Committee Support Committee

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Decisions: Decision: hold a discussion group, bring proposal back next ACM.

Discussion: Discussion: committee support

Proposal: Proposal: Form a Committee Support Committee

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Wednesday April 10, 2019

Decisions: Decisions: Approved proposal to split Process Committee


Discussion: Discussion: Disband current Process Committee and divide its duties among four new committees

Proposal: Proposal: Divide Process into Four Committees

Proposal File: proposals/

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Topics: Discussion: judging when who should say what to whom; splitting process committee

Proposal: Proposal: Divide Process committee into four committees/teams/task forces. No decision.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: ad hoc pet registry, ad hoc data management & internal communication on community work.

Discussion: Discussion: Community pet registry, rabies shots, dividing Process's jobs, nominating committee, committees vs. projects, communication & data management

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Discussion: Topic: Cooperative culture development

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Discussion: Topic: Skills for a Cooperative Culture

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Discussion: Topics: Consensus and Process, How to Pass Culture Along to New Folks

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: Approve new Declaration of Conditions, Convenants & Restrictions.

Discussion: Discussion: CC&R, retreat

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: Approved north field garden for 2019.

Discussion: Discussion: north field garden, land swap.

Proposal: Proposal: north field garden

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: Approved north field garden for 2019.


Discussion: Discussion: north field garden, land swap.

Proposal: Proposal: north field garden

Sunday, January 27, 2019


All-Community Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 2019

Decisions: Decisions: Approved north field garden for 2019.

Topics: Discussion: north field garden, land swap.

Discussion: Proposal: north field garden

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Decisions: Decisions: Victor Miele, Kay Argyle, & Cheryl Kiel were elected to Management. 2019 budget approved. New assessment amounts are effective February 1, 2019.


Discussion: Discussion: Management Elections, Annual Budget Proposal: 2019 Budget

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, December 22, 2019

3:10-5:00 p.m..

Topics: Topics: 2020 budget draft

Present: Mike, Trevor & Kirstin #5, Joe, Lila, Linda WG, Lauren, Kelly, Marina, Kay (notes), Lynda, Richard, Susan, John, Gary, Mary, Linda R, Laraine, Kellie, Cheryl. Renae 4:05..


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2019 3:21 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 12 22

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, December 22, 2019

All-Community Meeting minutes, Sunday December 22, 2019


Hanukah starts at sundown tonight.

Monday at 6:00 Aitch is story-telling at the Bee, which is run by Giuliana, an ex-resident.

Christmas Eve party, 8:00-midnight, potluck sign-up in mailroom, games, gift exchange. Can't buy something for exchange find something humorous or useful around your house that you can pass along.

Boxing Day celebration. Dec 28, ~6:00 potluck, karaoke, ping-pong, donate coats & clothes for homeless.

New Year's Party December 31. Board games, community games, soup & snacks, noisemakers

& hats, sparkly alcoholic & nonalcoholic drinks.

Annual Meeting Wednesday January 8.


Article on Victor passed around.

Lynda is collecting for Best Friends Animal Society in Sugarhouse. See their website for a list of needs: dog or cat food, cleaning supplies, copy paper, etc.

Kellie will email reminding people what needs to be in their condo insurance.

Facilities Committee Reports

Water. Leak by Cheyenne from buried pipe near shut-off valve [edit: stop-&-waste valve 2nd from road]. Water meter & shut-off is in parking strip by telephone pole.

Kay & John have been putting together a description of the community's irrigation with photos.

Maintenance. Dishwasher has an error code. May need to wash dishes by hand, unless someone has time to arrange getting it fixed. Manuals for kitchen equipment are stored with the cookbooks. Please bring your own dishes & utensils for potluck.

Underutilized Spaces. Joe has fixed bathroom door in workshop.

Trees. Had bids on Russian olive behind Lynda's and Cheryl's and behind Victor's and

Trevor's. Tree person was supposed to be here today but postponed until tomorrow

[postponed again]. Removal was approved before but waited until the Noorda garage was demolished to get to the trees more easily.

Safety. Got some 4x4s at Restore to put sign Slow Down Kids Playing on west drive.

Suggestion: Post a list of things to be looked for at thrift stores or Restore or NPS, so people who go such places regularly can keep an eye out.

Community Life Committee Reports

Lila did some research on mikes. System with 3 microphones $150 on Amazon.

Facilitation. Need people to sign up to facilitate meetings.

Procedures. Will be sending out short educational pieces on consensus process. Books on consensus process in sitting room may be borrowed for reading.

The person Procedures is trying to get for a retreat can also train on facilitation. Might be a charge for an extra session for that.

A justification for blocking must be that something is harmful or against the community's values

-- meaning the community needs to have decided-upon values.

Committee Support Team. If you are willing to be on a committee, sign up. Don't overcommit if you aren't prepared to participate in a committee. [Note: committee' is French, past tense of commit'.]

If you want to leave one committee and join another, you just let both committees know, quit attending one and start attending the other. The only committee whose membership is controlled in some way is Management, which is elected.

Difference between committees and clubs. We have three types of groups, (a) community relations committees, (b) physical [facilities] committees, & (c) clubs. Committees make decisions for the community in their area of mandate, whereas clubs make decisions for the club in its area of interest. Club membership doesn't count towards requirement to be on a committee. Clubs include north field, east garden, chicken club, jam club. [Note: Another difference is that clubs are rarely given budgets except for projects in the community's interest.]

Values Review. Equality & Fairness.


Linda R (bookkeeper) passed out a budget worksheet. This is not yet the official proposal. The handout gives actual expenditures for three years, 2016, 2017, & 2018; budget and actuals to date for 2019; and anticipated nondiscretionary costs and budget requests for 2020. Linda will email a soft copy.

The handout has three sets of columns for 2020:

A. give committees what they had last year, puts us $4.5K in the hole;

B. give committees nothing, $2K shortfall,

C. give committees what they requested, $7K short.

No way to not increase our fees unless we find something to cut.

We operate on a zero-based budget; that is, we plan that everything that comes in during a year will be spent that year. It is actually always a bit short or a bit over; not required to balance every year. Expect to end this year with $3K more received from fees than spent. If decided, can be used to cover shortfall in 2020 budget.

Currently have

- $17K in operating account.

- $88K in reserve.

- $8K accounts receivable (owed).

- $90K total assets.

[Q by notetaker: Is this supposed to add up? Did I record something wrong?]

Expenses are divided into

- nondiscretionary expenses, things like utilities, maintenance, insurance, waste; and

- discretionary (committee) expenses, which can be regarded as what makes us cohousing.

The discussion at the Annual Meeting will mostly about which committees we want to fund with how much.

The 2020 budget has three nondiscretionary increases.

(1) Insurance (line 08435) has gone up $3K due to earthquake insurance.

(2) Reserve study (line 08473) is required by state law to update every three years and do new every seven(?). It was last done December 2017.

(3) Deposit to reserve (line 12250), increases 3% every year as recommended in 2017 reserve study.

Capital reserve is for items with >3 year life but <30 year life. Study said we had 27% of what we should have. We have been making large expenditures doing the roofs, so reserve hasn't grown much, but amount needed in near future is smaller.

Last section on handout has the reserve expenditures in the past three years. Planned expenditure on roofing is smaller this year than last; painting is higher.

Can't move money saved on capital expenses to the operating budget, although it builds our reserve faster. However, maintenance money not spent on outside labor could be moved to another budget.

Q. Do we need to budget as much for an update of the reserve study as for a new study? Could we cut the budget item in half?

Clarifications on 2019 Actuals

Income includes cash back on credit card. We try to put what community bills and large expenditures we can on the credit card since we get cash back. Ben was the Treasurer at the time we got the card & the bank required it to be in someone's name, hence it is in Ben's name. Management is looking at whether to close that card and open a new one elsewhere.

Professional services in 2019 included a notary, legal services for questions about fence

(easements), filing CC&R, accounting services. John did the tax return. Hope to have lower legal services since CC&Rs are done.

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Minutes, All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, December 11, 2019.

Topics: Topics: fence behind #9

Discussion: Decisions: Want to see a proposal for the fence

Present: Lauren (fac), Kathy, Lila, Kellie, John, Linda WG, Susan, Richard, Anne Hammond, Naomi F, Cheryl, Annalise, Becca, Laraine, Marina, Linda R, Mary, Sara, Kay (notes), Victor, Renae, Diana, Lynda, Joe, Carol, Alex, Mike.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2019 5:10 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 12 11

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Carolling party on Saturday. 6:00 p.m. mulled wine, 7:00 p.m. singing.

It was requested beforehand that announcements be emailed.


This is from Kay's point of view, and others involved may recollect or view matters differently.

1) Anne Hammond wrote to Management with two concerns: a) She said the fence behind and at the side of Unit #9 is in violation of community rules, and that this had social implications for the community, as a community, and long-term legal implications for the condominium association. b) She said the Garrisons' use of the common area behind #9 was negatively impacting her tenants the Prices.

2) The letter was addressed to Management because of the first concern, not the second.

Although members of Management have been on the mediation team and present at discussions of the interpersonal tensions, their primary focus has been on the potential rule violation and its legal effects.

3) Management has consulted the community's attorney, and based on his responses thinks there are ways of dealing with the legal aspects of a fence without harming the

Association's interests.

4) The Garrisons claim the fence was approved and is thus not in violation. What they have described does not constitute community approval for a fence, and no independent evidence of approval has been found or presented. If this is in dispute, the ACM would be the court of appeal.

5) No matter who brings a potential violation to our attention, it is a matter between the community and the party committing the act. The Prices and Anne Hammond are parties to the question of the fence solely as 1/26 of the community and have no special standing.

6) While the CC&R theoretically grants certain powers to Management, the way we function puts nearly all power with the Association as a whole, which is to say, the community. For instance, Management cannot grant permission for a fence.

7) Except for payment of fees, neither Management nor the community have been in the habit of enforcing rules by any means other than persuasion, and often not at all. Management is unsure where the community wants the power of enforcement for non- fiscal violations to reside.

8) If the fence were to be formally approved by the community, the fence would no longer be a violation. Is the community is willing to entertain a request for a fence from the

Garrisons? If the community is not willing to consider a request, if no request is made, or if a request is made but not approved, there is a rule violation to be dealt with. What does the community want to do?

9) For future discussion: No matter how this instance is resolved, there are other rule violations that should be dealt with. Does the community wish to entrust enforcement to

Management? With what rigor does it want rules enforced? What tools (such as fines etc.) may the enforcer employ?

End of Kay's summary.


When Walsh-Garrisons moved in in 2015, they thought they had been assured that they could have a containment area for their dog Shanti, an important member of the family. As far as they were aware, it was done according to procedures. LWG says fence and berm have not moved for five years. Minutes of the meeting before they moved in [6/28/2015

ACM] say they were there. Was told not to talk about matter so conflict resolution could handle it.

Marina read an email sent 9/26/2015 from Linda WG to Prices, saying Linda had put up chicken wire to confine Shanti. Marina remembers telling the WGs they needed to do a proposal, and her impression was that others did too. She made accommodations like moving her composter and giving up the walking area south of the small bottle garden in her backyard. When the WGs put their table directly outside #7's angled living room window, it felt intrusive and that they had no privacy for conversations; they requested its location be adjusted but the WGs would not. Scott was taking real estate classes and learning a bit about easements, which seemed it might apply. Tried to talk to WGs and were rebuffed. Spoke to Anne and decided to write letter to Mgt. Feel there is some deliberate blindness by WGs.

Anne was concerned about the precedent of having fences impacting the shared nature of the property.

When the community first moved in, the kids weren't respecting personal space, playing on

Carol's deck when she was on night shift and trying to sleep, putting their noses against people's windows and thumping to attract attention from inside cats & dogs. Since fences weren't permitted, the first owner of #7, Gwen, protected space by putting in a berm and planting bushes.

Fencing to create dog run behind east carports was put up by Mary because we had a number of dogs in the community, not just Shanti. Mary helped put up the chicken wire fence behind #9 but says she also said to do a proposal.

Rebecca F put a chain link fence panel right by #7's diagonal window. Mary got her to move it to just the patio, so at least Prices weren't feeling imprisoned.

Marina says #9's fence is illegal by both community's rules and the law, and that #9 did move the berm; its eastern edge used to be west of #7's berm and is now east.

Unit 7 has limitations of privacy on all four sides. It also has a berm around its yard.

Units on southeast have fences coming off adjoining unit so angled window faces other yard.

[Note added: Responses to an email 9/3/2019 to attendees listed as present 6/28/2015 had no recollection of a fence being requested let alone okayed.]

Discussion was first by stacking then by round robin.


The community hasn't done a good job of educating new residents about our rules. We've had a history of not dealing with violations.

There're a lot of issues, but we are trying to focus tonight on the fence.

Overriding concern is the nature of the community and making decisions by consensus.

Don't want to lose the concept of cohousing. Need to be able to talk to each other; that's how cohousing works. Causes harms when people unilaterally make decisions that affect the community.

Not opposed to concept of fences and people carving out private areas, but it would need to be worked out through the community's agreed on processes, and it needs to be equitable for others as well.

Have heard at least one person already say they would block a fence proposal. Community hasn't done a good job of evaluating what makes a valid block. Concerned there would be blocks that might not be for the good of the community.

Getting people on-boarded in this community is a real weak spot. Only one line in the

Customs & Expectations the WGs received about proposals. They didn't get good guidance on how the community operates.

Community has lots of opportunities to improve; encouraged we are talking.

Community has a real hard time holding people accountable for bad behavior.

Don't solve one problem yet ignore concrete poured where it shouldn't be and piles of dog shit and trees planted where they shouldn't be.

It's been nine months and this is the first time we've sat down to talk about it.

Very impatient with the notion that it's Welcoming's fault.


Concerned about loss of space in wild area.

Appreciate Linda WG saying it is still common area, but the fence makes a difference in feeling can casually walk in.

Thought accommodation for dog was area behind the carports being designated as a dog run. Kids used to play there, troubled by loss of the space.

Fence or not, gives everybody's back area a wide berth to respect privacy.

Have serious reservations of that much of wild space disappearing.


It's a disservice to the community to not allow a household to accommodate for a family member, that is, dog.

Always makes sure when she moves someplace that she learns what are the limitations around dogs; can't believe John & Linda would not have done so also.

As a dog owner, can't imagine ever not having a dog.


Opposing attitudes expressed, can't deal with this unless we also deal with other violations vs. we have to start somewhere.

Marina would like

- the division between the yards moved over to give space under their window,

- the fence taken down and then have the community work out solutions,

- the fence attached to WGs' house not theirs.

An electronic [underground/invisible] fence would not work well for Shanti because of her poodle ancestry. Further, need to keep other dogs out. Shanti has been attacked by both

River & KJ's Juniper. Annalise's Juniper has also been attacked.

If community feels the need for a proposal, John is fine with doing a proposal. He wants whatever the community decides. He says they did offer to move the fence. Situation has been dragging on since May, some kind of deadline would be good.

Move fence so it isn't under Marina's window. Let fence be grandfathered, don't see need for proposal.

Wonder if fenced area could be much smaller.

Take both parties' needs into account. Facilitate give and take.

Bring it back in from the wild area. Attorney suggested a form that community members sign, putting in writing that fence will be removed, not transferable.

Wants dog confined, however that gets done. Focus more on going forward than on how we got here. If fence is moved in, patio now outside the fence should remain.

Posted Values say we make decisions by consensus. Willing to sit down and work out issues to find something satisfactory for Shanti's well-being. Can work out issues but not with one unit making its own decisions.

Fence has caused problems for nine months, think fence should go away.

Consider everybody's voice. Need education. Blocks need to be about big things, not just disliking something about a proposal.

Got advice: Rules are your fire escape. Use them when necessary, then figure out why there is a fire.

Have a temporary solution for while the community works things out.

Fear a proposal would replay this meeting. Would like there to be a proposal, but think very carefully about blocks before it. Let fence stay for right now.

Would like fence to stay up so dog is protected in interim and discuss fence's location so

Scott & Marina's concerns are addressed.

There's got to be a solution for where the fence is placed. There are other chicken wire fences in north field. Find a solution that accommodates more than two points of view.

Aesthetic concerns about fence and dividing up area. Bought unit because it was open, there were no fences and to be no fences. Seems like a fence for two individuals more than for just a dog. Sets a precedent for other people to say they want a fence, and another fence and another.

Important to protect wild area. Address legal issues. Could be more than one proposal and aesthetics can be a consideration. Current fence needs to come down. #7's privacy needs to be protected. Needs to be legal and aesthetic and needs to be a small area for a dog.

Need to tighten things down. We get very personal about an issue, would like to see issues not get bogged down in personalities, and to have confidence in our being cohousing.

Don't want to see people moving in and not being able to have a dog. Seems strange to have such a demarcation between well-fenced units and one with chicken wire.

Moving a chicken wire fence three feet is not going to give Marina privacy.

Half of community has been here for less than five years. Time to review what community thinks is important.

Would like to have fence remain while matter is worked out. WGs have already submitted a proposal. Put a deadline on coming up with a solution.

Would like to see a proposal for all the units, not just one.

Not even really a fence, a chicken wire structure, especially compared to fences on south.

Can't apply everything universally, because of differences among units.

Restrict purchases by people with dogs only to the units that already have fences.

Saying you will block a proposal even before it is discussed is an inappropriate block.

Make a goal in 2020 to get better visibility of rules. Enforcement has to start on an individual level.

The duck proposal got put off to talk about a "larger issue" which still has not been discussed.

Asked attorney if it would be effective to have a paper signed agreeing that a structure is temporary and doesn't constitute an easement. Attorney said yes, it is a common solution.

Prefer we do a proposal, following community norm and avoid a precedent.

Would like to see John & Linda and Scott & Marina sit down together to talk and have a proposal coming from all of them.

Doesn't like precedent of waiting four years to object to something.

Don't want fences, they don't feel welcoming. But dogs do need protective places. Need to say something right away when something doesn't seem quite right.

Don't want to see community become authorita[rian]. More rules aren't going to help this.

Poll. Should there be a proposal? Show of thumbs: Yes. John abstains.


Considerations Specific to Fence

- Talk it out & accommodate multiple viewpoints

- Follow community procedures

- Protect privacy

- Protect common area

- Meet dog's needs

- Stay legal & protect community's interests

- Timely resolution

- Consider aesthetics

- Clarity about legitimate blocking

- Difference of opinion whether to remove or keep fence during discussions

Lessons & Goals

- Improve education & orientation on community rules & community procedures

- Better visibility of rules

- Build in accountability, without becoming authoritarian

- Seek equitability

- Balance open shared space vs. needs for personal space

- Attempting to restrict dog ownership to pre-fenced units isn't especially practical

- Speak up when something doesn't feel right

- Don't wait to solve a problem until "greater" issues are resolved

- Honor community values yet allow community growth & change



Re: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 12 11

On Sunday, December 15, 2019 5:08 PM John Garrison wrote:

Hi Kay--

Thanks for the quick turnaround.

For the sake of accuracy, we ask you to restate/clarify two points for the record:

(1) " When the WGs put their table directly outside #7's angled living room window, it felt

intrusive and that they had no privacy for conversations; they requested its location be

adjusted but the WGs would not."

In fact, as Linda explained (and the record should state) that at Marina's request in late

May, we immediately moved the swing chair, the table, and other items she felt were

invasive to her privacy; cleaned the area, planted appropriate foliage after research; set

up a watering system; in order to to enhance and emphasize the privacy of the space

immediately below the window. Not discussed at the meeting, but the actions were a

result of a 5 hour conversation between Linda and Marina in late May where it was

understood these actions would satisfy their concerns. And also not discussed, we did

not honor their request for us to move the picnic table in the middle of our LCA patio --

Marina wanted us to no longer spend time outside near their window.

(2) In the note taker's summary, the statement is - "Difference of opinion whether to

remove or keep fence during discussions". Yes, BUT to give the proper perspective, the

"remove the fence" advocates totalled 3 of 27 attending -- the summary statement

should not imply anything else. Please strike the statement or alternatively keep it

objective with "(3 of 27)" stated. .

In summary, we were dismayed about numerous misleading and manipulative

statements being made by several, However, it seemed counterproductive, and a waste

of community time, for us to correct each of these statements, so we'll let them go

except the two noted above.

We appreciate your restatement/clarification in the official final meeting document.

Otherwise people may forget what happened in the meeting as apparently can




Re: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 12 11

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 8:30 AM Linda Walsh-Garrison wrote:


To prevent a repeat of June 2015 - we would like to be sure that the minutes properly reflect the


We originally requested this update - it was overlooked in the published version.

1. "When the WGs put their table directly outside #7's angled living room window, it felt

intrusive and that they had no privacy for conversations; they requested its location be

adjusted but the WGs would not."

In fact, as Linda explained (and the record should state) after a 5hour

conversation with Marina - WGs immediately moved the swing chair, the

table, and other items Marina perceived as invasive to her privacy. WG

then consulted with Red Butte Horticulturists and Kevin Bell who

recommended and provided some fast growing bushes and watering

system for under Unit 7's window.... at Marina's request and our expense.

This, she said, would feel like a sound barrier and satisfy ALL their


(2) In the note taker's summary, the statement is - "Difference of opinion

whether to remove or keep fence during discussions".

Yes, BUT please give the proper perspective, the "remove the fence"

advocates totalled 3 of 27 attending -- the summary statement should not

imply anything else. Please strike the statement or alternatively keep it

objective with "24 of 27" suggested the situation was workable or should

be grandfathered.

We appreciate your restatement/clarification in the official final meeting

document. Otherwise people may forget what happened in the meeting

as apparently can happen.... once again.

Documentation is especially important as management changes this month.

Thank you.

Re: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 12 11

On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 10:28 AM WCGG on behalf of Kellie Henderson wrote:

I see no reason to ammend the minutes from how they were originally published. We've dealt

with this issue repeatedly when, during conversations about controversial subjects, people insist

on tweaks to minutes not to reflect something that was left out (which would be an appropriate addendum) but to reflect what they feel is a more accurate summary. The quoted portion about

the table is clearly from Marina's perspective, and it would make no sense to edit it with the

Garrison's opinions. I also don't think the phrase "difference of opinion" implies an even split or

is somehow less "objective". I don't want to see this open up a tit-for-tat where opposing sides

are vying for after-the-fact additions to the minutes. My two cents.


Meeting Minutes


Sunday, November 24, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Sunday, November 24, 2019.

Topics: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: Role of Keeper of the Heart, helping new residents adapt, community work participation.

Decisions: Decisions: Restart practice of Keeper of the Heart. Add "change furnace filters" to monthly work team during the winter.

Present: Izzy (fac), Kay (notes), Lauren, Lila, Hans, Mary, Linda R, Laraine, Richard, Susan, Cheryl, Kelly.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Friday, November 29, 2019 3:16 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 11 24

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, November 24, 2019


Thanksgiving dinner at 2:00 on Thursday. Linda R bringing an organic turkey, stuffing, and gravy. Seven signed up so far.

5K run on Thanksgiving morning 8 a.m., fundraiser for Utah Food Bank. $25/individual,

$100/team. Cheryl, Becca, Izzy entering as a team. Izzy will be walking, not running, would be happy for another walker.

Committee Reports

Landscaping. Got some native plants on clearance at Cactus & Tropical. Russian olives coming up all over north side of property; have been taking them out periodically.

Planning tree work for this winter. Hope to remove dying big olive. Mountain mahogany, silver buffalo berry.

Common House. Marina & Elaine got two chairs for the downstairs guestroom. Need someone with muscles to move them from the dining room to the guest room.

Facilitators. Need people to sign up to facilitate meetings. Don't have facilitators for many upcoming ACMs.

Procedures. Planning a retreat with an outside facilitator. Karen visited the community, and the people who met her found her very impressive. She sends a survey ahead of time to help determine issues.

Management. Next meeting doing a draft of 2020 budget. Still transitioning accounts to

Mountain America and University Federal credit unions. Need updated mortgage lender info from new residents or anyone who has refinanced, & updated leases for 2020. Will have elections for 2 management members in January. Cheryl, Kay & Victor are continuing, Kellie & John's terms are up.

Budget requests should contain (1) name of committee, (2) who is on the committee, (3) what you plan to do this coming year, and (4) how much money you need to do it.

Agenda Setters. Need members.

Value. Accountability & Cooperation. Chose values for today's meeting to be relevant to chores, subject on today's agenda. Most of our values are about relationships, not many about the nuts and bolts side of running a community.

Having a Keeper of the Heart

One important meeting role which we have neglected recently is the Keeper of the

Heart. The person's duties are to keep an eye on emotions, to notice when an individual is visibly upset but not saying anything or when emotions are getting in the way of a productive discussion. Asks that we deal with the emotional side of the issue when necessary. Usually chosen as a volunteer, but Process would assign someone to volunteer if no one else did. Even if one person is officially responsible, anyone can step in when they see a need.

Orienting New Residents

Welcoming Meeting. November 1, Sunday at 4:00.

Best if new residents learn how to do something before they learn by unknowingly doing something uncustomary.

There is a huge amount for new residents to learn. Too much information at once can't all be retained. Can we break up orientation into smaller chunks?

Every committee might hold a welcoming session to explain what they do, what their mandate is, how projects within their mandate are handled.

Buddy System. A new resident could have an assigned person they can call with any questions or to ask for advice.

:: Cheryl will be Buddy for Kelly; Susan & Laraine will be Buddy for Lila & Joe.

Documents or videos are only useful if people actually read them or watch them.

Attending ACM, caf‚, potluck and so on are excellent ways to learn. Taking a walk with someone can promote conversation.

During formation, the group had a book describing each person's background and their answers to a bunch of questions. Lauren worked on getting biographies together for the

20th anniversary, which were posted on the walls. Lynda has those. Could have a dedicated bulletin board or put them on FaceBook. Some residents would rather not have their information published where people outside the community will see it, but might be okay with it being in a binder accessible by residents. Some people would be more likely to access it if it was online.

:: Mary is interested in working on this.

Summary of Ideas

- buddy system,

- orientation in smaller chunks,

- each committee does an orientation,

- orientation materials online, documents and/or videos,

- resident bios,

- leverage informal orientation opportunities.

Work Parties & Other Community Work

From Question Box: Which tasks are appropriate for work parties as opposed to hiring out, and how do we get commitment from community members to show up?

Two criteria for doing tasks ourselves: Do we have the skills in the community? Can it be done in one or two sessions? [Edit: 3rd criteria, is resident time and energy better used elsewhere?]

Ask Management to announce upcoming tasks before they are hired out to see if we can get volunteers.

The community's participation requirements (not always well-communicated to new residents) are:

- Serve on a committee

- 2 hours a month

- 2 months a year on c.h. cleaning team

- Attend half of all ACMs

- Attend work parties

At least one of the task lists we've drawn up over the years had jobs arranged by what time of year was a good time to do them. Have work parties on a regular schedule throughout the year with tasks chosen by priority.

The committee sign-up list has slots to write down a chore that you do on a regular basis.

Pay-or-Work agreement says every adult works two hours per month or pays

$40. Need a higher commitment than two hours a month. Most communities require several times that. You can't maintain a house and yard on two hours a month.

What incentive is there for residents to do community work? Mostly intangible incentives. Pay-or-work payment has been voluntary.

- Gratitude is at least a small payment to people doing the work. Its effectiveness wears off; don't thank me, spend ten minutes helping.

- Camaraderie.

- Satisfaction in a job well-done or skills practiced.

- A sense of ownership.

- A feeling of doing the right thing.

Assume others are doing their best. Let them know they are missed, keep offering invitations.

:: Lila will take out brown bins on Wednesday nights.

We don't have a good idea of how much time it actually takes to do all the community work.

Communication is a barrier. Our various task lists aren't in an easily accessible place.

Get information online for ease of access. Need a system to track what is being done, by whom, and how long it took.

Have someplace where people can look up when the last time was that a particular thing was done.

Within the intentional community world, probably someone has written software to track work. There is professional software to track work, and some companies offer free versions, and free software that can be adapted to our purpose such as Google Forms.

People respond differently to tracking/reporting of what they and others have done.

Some resent it, some work harder as a result. Some people notice things that need to be done; people who don't might take on jobs if they didn't have to go looking for them.

Summary of Ideas

- Before a job is hired out, ask (1) Do we have the skills in the community? (2) Can it be done in one or two sessions? (3) Can we get a volunteer?

- Ask Management to announce tasks they will be hiring out if no volunteer.

- Hold regularly scheduled work parties, e.g., on a set day every month.

- Choose work party tasks from a prioritized seasonal list.

- Each person pick a regular chore and note it on committee/work team list.

- Increase pay-or-work requirement from 2 hr/mo.

- Set up an easy method of reporting/tracking work hours, probably online.

- Set up an easy method of tracking when something was done so things don't get neglected or duplicated.

- Get task lists into an easily accessible place/form.

- Don't assume everyone knows what needs to be done.

- Assume good intent by others.

- If someone isn't participating, keep inviting them anyway.

Silly Question Box. Who enforces our rules?

In theory, it would be Management. In a normal condo association, Management sends warning letters or charges fines. Answer: No good answer.

How are the furnace filters changed and who does it?

If someone has signed up for it, we don't know who. When changing the filter, write your name and the date on the filter.

:: Add "change furnace filters" to monthly work team during the winter.


Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, November 13, 2019.

Topics: 7:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: emergency contacts, thefts, insurance presentation by agent, earthquake insurance, work parties.

Decisions: Decision: Keep earthquake insurance; Management will decide on policy.

Present: Becca (fac), Joe, Lila, Kay (notes), Alex, Gary, Hans, Susan, Richard, Linda R, Lynda, Mary. 8:00 Scott Hirschi, insurance agent..


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Friday, November 29, 2019 3:12 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 11 13

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Please sign up for Thanksgiving dinner on sheet on mail room board. Usually scheduled 2:00 or

3:00 in the afternoon.


Suggestion: Put emergency contact information/next of kin on a piece of paper and staple it in your internal mail folder. If you want it to be confidential seal it in an envelope first. May do an electronic version, but the low-tech version is available for everyone. Fire Dept suggests putting medical information, like prescriptions, on a sticky note on your fridge so it can be found quickly in an emergency.

Leaf bags are collected at a park in West Valley 4000 W ~4700 S and can be pilfered for use to cover garden beds.

Kudos to team working on garage (Gary!), very good job.

Victor's ladder was stolen. Its last-known location was in the garage, but someone may have borrowed it and left it out. Amy got a photo of the person who carried it off on a bicycle.

Anti-Theft Ideas

- Put your name on your equipment in big-enough letters to be obvious.

- Remember to keep the common house and workshop locked. The postal carrier has a key and will put our packages in the coat room, but that doesn't help if the doors are unlocked.

- If you borrow something from the garage, check it out on the white board on the wood by the stairs.

Committee Reports

Landscaping. Appreciate people who have been raking up leaves. Don't pile leaves against tree trunks because mice move in and damage the tree.

Maintenance. Lamp poles are painted and painted numbers renewed. Locksmith guessed $400 for a self-locking door.

Budget. Linda R brought copies of financial statements.


Scott Hirschi, the community's insurance agent gave a presentation and answered questions. He writes a lot of policies through American Family, but also through other companies.

Master Policy

The master policy covers all the buildings. General liability premiums were $3,374 last year,

$3,591 this year.

Except for earthquake, the other policy premiums didn't change much this year. Umbrella policy $275. Crime policy $367. Director & officer $693.

The community's master policy has a $10K deductible per incident. The law says the owner of the damaged unit is responsible for deductible. The community might want to discuss ahead of time who will be responsible and add it to the CC&R.

The common house has its own policy with a smaller $2K deductible.

The community has a volunteer-workers comp policy that covers residents injured doing community work but not non-residents.

Earthquake Endorsement (Insurance)

Our earthquake insurance has been through ICAP(?), through Lloyds of London. It has a deductible of 5% of building value.

The deductible is based on the cost to rebuild, not the sale value. To calculate building value, rebuilding today would be $130/square foot.

Scott guesses that 80% of the associations he deals with don't have earthquake insurance. Most CC&Rs don't say anything about earthquake insurance except that the HOA can buy it.

Premium last year $6,244 jumped to $13,833 this year.

Scott has no idea why earthquake insurance has gone up. [Edit 11/27: Mary's agent says fires in

California made companies re-evaluate risk vs. how much they have been collecting, and decided they needed to collect more in Utah for earthquakes.]

Example: A $1M building is a total loss. 5% deductible is $50K. The building has two units. Each owner is responsible for $25K of the deductible and should have that much on their own policy.

[Example added by note-taker: Say the units of a duplex are 1,200 and 1,400 sq ft. The building would cost (1200 + 1400)*130 = $338K to rebuild. 5% is $16.9K. Divided between two owners, each would be responsible for $8,450. Insurance would not pay out for damage to the building of less than $16.9K.]

If a fire starts because of an earthquake, the fire damage is covered even if you don't have earthquake insurance.

Scott got six or eight quotes. The best was through Palomar Specialties (in California), $9,336 for 5% deductible, 15% deductible $8,403. Palomar is rated A or A-. Switching to Palomar would cost an average $118/yr increase per unit or ~$10/month.

Should make a decision on coverage within a week or so. ICAT policy ends 11/4.

Individual Condo Insurance

In addition to the master policy, owners should carry a policy of individual condo insurance (an

HO6 policy) that covers personal property, some individual liability, and building coverage of at least $10K to cover the deductible.

Plus, Scott recommends endorsements on sewer backup and loss assessment. Water damage is the commonest claim, e.g., hole in line to fridge, sewer backup.

Loss assessment covers special assessments. Policies commonly have $1K loss assessment. Scott recommends at least $5K. To pay out on loss assessment, it has to be a covered peril and equally assessed to everyone on the property.

If the community has earthquake insurance, Scott recommends that each owners have earthquake insurance in their condo policy to cover the deductible on the community policy. He doesn't recommend earthquake insuranceon the condo policy if the master policy doesn't have it. It is very difficult for a single unit to get earthquake insurance by itself at any sort of reasonable price.

Per our CC&R, condo policies are required.

In summary, owners should carry individual condo insurance (an HO6) that covers

- personal property,

- individual liability,

- building coverage of at least $10K to cover the community insurance deductible,

- sewer backup (optional but strongly recommended),

- loss assessment ($1K fairly standard; $5K optional but strongly recommended)

- earthquake coverage of 5% of the value of the building divided by how many units it has

(optional but strongly recommended if community has earthquake insurance).

Insurance Discussion

Kevin Bell represented the city at a 4-day conference for disaster preparedness. The estimate for the brick buildings along the 1300 E escarpment is 95% destruction.

Some geologic/climate models predict more earthquakes as ice caps melt, to adjust stress on tectonic plates.

Consensus: Keep earthquake insurance; Management will decide on policy.

Victor will stand aside. His reason is that the opportunity cost in paying earthquake premiums makes it harder to afford other things, for instance another solar array which will help reduce climate change. Not opposed to earthquake insurance, but there could be better places to put our money.

Scott will send information on what individual policies should cover. Kellie will get it to everyone.

What Makes a Good Work Party?

Start with whether we have the commitment of person-hours. To calculate, estimate how long it would take one unskilled person to do it, and divide that time by the number of volunteers. Often a couple more people actually show up than committed in advance.

Our experience is that two work parties are about the max for a project. [Added by note-taker:

The max time length for a work party is about two hours. Person-hrs/volunteers should be no greater than 4.]

In Becca's experience arranging recent work parties, it is necessary to announce work party at at-least-one ACM, send several emails, and put a notice on everyone's doors.

Work parties take a lot of organizing. Having more people willing to split the organizing aspects helps.

Organizing for a Work Party [added by note-taker]

- Identify project for work party, based on

- priorities

- time needed

- skills available

- equipment available/affordable

- Identify tools and supplies and other needs, e.g., Blue Stakes.

- Schedule a date/time for the work party.

- Advertise work party and get commitments.

- Gather or purchase tools and supplies.

- Arrange other needs.

- Scale (down, usually) goals of work party to no more than 4 hours per volunteer

- Train and direct workers.

- Clean up after work party.

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, October 27, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Sunday, October 27, 2019.

Topics: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: glass recycling, encourage participation by feeling ownership, scheduling common house



Present: Becca (fac), Richard, Kelly (#24), Kay (notes), Naomi, Kathy, Susan, Diane, Hans, Tabor, Cheryl, Lauren, Marina.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 7:21 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 10 27

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, October 27, 2019


Election first Tuesday of November, the 5th: Vote!

Much appreciation for the concert Isabella and some friends put on last night.

Lauren is planning a Hanukah party in December.


Nov 16 Saturday 2:00 p.m., student recital Izzy's students, which include Kay.

Melanie will be Kathy's housemate again.

Fundraiser on Friday, at Unitarian Church, for Black Mesa. See email Kathy sent.

Vicky and Kathy can both add people to the listserv. Kathy sent the link for the contact sheet to the listserv, and she will add it to the email footnote.

White Awareness group meets 2nd Monday of month. Next is November 11, 6:30. Discusses white privilege and micro-aggressions and how we can become conscious of things we say and do.

November 2, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Dia de los Muertos. Will be making vegetarian tamales and have an altar for people to put out photos and mementos of loved ones. Idea is that the dead come to share the meal. Diana will start prep after caf‚. She has a list of ingredients to be purchased. Linda's aikido group will be holding a potluck also.

Tuesday Taiko at fundraiser $15 for Healthy Minds at Twigs, 6200 S State, 6:00. If interested talk to Izzy.

Committee Reports

Tree committee planted 3 trees. Maple on west berm, oak behind Vicky & Kelly's units, apple near other fruit trees in east garden. These are being added to the adopt-a-spot list.

Need watering about once a week for the next several weeks, can stop for winter (unless we have a long spell with no snow) and resume regular watering in spring. Not drought- tolerant species; will need water a number of years until well-established. Apple will need water every year in order to produce.

Restructuring committees. Sheet with everybody in community, will be passed around.

Mark which committees you are on, which work team you are on, and write any tasks you are regularly responsible for. Don't mark for anyone but yourself. Handouts describing how committees operate and which committees the community has.

Management. Has only received one budget request so far. Requests are due November 1.

Glass Recycling

Scott and/or Mary have taken the glass recycling in the past but neither wants to currently.

Momentum offers pick-up for glass recycling at $7 a month per 35 gallon can. The drop-offs are run by Momentum, so it ends up at the same place.

Economics of recycling glass: In order, the best approaches are to buy something without a container or supply your own; reuse the bottle for something else; recycle the glass. Glass can be recycled many times, giving it a smaller footprint than plastic. Whole Foods has been told by the Health Department to stop permitting people to bring their own containers to fill up for peanut butter etc. Bottle deposits would be in between reuse and recycle in effect but aren't an option in this state.

Figure out how much we are producing before we commit to anything like this. We currently have about six bins that get filled up a couple of times a month. For comparison, the blue and brown recycling bins are 95 gallons. The glass bins might be half or one-third that. Doing some rough math, we might have twelve bins a month. $7 x 12 bins x 12 mo/yr

= $996/year.

Suggestion: Use slightly smaller containers that will fit into a car backseat better. Several people would be interested in taking the glass if they could fit it in their car.

:: Izzy will research containers and bring back information to Management or ACM.

Community Ownership & Participation

Prompt: How do we distribute a sense of ownership in the community so more people will take responsibility to do things without being asked?

A few people each act as conveners for multiple things. "Burden of competence": If somebody is dependable at doing things, they get asked to do more. We have a limited number of people who will organize things. Organizing a work party is labor in itself, yet organizers often end up being the ones who show up for the work party. Individuals have a danger of burning out if they are responsible for everything. The people who are active in work are also active in attending meetings; these discussion have an element of preaching to the choir.

Welcoming and orientation is a huge job and is crucial to get people started off as good community members.

Certain people criticize everything. It isn't because they are bad people; often they are very hard workers and deeply committed. Realistically, they probably aren't going to change. All we can do is change ourselves. One can deal with it by saying, That is that person, but it is still a drain of energy. If other people speak up and be appreciative, it can drown out the critics.

Everyone has bad times and needs to be able to back off for a period, without feeling guilty.

Put a big sheet on the wall with everyone's names asking what did you do for your two hours this month. If you see a blank by your name, you want to fill it. Seeing what other people are doing makes you feel that others are committed, so you want to be committed too. Countering view, don't think that would work. Need to make work pleasant, make it fun, make people want to participate.

A number of people felt that enough were willing to do the carport painting job so that going ahead with the contractor was discouraging. They hadn't heard anything about the job until it was already arranged. It was in the minutes, but Management hadn't reported at an ACM that they were planning it. Advertisers say people need to hear something three times before they pay attention.

Having done all the work of arranging it, Management wasn't enthusiastic about canceling it and depending that someone would organize it and other people would show up and do the work. The company had about eleven people who worked all day for three days.

Any way to given credits to people who organize work to be done by the community that would otherwise have been contracted out, toward something they want to do, maybe have a say in redirecting money that is saved?

Stupid Question Box: How do I use the common house for an event? What kind of events can I have?

Start by checking the calendar to see whether the common house is already reserved by someone else.

We encourage most events to be open to the entire community.

If most of the attendees will be from outside the community, the host (or group) should provide a donation.

It's a good idea, early in your planning process, to make an announcement at an ACM giving the date you want and explaining who your group is.

For tax reasons, can do fundraisers that request a donation but can't do events that require payment.


Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

Topics: 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: landscaping adopt-a-spot, Noorda house demolition, six-month review of Process committee split.

Present: Vicky (fac), Cheryl, Izzy, Myste, Richard, Kathy, Linda R, Mary, Victor, Alex, Joe, Lila, Susan, Hans, Becca, Carol, Kellie.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 6:45 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 10 09

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Peace Corps Nov 15 Friday potluck and slide show.

Laraine's b'day party Saturday November 16. Probably a dance.


Take hoses off spigots tonight so they don't freeze, both house bibs and gardens.

Bells have found someone to take the logs by the lamp on the east.

Becca & Cheryl doing a 5K benefit for Utah Food Bank Thanksgiving Day. Talk to Cheryl if you are interested in participating.

Izzy has a friend interested in a room-mate situation

Rooster that has taken up residence doesn't belong to us or the Bells. Mary could use help catching him. Humane Society doesn't take chickens. He will go to IFA. Post on neighborhood list with photo to see if anyone claims him.

Committee Reports

Welcoming. Kelly has moved into Elaine's unit. He has a small dog, Chihuahua mix. Hasn't had an orientation yet and not yet on the listserv. Held an orientation for Lila today. Tabor still needs orientation. #5 is under contract, young family. Drafting a proposal for a reinvestment fee.

Management. Had a presentation from Auric Solar, who will give us an estimate. B&L will come back to look at the anti-reflux valve by Lauren's; it was already broken, but didn't have any water going through it. Moving checking from Chase to Mountain American

Credit Union and reserve from Capital One to University Federal Credit Union.

Carport painting starting Monday the 14th. Carports need to be empty of cars and everything else. Open parking spots are fine. Can park on south side of east driveway; maybe a couple of cars in the north field.

Committees should be preparing their budget requests for turn-in by November 1.

Landscaping. Hired a bobcat/skidster to move chips from west dumpster and from east garden field. Put chips in Meagan's back yard and on wild area path. Mary will pay $100 of cost for time Mike spent on her field. Hans will also put in $100.

Scott D removed one tree from clump by Noorda driveway.

Maintenance. Mike M has painted all but 2 of the lampposts. Will repaint numbers on the outside of the base plate.

Trees. Lowe's had 75% off trees, bought 3 trees, oak, maple, & apple $30 each. October 26 and 27 work party to plant trees. Maybe start digging holes this weekend. Talk to Vicky.

C.R. Tentatively planning on December 11 ACM to discuss issue of #9 fence. Trying to make sure the Garrisons and Prices and as many of the mediation team as possible.

Path is awfully dark. Turn on porchlights, use motion sensors.

Procedures. Values review: Cooperation and equality & fairness.


Map posted by kitchen showing spots. If you see someplace neglected that isn't listed on the map, you can adopt it; let Kathy know. Kathy sent a list of who has signed up for where to the listserv this afternoon. Please talk to Mary before pruning trees, even cutting off dead branches.

Noorda House Demolition

Article in Tribune was about meth remediation of houses to be lived in. Demolition can be done safely by spraying water to keep down dust. Maxine has said she's okay with

Management giving the demo company the go-ahead. Demolition company seems to be very diligent about getting permits and doing things correctly.

Company wants a hold-harmless agreement. They don't have one they want us to use; they expect us to draft one, which lets us be precise about what we are holding harmless.

Becca found there are no federal or state regulations on demolition of meth houses.

Instead, it is regulated by the local health department. (Becca works for Dept of

Environmental Quality.)

Driveway north of house is in poor condition. Regulations for urban farm require a driveway so cars park on property not on street. Will move driveway to other side of house to serve as back entrance of entire area. Demolition will wait until Hans has gotten permits for drive, to be sure will be able to put in a new driveway before ripping out old one.

Garage will be coming down.

Management will send out draft of agreement to community before signing and giving to company.

Six-Month Review of Process Split

Handouts: What Is a Committee

Following the February retreat, Process got broken up into Procedures, Facilitators,

Conflict Resolution, and Agenda-Setters.

Committee Support Committee was created about the same time.

Please update the chart showing your committee membership(s), work team, and any regular tasks you do. (Passed around.)

Committee memberships is self-selected, except Management is elected. Work teams are assigned for balance; however, ask Becca if you would like a different month. Each work team and each committee should have a team leader or convener to make sure work parties or meetings get scheduled.

How has it been going?

Having the four committees is spreading the load better. Still a shortage of committee members.

Agenda-Setters and Facilitators might meet together more often. Better communication, please. Facilitators isn't a group that needs to meet frequently and could maybe help out on Agenda-Setters, do more of the advance planning.

Process had a standing rule that the facilitator had to be at the Process meeting planning that ACM.

Having the facilitator not in on all the agenda discussions spreads power and prevents a pre-determined outcome.

Might be helpful to have deadlines for when each committee hands along its work to the next committee. Especially important when a proposal will be discussed; must be out seven days before ACM.

Procedures seems most anemic of the four committees. Procedures does education on concensus and values, and arranges retreat. Conflict Resolution has been caught up with the fence issue the past five months, hasn't made progress on other matters; needs more people.

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, September 22, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Sunday, September 22, 2019.

Topics: 3:00 p.m.

Discussion: Topics: carport painting, demolition of Noorda house & removal of trees, swamp cooler shutdown, grading wild area paths

Present: Myste (fac), Kay (notes), Lauren, Vicky, Hans, Naomi F, Linda R, Marina, Laraine, Victor, Susan, Richard, Renae, Mary.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 1:21 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 09 22

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, September 22, 2019

Extended check-in: What has happened in your life in this past week and how did you feel about it?

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

7:00 p.m..

Topics: Topics: recycling, north field shed, envisioning boards

Decisions: Decisions: Keep shed in north field but relocate it. North Field Group will email a survey and call a meeting to discuss precise location, to be approved at ACM.

Present: Becca, Kay (notes), Hans until 8:00, Vicky, Kathy, Richard, Laraine, Mary, Marina, Linda R, Lauren, Cheryl, Susan, Kellie. 7:40 Sara, Susan, Alex, Elaine, Victor, 8: 15 Tabor, Renae.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2019 7:13 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 09 11

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, September 11, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, September 11, 2019


- Saturday 21st game night.

- Dance and talent show some times around November 16. Be thinking about an act for it.. It's Laraine's 75th birthday & she plans to hold a dance & talent show.

- AFS student orientation in c.h. Sept 27 Friday, all day Saturday, until lunch Sunday.

- Oct 5 Servas potluck. 6:00 potluck, 7:00 program. Everyone welcome.

- Monday October 14 next White Awareness meeting.

- Sat Nov 16 Peace Corps potluck & slideshow. (May reschedule to avoid party.)


The Noorda house will be demolished. Equipment being delivered tomorrow afternoon. Hans will keep the community advised about when there's likely to be lots of dust. He will ask the demolition company to scrape the gravel up.

Zoe will be euthanized on Friday. Someone is coming to the house to do it between 1:00 and 4:00. Susan would welcome company. [Friday, decided against it.]

Laraine will start a morning tai chi & chi gung group in the common house once she's feeling better.

Workaway student arriving Monday, staying with Vicky.

Joe & Lila are in Salt Lake. May stay with family in Park City. Pod coming tomorrow; movers unloading Friday. Helpful if people who park near the dumpster will leave that area clear for the pod.

Linda R is opening up her beds for harvest by any residents. Lots of kale, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, beans.

Sara is walking a 5K for Alzheimers Sept 28 and would like sponsors.

Buyer of Elaine's house closing on the 26th.

Becca has a new room-mate, Tabor. He's a coworker of Ben's and has been coming to help with the north garden.

Committee Reports


Lauren fixed a window in the sitting room. She replaced some missing cranks. Ordered parts from Hardware Source in San Diego. She hasn't ordered the parts for the more expensive-to-fix windows: Window in the jam room about $50 and window by stairs likely to be several hundred for parts.

Landscape Work

Pile of chips on Utah St. If you would like to take some, start from the end of the pile next to the doors of the dumpster enclosure. North garden group ordered the pile on

Utah St; Meagan ordered the chips in the west end of the garden. Communicate with Meagan if you are using much of those.

Kathy passed out a list of common areas for an Adopt-a-Spot program. Pick an area to take care of.

Tree planting

Did a walk-around Sunday to identify some areas to put trees. Amy can get trees for us at wholesale pricing.


If interested in community internet, talk to Victor. He is doing research on pricing; has found one $50/mo for business internet.


Procedures is going over webinar handout by Laird Schaub. He recommends explicitly relating any discussion to the community's Values and says a mature group should be spending most plenary time discussing issues around values.

North field garden

Meeting Mondays at 6:00. Lots of produce available.


Need facilitators for ACM Sunday Oct 27 and Sunday Nov 24 . October 9th will be the six-month review of the split of Process into four committees.

Management. Get committee budget requests to Mgt by November 1.

Play Structures

For the moment Management isn't planning on doing anything regarding the north play structure. It got reinforced since the insurance inspector saw it. Victor feels okay about its safety.

Work parties this Saturday and next, to do some carpentry and get chips under the south play structure. Rubberized chips are cost prohibitive.

Victor & Mary have a plan to get a bobcat and lower the dirt level around the play structure, and get some less jagged chips for that area.


We probably won't get through all the items on the meeting agenda. Pick a couple?

Trees in yards, envisioning boards, recycling, garden shed.


Maybe postpone recycling presentation until Lila & Joe arrive. Becca checked with her connections at Ace, and flyers are still up-to-date. Linda R got copies. She will laminate them to be attached to the bins. NPR has a program on recycling tomorrow. Can drop off batteries and light bulbs at Lowe's, kiosk at front of store.

North Field Shed

Kathy K bought the big shed which is currently in the north field. She was going to give it to her church group but they have said they aren't taking it. It is locked because the tiller is stored in it. It isn't currently well organized because the north field group didn't think it was going to stay.

A shed is extremely useful to store tools as it's a long way from the north garden to the garage. Linda R plans on having to replace her shovel every year because it disappears. Location of shed separates the garden from the community. Garrisons have said they don't like looking at it. Should be possible to move it with a truck or on rollers. Winter with frozen ground is a good time to move it. North Field group would like community input on what locations would be okay with people and what to avoid.

:: Keep shed. North Field will email a survey and call a meeting to discuss location, to be approved at ACM.

Envisioning Board

Reviewed items that had been written on the two envisioning boards.


More trees. No Siberian elm trees. Native trees. Outdoor bees. Self-sustaining urban farm & eco-village. Ecovillage as community goal. Garden shed. More lilacs. More tulips. Sauna, hot tub. Defibrillator in c.h. Storage. Solar for all units. Stairs to upstairs of garage & workshop.

Community Life

Children, Working together. More music, celebrations, & work parties. Book club. More emphasis on shared values. Less emphasis on that which divides us. Peaceful ACMs. Kinaesthetic activities at ACMs. Increase in cooperative spirit. All stand for each other. Improved access to community records. Foundation of trust & compassion. Regular well-attended work parties. More movies on the lawn. More dancing. Passing along skills.

:: Lauren will check prices on defibrillators for budget request and check about getting a first aid trainer for an ACM.

:: Victor will price hot-tubs.


Some people have felt they weren't permitted to talk about the fence issue. Mediation group wanted to calm down the heated emails when the issue started in April, but never intended to forbid people from talking about it. Progress has been slow but it is still being worked on. Mediation is discussing taking the issue to an ACM.

What Can You Do in the Next Month to Make the Community Better

Work on interacting with a fresh attitude. and not let own issues interfere.

Found minutes of ten meetings today; will find more for archive.

Contact stucco contractor.

Try to show up more this month than did last month.

Game night.

Be with Susan & Richard on Friday.

Help people understand how much fun and how much satisfaction there is in caring for a common area.

Try to get back enthusiasm.

Everyone has something to offer; take advantage of that.

Pick plums on central path tomorrow.

Apples by c.h. & plums behind carport are ripe.


Meeting Minutes


Sunday, August 25, 2019

3:00-5:00 p.m..

Topics: Discussion: community rules

Present: Myste (fac), Maxine, Scott, Laraine, Kay (notes), Cheryl, Anne, Mike, Diana, Susan, Richard, Naomi, John, Linda WG, Kellie, Marina, Carol, Annalise, Elaine.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2019 3:19 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 08 25

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, August 25, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Sunday August 25, 2019


Committee Reports

Tax assessments have come out. The clerestory (area either side of stairs) should not be included in square footage because it isn't usable space. The loft is considered an attic. The blueprint square footage is not always the actual final square footage. There is a deadline for appeals. Can appeal assessed market value or square footage. No charge for having the assessor come.

Marina has been doing research on replacing the split-out mesh seats on the outdoor chairs

(on loan to the community from her and Scott). She is trying it with one to see how feasible it is. If it proves too difficult, may need to simply discard the chairs She needs some spray graphite or something to loosen the existing mesh and remove it.

Maxine has a roll of aluminum screen mesh to cover soffit holes. See her if you need some.



The roof project is done for this year. The garage/workshop and the back side of #4 were not done.


Tuesday installer will be doing downspouts. Carol s has a gutter replacement. He does not do cleaning. If your gutter is blocked, clean it! The unit owner is also responsible to provide a gutter extender or a splash block at the base of the downspout.


Bob Lewis has trenched from near the workshop by Lauren's, under the sidewalk, and along the side of Mike & Vicky's.


Any one who has a sliding picture window, let John know.

Shout Outs

John for supervising roof repairs. Marina for work refurnishing upstairs c.h.

Multiple residents have been bitten by something, often under clothing. The Utah CDC has been getting lots of reports of bites this year and last but hasn't yet figured out what is doing it.


The committee went over a document by Laird Schaub on committee delegation and will break it into chunks for presentation to the community.

Safety & Security

Still discussing entry locks. Currently leaning towards keys instead of combos.

Discussion: Rules

What are our Rules? How are they communicated? How are they enforced? How are they created or changed?

Because the rules aren't collected into an easily accessible single spot, new residents are left to bumble until they are stopped from doing something and a rule gets clarified.

About half of the residents have lived here less than four years and weren't here during the discussions creating our rules. Don't want an us-and-them situation with long-term and newer residents.

Karen from said rules act as the community's fire escape.

There is a pyramid of rules, from laws to CC&Rs to Rules & Regs. We need education on the laws, terms like common area, LCA, easements. Laws govern what rules we can implement.

We need to understand the implications of what we are doing and what the law lets us do and what not. In some areas the law doesn't allow us to give permission for certain things.

Management has been asking our lawyer some questions. He said that a common practice is to have signed agreements or licenses that lay out that some use is permitted but does not constitute an easement. If this is common, it has probably been tested and has held up in court.

In a lot of areas we don't need new rules; we need to enforce what we have. In normal condo law, Management would be the enforcement arm. Not sure this community wants Management to do that. The law lets Mgt designate someone to act for it.

We need both trust and a sound legal basis. There is both a legal structure and a relationship structure. Operate on the principal that our neighbor's best interest is our best interest.

It takes labor to gather rules and get them published. Need follow through.

A complaint mechanism or form would let residents file a complaint for other residents to consider. Start with complaints going to Conflict Resolution; if not resolved, go to Management; next the community for enforcement.

Process reminder: Even if you want to respond to something that has been said, get on the stack for the order of speaking.

Something needs to happen besides complaining.

Welcoming is trying to improve orientation. There is a fairly short document that gets distributed to new residents but we probably need a longer more detailed document. Need more manpower to make sure these ideas happen.

The consensus process needs to be better communicated. A lot of things new residents want to do need a knowledge of how to get permission.

The location for rules need to be user friendly and not intimidating to people who aren't computer-savvy. We've tried using Google Docs but some people have trouble with it.

Check website, link Guiding Principles > Rules &

Regulations. See what is there and let Kay know what else you think needs to be there. Site name will be shortening to at some point. (Note that is a commercial development in Wasatch County.)

In 2015 Management started a program to publish in hard copy all minutes of ACMs and

Management and all financials. The binders are stored in the c.h. office.

There are complete proposal books up to 2004. It would take work but they could be brought up to date.

There is software called Gather, created for cohousing communities. Year free trial. Can do meal sign-ups. Can have a password-protected community wiki page. Could link the website to Gather and vice versa. Even if we put most of the community's internal info on a wiki, we still will want a public website separate from community's internal site.

Not all proposals become Rules. Once we have identified which proposals are Rules, new residents only need to see those, not all the proposals about events or purchases.

Address problems by bringing in our Values. As a visual person, it might be helpful to have our Values more visibly posted in the sitting room.

The conflict still in mediation has dragged out too long because we don't have people whose only job is the community, but hope to get it moving forward again with people back in town.

Summary of Action Ideas

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Topics: Topics: Stucco, CC&R

Discussion: Discussion: Clarifying agreements & communicating them to all residents



Present: Lauren (fac), Elaine, Vicky, Linda WG, Alex, John, Naomi, Kathy, Lynda, Ben, Ben's father, Carol, Kay (notes), Linda R, Marina, Scott, Susan, Anne (#7 owner), Richard.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2019 7:19 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 08 14

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, August 14, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Three or four employees of staying Monday night at our c.h. Lauren hosting.

Need a facilitator for next ACM 8/25. Most of the regular facilitators are going to a dinner associated with the U.N. conference.

White Awareness Group first meeting September 10 Monday 7-8:30, location TBA. If interested, contact Lauren.


Everyone sign the card for Lila & Joe to welcome them to the community. There will be pod in the west side of the parking lot when they are moving in in September.

Dishwasher got left on after potluck today.


Snow plow contract is in place for this winter, same company.

Roofing. Day 1 today through Saturday to complete everything. Storing some equipment in the west lot while they are working. Any questions or comments, talk John.


Project to change the gutters that are draining from the upper level onto a lower level roof.

Let John know a.s.a.p.

Painting. Have contractors doing walk-throughs to offer estimates on painting.

Stuccco. Need somebody to head up a project of finding a contractor to repair stucco. Elaine is interested in working on it but would like someone to work with her. If any units have stucco problems not already in the list, inform Management. Lynda has a bucket of stucco patch the color for her building. Funding will come from maintenance budget but can't afford everything; bids to get everything on the list done were $60 to $80K.

Committee Reports

CC&Rs. None of the mortgage holders objected in the 60 days. Next step is to get all five members of Management in front of a notary public at the same time to sign them. Then they can be filed.


By coincidence had someone stop by to look at #5 while Welcoming was meeting, were able to talk to him.

Chickens. Adolescent chickens are on their last round of adolescent food and are being weaned onto adult food and will soon go live with the rest.

If you enter a chicken in the State Fair, you get reduced admission.

Rules - Questions raised by inquiries about units for sale

Our age spread is almost all over 60 or under 40, and about half of the residents have lived here for less than four years. Need to review our agreements (legal documents and customs both). Anyone should be able to give an elevator speech.

Comparing our Bylaws to other condos, there are a number of areas that are missing, for instance an architectural committee to approve alterations, or regulations around pets.

We have a proposal system for our Rules & Regulations but they aren't published and easily accessible. The collection of proposals up to 2004 are pretty complete, but very hit or miss after that. We need to look at what we have and then everybody say, but what about and does anyone have a copy of .

What is a step we can take to move in the direction we want?

Don't feel we need to throw everything out and start all over. We've got a structure that has worked for the most part for twenty years. A number of new residents say they moved here because they like how we do things.

Need to clarify some agreements but we can't leave out our primary consideration, which is cohousing and wanting to live together.

We have ducks and chickens because the community has decided through the proposal process that we would have ducks and chickens who would be permitted to live in designated common areas.

We don't have a rule for everything because we can't think of everything. Some things you have to think about when they arise. Things that get left vague sometimes need to be clarified later.

Things take time, but don't know how much it would be possible to speed things up without losing our dedication to having everybody consulted.

Hearing people in this discussion say things that might appear on the surface to be contradictory but are underlain by a desire for the community to thrive.

We can have more clarity without meanness.

Some things happen over and over without consequences. We need to tighten things up.

Rules can be made unenforceable by not enforcing them. Easements can be created by allowing something over enough time.

Can't make decisions one-off. State law says residents have to be treated equitably. If people moving in see something being done, they think it's okay to do unless we have made it clear why that is an exception.

Split, people saying we don't have rules and people saying of course we have rules. To bridge that, have a "What's the Rule" box.

Check-out: What do you plan to do for the community during August?


Re: [WaCoHo] minutes acm 2019 08 14

On Saturday, August 17, 2019 9:11 PM Lauren Cetlin wrote:

Correction - white awareness group first meeting on Tuesday (not Monday) Sept 10th.

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, July 28, 2019

3:00 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: Keyless locks.

Decisions: No decisions.

Present: Izzy (fac), Lauren, Kathy, Susan, Hans, Becca, Kellie, Lynda, Mary, Kay (notes), Myste, Richard, Victor.


Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, July 28, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Sunday, July 28, 2019

Important notice: Two trees marked with yellow tape will be removed.


Wednesday 8:30, c.h., food & drink & slide show of Victor's trip to the Tetons.


Demolition of Noorda house will be scheduled soon. Hans has all the permits.

Becca will be on a panel on communities & sustainability, run by Servas. At UN Civil Society Conference. If anyone would like to donate towards expense of panel,

Three native women are staying at c.h., weavers from Black Mesa, hosted by Kathy. They will be displaying/offiering for sale some of their weavings after potluck. They raise their own sheep, & process the wool.

Reminder not to leave clothes on the line overnight on nights sprinklers wll be on.. Apart from getting clothes wet, prevents correct water dispersion so some grass doesn't get enough. Also put table back on concrete.

Burrito project, sellilng & delivering burritos from Rico's this Tuesday 5:30.

Izzy is looking for a part-time job as a nanny.

Need a volunteer to run wasp-spraying project this year. Kellie & Becca don't have time/energy.

Scott Dixon & Hans completed the fence behind #25.

Committee Reports


Purchased new weed-eater and 100' hose to supplement watering. Thanks to those who have cut up the branches that came down. Hans is kindly letting us use the Noorda driveway for the lift truck to trim trees behind c.h. & play area. Trees with yellow tape will be removed. Got clear plastic to solarize vacated beds in east garden. If people are interested in adopting the care of some common area, talk to Kathy.


Amy has offered the services of Tree Utah in acquiring trees & other items. Two bur oak in Carol's yard to be planted on east side of wild area, need to be dug out from current location & water set up.

Follow-Up on Microphone: Still doing research.

Nobody else available to supervise Diamond on the 31st. Mary will do it.


Need a convener. Educate members on consensus, community policies and process; keep an eye on decision making in the community, offer improvements iin process,


Wrote facilitation schedule on paper calendar. Mostly doing business over email. Can use more members.

Agenda Setters. Meet 8 or 9 days before an ACM. Keeping a google document of issues that need to be talked about. If you would like something added, contact Kellie, Susan, or Marina. Can use more members.

Conflict Resolution.

Working on a policy document for process of resolution. Helping with a current conflict.

Common House Locks

Locks wear out especially when used many times a day. Keys made from copies of copies don't work as well. Might be time to change locks even if we decide not to go keyless.

Stuff disappears from the workshop. We assume it's just a resident forgetting to return stuff, but could be one of the many keys in the wrong hands.

Prices for a keyless lock range $60 to $250. Common house has seven doors.


Victor's lock allows multiple numbers and continued use of a key. Cost $110, mid-range Schlage.

Useful to have a key as a backup for power or hardware failures.

If each household has its own number, everyone doesn't have to learn a new # when a single household moves out.

Locks that use ingerprints: Never forget your finger or leave it at home. Can't give a visitor your fingerprint to run over to the c.h. on an errand. Phone lock won't read fingerprint when hands are dirty from gardening.

Could have a "guest" combo. Unless we also put combo locks on guest rooms, forgetful guests would still have to mail back guest room key. Impractical at times to change combo between each guest, & probably unnecessary.

If not doing all doors, would probably do dining room & mail room. OTOH, door by laundry gets is used to get to clotheslines or to avoid traipsing through an event with laundry,.

The more often we want to change combos, the easier it needs to be. Combo changes on simple combo locks are done by someone with a higher-level code. Changes would have to be done individually on each lock. More complex locks can be changed using a phone. (Requires a wifi receiver on lock?)

Based on this discussion, combo locks may be more convenient but they don't seem to change our level of security much.

To check mail, will still need a mailbox key. Mail carrier would need either a combo or a key to put packages inside. Keeps c.h. key on ring with a key to mailbox front. USPS may prefer to have key not combo.

Do a test run on just one door? Richard would be opposed (not clear why).

Combo licks are generally on doors with a thumb latch not a deadbolt. Victor has a lock on a door with a deadbolt which has to have a button pushed to lock it. Check if some locks can tell the door has closed before latching.

Safety Committee to take community input and do more research.

Stupid Question Box

Q. I have extra food going to waste. Is there compost?

A. There are compost bins by ducks & by west llama gate. Can put food waste in brown bins. Can feed to chickens or ducks.

Emailed 8/4/2019.

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

7:00 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: Trees

Present: Sara (fac), Maxine (notes after 8:30), Kathy, Vicky, Richard, Susan, Naomi, Lynda, Annalise, Laraine, John, Hans, Cheryl, Linda R, Kay (notes until 8:30 when left), Marina, Carol, Kellie.


Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, July 10, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday July 10, 2019


Oz & Lark will be here Saturday until Monday from Sun Cohousing. He will do a presentation on Sunday. The most popular option in the poll Vicky did was co-living in cohousing.

Saturday July 13, 10 a.m., the Utah Daylily Society will visit Mary's garden. Probably no more than two dozen people at most. Visitors will be on site, please direct them to Mary's garden.


Annalise needs help loading some large furniture on Saturday.

Kale in the fridge from Linda R. Help yourself.

Laraine needs an electric drill to cut a hole in her storage unit.

A couple of east storage unit doors aren't latching correctly, so locking isn't effective.

"Buddy Society" to help out Meagan. Kathy, Amy Jordan, Hans. Sabin is doing the laundry at present.

Leila is staying with Lynda for a couple of weeks.

Committee Reports

North Garden Club. Containers needed, about 4 to 5" wide and 2" high, for earwig traps. The lid is required. Put on table in north field, plus any animal fat like bacon grease for bait.


Cement contractor worked on support under beam on #25's porch. Will be here tomorrow to level sidewalk slabs. Point person is Victor. Deadline for banks to respond about CC&R is July 17.

Underutilized Spaces. People eager to get the gym ready, check the list Marina put out to see what you can do. Most committee members are also gardeners, which is using up their time.


Sara will be interviewing residents about their skills, to match people with jobs and with people who want to learn. Replaced a bunch of furnace filters. Lauren has gotten window cranks. If your front picture window has some slippage, let Management know so they can get a bunch done at once.

East garden. Three beds are coming available.

Values. Sustainability.

May wish to have a meeting of the four ex-Process committees to discuss the division of duties and the work flow between committees.


"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The next best time is today." Chinese proverb (supposedly).

Sara demonstrated "tree" in yoga. One foot flat on ground, one knee bent and the foot against the other calf, arms up.

Did a one-minute silent reflection on trees that have had significance in our lives. Oak on c.h. lawn planted in honor of Maya's birth, keeps its dry leaves all winter. "All In" party when everyone got moved in, planted horse chestnut outside mailroom. Maple tree behind #15/17 that turns bright red in the fall. All the trees that Naomi has planted: Trees on east side along parking lot, plums, honeylocust. Blessing on trees in front of #15/17 when they were going to be taken down. Helps to know ahead of time when a tree needs to come out, to be prepared. Hackberry at corner of #9 & pink tree in front of #8 were planted by Gwen in memory of her daughter Caroline who died.

Ad hoc to create plaques for special trees. E.g., a rock at base of tree.

Recent treework was planned to be only cleaning up hanging and dead branches. A tree had to be cut down.

Brainstorm, Factors for Tree Selection

- Pay attention to what trees are good in dry climates. Some species increase their water use in hot droughts.

- Request nut trees.

- Native Utah tree.

- Adult mature height not much higher than our buildings.

- Drought tolerant.

- Provide source of water before we plant the tree.

- Deep infrequent watering produces a deeper root system than frequent light watering.


Kathy forwarded the report from Ty Harrison recommending trees for the community. Management created a list of tree trimming priorities several years ago. Even if Mary doesn't want to be on a tree committee, she's extremely knowledgeable and very familiar with all the trees on the property.

Form a tree committee, or several groups working on areas they are interested in.

Do we want to go through the formal proposal process for selecting what trees go where?

There's nothing set aside this year specifically for tree planting, but we can allocate funds.

End of Kay's minutes; start of Maxine's.

It was suggested that people who are passionate or concerned about trees work together to plan for planting, replacing dying or removed trees.

Maxine and Laraine noted that Landscaping is already working very hard to take care of trees, and they deserve support, appreciation and coordination from any ad hoc group who wants to help with tree care or planting.

Several people suggested having a topic discussion group about tree care, planting.

John suggested to focus the topic discussion -- on specifics about which trees, specific plans for trimming or replacement, getting the costs for work on each tree, how to fund the cost, and coordinating with Mgmt. John mentioned that on July 31 Diamond Tree is coming to do tree work....unknown if trimming or removal.

Kathy and Maxine will organize a tree topic discussion group.

Maxine will do a doodle poll to find a date for the topic discussion with the understanding that we want to support, aid the work of Landscaping.

Linda and Lynda suggested starting plans for tree planting now, so we can plant in this fall, and not waiting for fundraising, but target a few trees and find funds in our budget or donations.

Check out, love and care expressed for Kay, and Mary.

Birthday treats -- ice cream and pear ginger jam.

Emailed 8/4/2019.


Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Topics: Topics: Portland cohousing conference report, landscape clean-up before anniversary party, common house entrance and guest room locks; how to operate the dishwasher

Present: Linda R (fac), Mike, Lynda, John, Myste, Richard, Susan, Linda WG, Hans, Kay (notes), Cheryl, Marina, John, Naomi, Scott, Laraine, Kellie. 8:05 Alex..


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:51 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 06 12

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Contact Marina, Kellie, or Becca if you would like to contribute to a gift card for Grub Hub for Annalise, in lieu of providing food since she has acute food sensitivities.

Let Kellie know if you would like to join a work party to weed Annalise's back yard.

Let Linda WG know if you know of an extremely good mosquito repellant.

Committee Reports


Handed out Proposal Guide, black-and-white paper-saving version . Fancier pdf version was emailed.

20th Year Anniversary. Circulating sign-up sheet. Please everyone take on at least one task.

Thank you to those who are doing more.

Agenda Setters. If you want to put something on an ACM agenda, contact Kellie, Marina,

Susan, Carol, or Sara.

Wood chips were delivered near the former dumpster enclosure on Utah Street. Myste has a dump-cart that can be used if someone will help assemble it (Mike will look at it.)

Underutilized Spaces. Marina put out a list of tasks that people can do to move gym project forward. Would like to get help tonight after ACM to help lift and carry some heavy things to help with gym refurb.

Portland Cohousing Conference Report.

Three residents attended, Vicky, Linda R, and Cheryl. Mike (who didn't attend) & Vicky stayed at Cascadia Commons, and Linda R and Cheryl stayed at Trillium Hollow. Cheryl attended presentation by a speaker from, & an open house at, Kailash Eco-village zero- waste cohousing community, compost everything including human waste. Before using on plants, they keep urine in sequestration tank for six months, as required by municipal code.

Linda R attended sessions on process & conflict. Picked up on some small tools for getting along, e.g., language. A term for the contact person & meeting scheduler for committee is

"convener". Signs to hold up and carry around during break-out sessions, "1 minute" or

"next person". Handout, ladder of inferences.

Cascadia uses a microphone at meetings.

Maintenance Moment.

Introduction of Maintenance Moment', to be a regular feature, drawing attention to maintenance issues that people have noticed, who will take them on etc.

Across from the common house is a swatch of bricks with weeds in it, which it would be nice to get clean before the party. There are special tools for getting weeds out of cracks in pavement, or just scrape with dandelion digger. Spraying with extra-strength vinegar on hot sunny days is affective although dead plant is left. Mike MacD burned weeds earlier this year; grass has rebounded strongly.

:: Meet for work party 6:00 p.m. Thursday.

:: Work party after caf‚.

Other stuff:.

- Big fallen branches on property line between c.h. and Shad's garden.

- Weeds at Utah St entrance and mail room door.

- East garden can use some clean up, e.g., wood chips along paths closest to drive.

Stupid Question Box.

For those questions about things you are assumed to know since you've lived here awhile, don't know, yet don't like to ask.

Q. Why do people leave the common house doors open?

A. (Answering literal question) People don't know it's supposed to be locked. People think they will be back in fifteen minutes to check on their laundry. (Answering actual question)

From a safety perspective, lock the door behind yourself when you come in the common house; then anyone who comes in behind you is someone with a key. People forget to check doors that aren't unlocked frequently like the patio doors.

Q. Where/how do I acquire guestroom key?

A. There should be four sets of guest room keys hanging in the office. Make sure you get the keys back from your guest. Both guest rooms have the same key. Households may have their own set. The guest room keys are the old original key to the common house; the entrances were rekeyed but the guest rooms weren't.

The community has discussed ideas like keypads or doors that lock automatically. There are lots of considerations and it isn't an easy or obvious solution.

How-To Moment.

Demonstration of how to run the dishwasher.

Put suggestions fot how-to minute in the Stupid Questions box.

Emailed 6/23/2019.

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, May 26, 2019

3:00-5:00 p.m..

Topics: Discussion: chickens

Discussion: topics: 20th anniversary celebration, reports from newly formed committees, emptying vacuum cleaner

Decisions: Decision: The Chicken Club may increase the number of chickens in the north field coop to the 25 allowed on the permit.

Present: Richard, Linda WG, John, Sara, Lauren, Kathy, Hans, Linda R, Susan, Myste, Naomi F, Victor, Naomi M, Marina, Kay (notes), Alex, Scott, Becca until 3:30, Renae, Laraine.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:21 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 05 26

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, May 26, 2019

Minutes, ACM, Sunday, May 26, 2019


June 4, Tuesday, Mexican-themed potluck in north field, 6:00 p.m. Will have a grill.


Welcome back to Laraine.

Haven't managed to reach all family members so please don't post on social media regarding recent death.

There is a Get Well card in the mailroom for Elaine, if you haven't signed it yet. Linda WG will get a card for Annalise also.

John & Linda will be laying a patio of paving blocks in the LCA outside their back door. There will be temporarily a pallet of materials on the empty area across from their front door. Anyone interested about what they are doing, check with them. Field trip after meeting for those interested to see #9's back yard.

Committee Reports

20th anniversary. List for tasks & dishes. Expecting ten to twenty people in addition to residents. Reminder: write bios and email them to Lauren. Myste would like to invite the

SLC & SL county mayors, representatives etc. How to people feel about it? Having them here makes it a different sort of party. Maybe send them the notice with a note suggesting they stop by briefly between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m.

Underutilized Spaces. Things still needing to be done to get gym ready: Fix electrical boxes, hang large mirrors, cut mats. If interested in a tour/discussion of gym, email Marina to arrange a time.


Several storage units on east side have a roof leak. Please check your storage units and send John a note if you see any pinpoint light holes from the roof. He is using butyl tape to patch them.

Orientation for new residents should clearly communicate about LCAs and yards and consulting neighbors before doing anything.


Trust. Trust and trustworthiness go hand in hand.

As we review values, be thinking about them whether the value is valid for our community and whether we will want to continue it when we redo the Values statement.

Reports from New Committees

Agendas. Acting on an idea to have segments or breaks during meetings giving trainings on how to do things around the common house or start the lawn mower. Will be putting out a

"stupid questions box" if you have questions about anything about the community & don't know who to ask, put a note in the box, anonymously if desired, and have the question asked and hopefully answered at ACM.

Facilitation. Has done a schedule of facilitators through the end of the summer.


Putting together a booklet/pdf on the proposals process.

Conflict Resolution. Have met twice. Linda R will be going to the cohousing conference and attending a session on conflict resolution to crib ideas.

Committee Support. Email Marina or Becca with ideas, hopes & dreams, about what you would like to have the committee to work on. May be putting up a vision board.

Training: How to empty Hoover vacuum cleaner

The Hoover vacuum cleaner has a container that needs to be emptied periodically, rather than a disposable dirt bag. The gray button at the top of the canister releases the dirt container. Push down the gray bar to open the door at the bottom of the dirt holder to empty it. The filter at the top of the dirt holder washes clean. Press the gray foot pedal to trigger cord retraction.


The Chicken Club would like to get more chickens. The issue of whether it is okay to get more chickens is right on the line of whether it is a committee decisions or if a proposal should be done. There is a chicken club, but increasing the number of chickens does affect the community.

The license is for twenty-five chickens for the coop. Currently have eighteen. They have purchased chicks, which are currently at Shad's farm, but will find other homes for them if the community prefers they don't increase the number of chickens.

The north field proposal just says "chickens", not a specific number; the proposal is to be renewed annually. The permit is for a year. The coop is inspected as part of permit process.

The club has raised the height of the fence enclosing the chickens. Kellie will be clipping wings on chickens prone to escaping.

It is Victor s understanding that it would be possible to have additional coops with their own permits on the property, so the north field coop having 25 chickens doesn't prevent other residents having their own coops.

:: Okay to get enough chickens to bring flock up to twenty-five.

Emailed 6/23/2019.

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

7:00 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: committee support, what gets in the way of participating

Proposal: Proposal: Committee Support Committee

Decisions: Decisions: create a Committee Support Committee

Present: 15 units. Becca (fac), Vicky, Kay (notes), Marina, Lauren, Linda R, Lynda, Annalise, Myste, Richard, Susan, Kathy, Maxine, Mike W, Naomi, Hans, Carol, Scott, Alex, Kellie.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 10:55 PM

To: Wasatch Commons

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 05 08

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Action Items

Get bios to Lauren for book at anniversary party.


Brief presentation of proposal process:

* Discuss, discuss, discuss.

* Write proposal.

* Distribute to all residents.

* Get on ACM agenda.

* Distribution must be at least 7 days before a decision can be made.

* At ACM, present proposal.

* Take clarifying questions.

* Discuss.

* Call for consensus.


Concert in c.h. 2:30 Saturday, Izzy & Izzy's violin & drum students.


Wasons have a guest, Rising, for about ten days.

Anniversary Party Planning

Sign Up Sheet for meals and tasks at anniversary party June 15.

National Cohousing did a brochure with a spot the local community can put its information. Marina will see if it's possible to swap out photos for ours.

Planning meeting next Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

Lauren wants to put together a book of community bios. A couple of paragraphs. Get them to her a week before the anniversary party. Lynda will be taking pictures of everyone; she hopes people will be cooperative.

Committee Reports

The Committee Formerly Known as Process is now Procedures. It consists of Marina,

Hans, Richard, and Kay.

The Agenda meeting has met. It could use more members.

Faclitation is Lauren, Becca, Izzy, Vicky.


Carol, Mary, and Kathy. If you are looking for hours for community service,

Sedums on west berm need to be weeded. Work party Saturday after caf‚. Pull out a weed or two fromo the sidewalk cracks on your way to and from your car.

Sweep up elm seeds so they don't end up in the drains.

Showed examples of foxtail and white-top.

Izzy is having a birthday work party 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the north field.

Thursday after Izzy's birthday party, tomorrow evening, walk-through regarding trees. Contact Victor.

Chicken Club. Alex has joined. Chicks are getting big.

North Field work party every Sunday 11 a.m.

Conflict Resolution met. Working on resources for web and policies. Izzy, Linda R,

Maxine, Deanna, & Mike.

Committee Support Committee Proposal

Committee will be tasked to help residents, esp. new residents, find committees they want to serve on, help find people to do work, help committees get set up and operationial.

No clarifying questions.

Straw poll: Anyone here have a problem with removing the election requirement? The reasoning for election is that it will sometimes be dealing with sensitive issues, but that's even more true of Conflict Resolution.

We seem to be having process creep, adding more requirements before things can be done.

Concern about starting this committee right now when we have the process-split committees. Is it really needed, maybe wait until committees are running and ask if they need help? On the other hand, having new committees getting started

Several new residents have expressed that they feel this committee would be very helpful. Having another group doing some orientation would help Welcoming.

Recently had a sign up for committees. Some would-be committee members may not yet have heard from anyone to schedule a meeting.

This would be a group to champion committees and clubs and people getting together. It's a vital part of what makes us cohousing.

It would be really helpful to have it posted somewhere who is on each committee.

Sometimes you want to say something to Landscaping but you don't know whom to tell.

Amendment: Remove first line about committee having 3 members who are elected.

Consensus as amended. No blocks & no stand asides.

Discussion: What gets in the way of participating?

Participation discussions tend to devolve into complaining about people who don't participate, which seems pointless in a group who actually showed up for the meeting.

Be supportive of people who do something in a way you wouldn't have done it.

"Consider the source." Sometimes a complaint reflects the complainer's issues, not your own. Sometimes it's fear of change.

There can be lots of personal reasons family issues, work issues, health issues including depression.

Anticipation of criticism.

Get caught up in own projects and neglect stuff other people might need.

Lack of communication.

Not paying attention.

People go through cycles. People do a lot for a while and then disengage. Leadership around work parties helps re-engagement.

Helpful Tip: 10 to noon is a good time to schedule work parties because you can guilt people at caf‚.

Community is a network we weave together. Be for each other.

Each person forms a thread in the plaid we create.

Checkout: Plus-Delta or Rose & Thorn. What did you like and what would you change about the meeting?


Committee Support Team Proposal:

ú This committee consists of 3 members, who are elected by the community

[Amendment: Members are self-selecting, no special requirement of number]

ú Assist in matching people to committees they want to serve on, especially new residents, if needed

ú Assist committees in finding the folks they need to do their job.

ú Be sure all residents are happy with the committee(s) they are serving on and assist with any adjustments.

ú If needed, help committees with their initial meeting where the committee might:

o Select a committee facilitator, if they want/need one.

o Select a note-taker and prepare a Google Doc to keep the notes.

o Set up email list.

o Decide how to function, i.e.

Consensus 5/8/2019 as amended, no stand asides.


Meeting Minutes


Sunday, April 28, 2019

3:00 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: committee support

Proposal: Proposal: Form a Committee Support Committee

Decisions: Decision: hold a discussion group, bring proposal back next ACM.

Present: Lauren (fac), Sara, Marina, Hans, Kellie, Annalise, Naomi, Carol, Kathy, Deanna, Myste, Linda R, Cheryl, Elaine, Kay (notes), Mary for a few minutes..


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 6:56 PM

To: Wasatch Commons

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 04 28

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, April 28, 2019


Is truth a value in cohousing? Like many small organizations, cohousing depends largely on informal talk a.k.a. gossip for communication. Gossip can be positive or malicious. We live so closely that fake news has a harder time getting hold.


Cooler startup next Saturday & Sunday. Basic rate $55, up from last year. If you won't be around, leave a key and a payment with Myste. If you signed up last year you are automatically on the list. If you are not on the list and want to be, or are on and want to be off, email Myste.

First Unitarian Church is having a swap next Saturday May 4, 10:00-2:00 . Can drop stuff off at Kathy's on Friday if you don't want to go yourself.

Monday May 6th discussion about advance directives 7:00 to 8:30 (Lauren).


The can opener is missing from the kitchen. Return anything you have borrowed, please.

There is a stray wheelbarrow in front of Naomi's. Please remove it. Not the one with her name on.

If you need jumper cables and don't own a set, Sara and Kay & Mary have them.

Committee Reports

Sign-up sheets for committees being passed around.

Agenda Committee. Marina and Susan are on the new agenda committee. Would love it if another person or two would join.

Conflict resolution. Meet Sunday 7:00 a week from tonight. Deanna is the committee cat herder (convener). Mike Wason, Linda Reed, Maxine,

Facilitation is Vicky, Becca, and Lauren.

Underutilized spaces. Have taken a several week pause but restarting. Moving mirrors .

The committee-that-is-not-process doesn't have anyone signed up. Important committee for the culture of the community and how we make decisions.

North field work parties every Sunday 11 to 1. Tilling today. Set up water next. Plants in around Mother's Day.

Chicken Club. Chicks at Shad's are growing and very cute. Coop in orchard. Permit lady came. Only comment was to put shavings in a closed container. Permit for another year.


Three tree companies have come to look at property and give rates. Grass on berms and other "nonlawns" is growing fast and needs mowing. Carol, Kathy, Mary, and Deanna.

Mary has been putting out mosquito bait but would love someone to take over.

Weed identification: Linda passed around examples of two species of weeds. Cheevers rough to the touch, sticky, short leaves in rosettes along stalk. Prickly lettuce (?) has long leaves coming up from the base widening to about two inches.

Dandelions and whitetop are blooming in east garden. Gardeners please get it under control.

Any plans for dandelions? Dig out by hand. Corn gluten suppresses germination but doesn't affect existing plants. Elaine got some dandelion spray that IFA says is organic; she couldn't remember the name or ingredients. Please announce any spraying or chemical treatment.

Welcoming thanks everyone who worked on weeding and gathering broken branches. Monday of next week is probably next meeting.

Concrete. Lauren has had ine walk-through. Only structural damage is to Lauren's unit $300 to fix. Appointment next Friday 2:30 . Concrete trimming $75-$150 each, about five places. Wall by garage doesn't belong to us. Would need to be repaired by a mason. We should contact the neighbor who owns that property.

Discussion of Proposal: Creation of Committee Support Team

Printed copy passed out is missing "Select a note taker" under "help committees with their initial meeting."


Would this committee also hold responsibility for history of committees and what needs to be done? That isn't addressed in the proposal.

Open meetings that anyone can attend? Proposal is scaled down from original; does it still need to be an elected position? Elected positions help with trust issue where there is a perception of policing.

What is the rationale for the proposal? One of Yana's suggestions, a nominating committee, doesn't seem appropriate for our community. However, keeping any but a few committees active is a long-time issue. People sign up but then nobody schedules meetings. This committee would work on identifying and surmounting barriers to committees being active.

Assessment of skills is to help match people to committees they will fit in skills and interests.


As a new resident, it would have been helpful to have such a resource when newly moved in.

This still seems like middle management & policing. Have a lot of ideas for ways to work on participation, like mentoring. If lots of ideas, present them & explain how they are better. This committee could have a mentoring role.

This is the time of year with the most work. We could try this for six months and reassess in the fall.

We have problems both of participation and of on-boarding. This addresses both.

Get off the ground faster if we didn't have to wait for elections. Do it for a year on volunteer basis then decide if elections are necessary? Or opposite, start elected and then go to volunteer if trust issues don't crop up.

If positions are elected, need to have terms or recall mechanism. What should be the timing of the election? Annual meeting is already crowded and can be tense.

Would having a larger number of committee members improve trust?

Suggested amendment: Have initial elections for members at next ACM. Use first term as trial period of committee. Hold next elections shortly after annual meeting, once budget is settled.

Block by Sara. Proposal isn't ready, needs more work, input from more members. (Seems to be a process objection.)

Any proposal or change requires trust. Topic discussions can help us work through difficult issues but aren't a requirement for every issue. Discussed this proposal in various forms for multiple meetings.

Decision: Sara to schedule a topical discussion group on committee support committee. At next ACM, discuss proposal again. If consensus, hold election for committee members at that meeting.


Topical Discussion Group, Thursday, May 2, 2019, 6:00-7:45 p.m. Present: Sara (fac), Vicky, Cheryl, Lauren, Susan, Richard, Kay (notes), Elaine, Myste, Marina

Committee Support Committee would be doing orientation regarding committees, which would take some load off of Welcoming.

Lots of discussion, mostly off-topic and repetitive, not much regarding actual proposal.

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

7:00-9:00 p.m..


Discussion: Discussion: Disband current Process Committee and divide its duties among four new committees

Proposal: Proposal: Divide Process into Four Committees

Decisions: Decisions: Approved proposal to split Process Committee

Present: Kathy (fac), Duana, Linda R, Lauren, Naomi F, Lynda, Mary, Kay, Becca, John, Vicky, Marina, Hans, Victor.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 10:17 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 04 10

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, April 10, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Wednesday April 10, 2019


Value. Getting to know people. Game "I love my neighbor who "


Easter celebration Saturday April 20 12 to 2 eggs. Please bring a dozen hard-boiled eggs for each child. (No age restriction on "child".) Sunday egg hunt promptly at 10 a.m. Potluck.

Work parties weekend before open house Sunday 1-3 p.m., Monday 6-8 p.m.

AFS students will be using c.h. for their Going Home workshop. Eat dinner, sleep here, breakfast Sat morning. Out by four o'clock. April cleaning team afterwards, although the student group usually cleans up pretty well.

Cannons have said that #6 will be for sale May 1. They are using a realtor.

There are no hammers or saws in garage. Please return them if you have borrowed.

The pressure washer reappeared in the garage. Belongs to the Cannons; don't know if they will take it.

Pavers in front of common house have been specifically cut to fill in the walkway to the common house.

Committee Reports


Sign up sheet for April 27th task such as weeding, sitting at tables, sweeping. Realtor will be showing #6 but not officially for sale that day.

Idea sheet for anniversary party in June; who has been invited already.


Will be moving a small part of the reserve into CDs at the University Credit Union.

Selected because offers loans locally.. 3-year CD is just over 3%.

Maintenance (Management)

Kay is researching water meters to be installed to narrow down area(s) of high water use.

Tree guy from Christensen tomorrow 6 p.m. walk-through. (John)

Two gutter people have done a walk-through. One didn't want to come during the rain.

Another coming next week. Will be looking in back yards. (Victor)

Roofing guy sometime in the next week. (John)

Concrete repair person walk-through, contact (Lauren).

City came and picked up the tree limbs that had been moved to Utah and Cheyenne.

There's a lot more still lying, about half.

Underutilized Spaces

Needs someone who can do very simple electrical work or can mount mirrors.

North Field

North field garden needs lots of wood chips. Program called ChipDrop lets people sign up for a load of chips. Next time an arborist is in your neighborhood they will dump a load. Becca shows a video giving drawbacks. of program. There is another video giving how to sign up. Possible areas to dump would be the alley, east of the north field, in the west garden, or in front of southwest enclosure. Mary has been parking truck in her field, driving across garden. North field group commits to clean out any trash in load.

North field wants bricks or stepping stones. May be scheduling an additional weekly work party on a weeknight as the weather warms up.

Chickens. The north field garden will bring a proposal for chickens. Victor has chicks in his house which will live with Shad until the community approves them. Permit allows

25. Ducks are on a separate permit.

Proposal Discussion: Divide Process's Responsibilities

Report from topic discussion group. Recommendations: Try this for six months and then evaluate. Regular reporting. Committees will report on their scope, findings, and experience.

Suggested amendments:

(1) The first committee will select its own name.

(2) Facilitation will offer or arrange for facilitation training and will on-going evaluation.

(3) Process will propose policies for community approval to improve decision-making.

[Better wording from email 4/3/2019, which I couldn't remember exactly during the meeting: "Draft, with input and for community approval, new policies related to the process of making decisions." -Kay]

(4) The four committees will define the scope of their duties and report to the community. There will be a six-month trial period ending in October with on-going reporting, at the end of which the change will be evaluated.

Policy-making amendment is a rewording of something in Yana's report that was removed because it was unclear and seemed to mean something we didn't want, "Draft

(with input) new policies related to process (meaning how you are doing your work)."

Consensus with four amendments. No stand asides.

Discussion: Committees

Committees that particularly need people include Facilitation, Maintenance,


It is important that someone (group) prioritizes, coordinates. and keeps records about maintenance. Management has ultimate responsibility for maintenance and for everything else. All committees need to coordinate with Management regarding their delegated. Nonetheless, there's a criatical need for individuals outside Management who will act as project leaders for maintenance, which lets Management concentrate on the prioritizing and coordinating part, among their other duties.

There are eighteen committees and fourteen people present. The math says everyone needs to be on at least two committees.

Sign-up sheets for committees on dining room table. Everyone please sign up for two committees.



Divide the current Process Committee in 4 new committees.

Amendment: The four committees will define the scope of their duties and report to the community. There will be a six-month trial period ending in October with on-going reporting, at the end of which the change will be evaluated.

1) Process Committee / Team

* Make sure community is getting the trainings and orientations they need so that we are building our skills and helping new people make the cultural transition into community.?

* Generally track how things are going from a process standpoint and help the community problem-solve when things break down.

* Receive and work through concerns people in the community have about process items (which are distinct from interpersonal conflicts).

* Amendment: Process will draft, with input and for community approval, new policies related to the process of making decisions.

* Amendment: To distinguish itself from the former Process Committee, this committee will select a new name.

2) Agenda Setters Committee / Team

* Receive (in some known and easy to access way) agenda items requests from community members and committees.

* Work with people who want to get something on the agenda to make sure their item is ready for (valuable!) ACM time-attention. This may mean assessing maturity: if you have adequate background information, if things are actually worthy of full group attention or if a committee or manager could better handle the item, etc.

* Set agendas in a timely enough way that the facilitators have time to plan meetings, and community members know what will be on the agenda with adequate notice to be able to be there if needed.

3) Facilitation Committee / Team

* Receive agenda outlines and related info from Agenda Setters

* Choose the Facilitator(s) for all meetings

* Amendment: Facilitation will offer or arrange for facilitation training and will on-going evaluation.

4) Conflict Resolution Committee / Team

* Work with the Process Team to make sure the community is getting regular trainings in different conflict resolution modalities.

* Propose (with input) a basic set of expectations for how you want to manage conflicts as a community.

* This should include issues like confidentiality, stages of conflicts, etc. o Also consider whether conflict resolution is always voluntary, or if there are times and circumstances in which the community can insist people work on something, and what happens if they won't.

* Have a known way for people in conflict to get support that is easy and does not require the immediate public airing of tensions.

* Maintain a list of conflict resolution modalities that at least a few people in the community are familiar with and can competently support.

* Maintain a list of skilled mediators (which can be a mix of people from the community and outside the community) who can be called upon when needed to help people work through things. The Conflict Resolution teams job in this case is to match- make such that all parties feel like they trust the person(s) they are working with.

Decision: Consensed 4/10/2019, no stand-asides.


Meeting Minutes


Sunday, March 24, 2019

3:00-5:15 p.m..

Topics: Discussion: judging when who should say what to whom; splitting process committee

Proposal: Proposal: Divide Process committee into four committees/teams/task forces. No decision.

Present: Linda WG, Richard, Lauren, Susan, Victor, Linda R, Annalise, Mel, Kellie, Becca, Marina, Kellie, Cheryl, Sara, Gary subletting #21 until Alex gets back, Vicky, Elaine, Maxine, Carol.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2019 7:37 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 03 24

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, March 24, 2019


April 27, last choral concert of the year, Mendelsohn Eliza

Laraine will be staying here April 26.

Cheryl, Vicky, & Linda will go to cohousing conference in Oregon, June 1-2.

Registration is buy 4 get 1 free, if five people sign up together reduces registration to

$365 each. Got enough donations to get pretty close to requested donation goal.

June 15 anniversary. Sent postcards to former residents. Have volunteers for some activities, pi¤ata, art, barbecue. Suggest names of people (neighbors etc.) you feel it is important to invite. If anyone wants press or politicians, will need to help.

Committee Reports

FHA is up for renewal. Kellie is talking to Kathy K who did application before.

Underut Sp. Working on both sides of upstairs in workshop. The gym is painted but not ready for use, a bit piled up with work materials currently. Marina would like starts of pothos, aloe, spider plants, philodendron, other super-easy houseplants, to use in the gym. Need someone with some handyman skills.

Need a few more volunteers for recurring tasks: changing c.h. filters several times a year (Annalise), cleaning out outside dryer vent once a month (Cheryl)

Mowed east field already once. Trimming trees before leaves come out. Have some volunteers to aerate c.h. lawn and spread compost.

If you have any gutter issues, tell Victor.

Chickens have been reorganized into a run. Feel free to provide food scraps (note chicken dietary restrictions mentioned in Victor's email). Thinking of getting some chicks. Permit allows 25 chickens. Will work on renewing license. Meeting a week from today. If you are interested in joining chicken club, or have concerns, check with

Victor, Lauren, or Izzy. Keeping chickens was in north garden proposal. If the community feels a separate proposal is required, Victor is willing.

North Garden. Sunday 11 a.m. work party every week. They would be grateful for donations of milk jugs, 2-liter bottles, seeds, potting mix, seedling flats.


Meet tomorrow 7:00. April 27 national open house day. Will schedule an orientation for Lauren & other new people.

Electrician coming Tuesday afternoon.

Warm Fuzzies about Community

Community members showed up in support of rally at capital that Grace helped plan.

Someplace to plant crocuses. Someone brought back Meyer lemons from California.

Thank whoever rang the bell before ACM loud enough to hear. Gardeners came to help with gym project because it was raining yesterday. Caf‚. Community is beautiful in spring. Squirrels came to look in window when peanuts weren't put out on schedule.

Opportunities to be part of so many teams. Optimistic about using everyone's skills.

Joint effort & collaboration. Walked in north garden and spiral at spring equinox. No matter how beautiful Mexico is and how cheap to live there, don't want to leave here.

So many welcomes. Children want parent to move closer to them; trying to explain to them about living in community. Depth of knowledge and perspectives. Exquisite in spring, even weeds are beautiful. Excited to meet everyone. Saved worm from drowning on path; cat ate it. Just this week had a handful of opportunities to hang out

with community members who didn't know as well; still new people to meet. Enjoying working on gym. Movie night at neighbors.

Value: Discernment. Four things to consider before speaking. Does this need to be said? Am I the person to say it? Is this the group to say it to? Is this the right time to say it? Break into subgroups, one for each part, to come up with real-life examples.

Group 1. If this isn't the right group, what is the right group?

Group 2. Relevant. Be present to needs to group. Is speaking the best format?

Group 3. If you have a perspective that hasn't been represented. Does something need to be challenged. Requires self-awareness. Have you already contributed?

Everyone's voice needs to be heard. If another has already said something, don't need to repeat, just say I agree.

Group 4. Approached the matter as, when is it not the right time.

(Off-topic detour about use of time and communication styles.)


"The Committees". Add "reporting" to the definition. List of committees, including proposed split of process, and committee support team.

Proposal. Divide Process into Four Committees or Teams

Yana suggested that in our current structure Process has both too much autahority and too much responsibility. Breaking it up spreads the power and the load.

The proposal doesn't include all of Yana's explanation and recommendations from her report.

Question for current Process members. Do you feel this split is necessary? The things

Process does currently take different skill sets. A person might have the right skills for one but not feel competent for others. . The proposed break-up is along task lines. A couple of these new committees focus on individual tasks, some of which are being neglected. A lot of things are not getting done. Summary: Yes.

While the facilitation team selects the facilitator for a meeting, all the facilitators are not

necessarily on the committee.

Suggested amendment: The facilitation committees will make sure that interested parties are getting regular facilitation training. Some people will never be ready to facilitate, but the community gains by having more people familiar with the job.

The Facilitation committee would probably be easy to implement and would be a good place to start.

Have a way to give feedback to facilitation and others. Some things aren't appropriate for checkout.

Do we have the ability to staff this? Are there people in the community who will step up to one of these who aren't on Process now?

We have 32 adults, and twelve committees. If committees need three members, everyone has to be on more than one committee.

Out of discussion time. Now what? Topic discussion to be scheduled.

Checkout. Felt exercises were useful. Maybe put them in a less topic-heavy meeting.

Need to get things done. Perhaps more efficient to combine warm fuzzies round as part of check-in. Need dedicated facilitators who aren't afraid to be The Official Asshole to achieve meeting's goals. Don't feel any of this meeting was a waste of time.

Discernment exercise seemed to help; comments stayed on topic.

Proposal to Divide Process into 4 Committees or Team for 3/24/19 ACM

note: The wording here was taken almost directly from Yana's report to us (also attached) with only minor changes. Sometimes the long explanations were deleted as they can be given to the committee after it is formed.

Divide the current Process Committee in 4 new committees:

Emailed 4/7/19.


Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

7:00 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: Community pet registry, rabies shots, dividing Process's jobs, nominating committee, committees vs. projects, communication & data management

Decisions: Decisions: ad hoc pet registry, ad hoc data management & internal communication on community work.

Present: Linda R, Scott, Lauren, Susan, Richard, Naomi, Linda G, John, Mary, Kay (notes), Victor, Marina (fac), Mel, Annalise, Myste, Cheryl, Hans, Kathy.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, March 18, 2019 9:22 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 03 13

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Action Item: Swap out bright globe in north field for less obnoxious one. Who?

Action Item: Scott will oversee electrical work, light by #25, laundry room.


Free 5-day online conference, Dharma & the Evolution of Conflict, March 20-24.

Annalise's choir 2:00 Libby Gardner Saturday youth honor choir

Committee Reports

Committee for 20th Ann has a meeting next Monday at common house. Welcome to attend or to email Vicky or Myste with ideas. Anniversary will be celebrated June 15, 4:00 to 9:00 p.m.

The community budget report is posted on bulletin board. Reprinted twice a month.

Everyone look at your gutters and let Victor know if any maintenance or improvement is needed.

Please be careful with the round ottoman until it can be fixed. It has a tear in the top.

North Garden. $360 raised at fund raiser. Handed in and added to budget. Next

Sunday work party 11:00 a.m. Need to get wire along north fence out of the way so neighbors on north can replace their fence. Mary stripped out the weeds along the fence.

Concert May 18 Saturday 2:00 p.m., music by Izzy, following Autumn's birthday party

1:00 p.m. Everyone is invited (don't tell Autumn, it's a surprise)

C.H. furnishings. Marina got a drafting table to replace the sewing table top the

Cannons took. Frees up file cabinets for storage use. People can claim a drawer if you would like one to keep crafting items in (quantity limited).

Underutilized spaces. Mel taught the committee members some painting skills. Will be having a grand opening for the gym once it's ready.

Light by #25 needs fixing, replace ballast. Electricians usually have a minimum charge.

Is there anything else that needs fixing? Laundry room lights. Electrical issue garage outlets is probably just ground fault interrupter.

:: Scott has an electrician and will take project on.

There have been complaints re north field light, too bright, by community members & neighbors. Switch out bulb for less bright.

Value: Taken from retreat rather than from our list of values, "discernment". An example of discernment in meetings is to evaluate before speaking, "What does (1) this group (2) need to hear (3) from me (4) at this time?" Restraining yourself doesn't mean what you want to say is not important, just that it isn't appropriate to all of the need, the time, the audience, & speaker.

Pets in Community.

There seem to be two separate issues: Knowing who lives here, and rabies vaccinations. Do not necessarily need a single policy that covers both.


Last fall for the first time in 75 years someone died of rabies in Utah. Unlike most states, rabies is mostly found only in bats in Utah. If an animal has not been vaccinated and gets bitten, the pet gets quarantined and may be put down. The shots for humans are extremely unpleasant. Although most mammals can get rabies, usually only worry about rabies in animals with sharp teeth that can transmit it in a bite.

If you can't afford the vaccination for your pets, Mary will pay for it. Also, there are occasional free rabies shot days.

A couple of dog owners have had animals that had severe issues resulting from shots and would not be forced to get their dogs shots. Older dogs who've had the shots for years often retain an immunity longer than the one year the vaccines are rated for. A vet can draw a titer (that is, draw blood and analyze it for level of immunity) and provide a certificate showing their immunity. The university allows proof of immunity in lieu of vaccinations for people.

Pet Registry.

When an unknown animal shows up, we don't always know whether it is a stray or

belongs to someone in the community. Some households have indoor-only cats that may not be recognized if they get out. If indoor cats are wearing kitty-convict collars, that makes it obvious they aren't supposed to be out.

Suggesting a registry of community pets, with photos, and date of last rabies vaccination.

Interested: Mary, Linda G.

Revamping Process Committee

Yana suggested it might be helpful to share out the Process Committee's multiple mandates onto separate committees.

Lower the stakes by calling the last one "Conflict Management" Suggestion of "Conflict

Mediation". Would like a name reflecting the positive side of the work rather than focusing on crisis or conflict.

Yana's report didn't address the question of why to do this.

Having smaller groups spreads power.

People interested in more than one of the mandates could be on more than one of the committees.

The system of twenty committees that Yana talked about works well in large communities but may not be feasible in a community with 35 to 40 adults.

Like the idea of clarifying what the committee(s) is/are doing.

A greater variety of facilitators would be nice. Education and mentoring; have an experienced facilitator co-facilitate with a novice.

Less-burdened committees might get more buy-in.

Elected Nominating Committee

Defining characteristics of a committee (per Kathy): three or more people, select own facilitator, someone sets meetings, written job description, empowered to ask for & use

budgeted money, empowered to make decisions about a particular domain, communication system such as listserv, can organize work parties, organize individuals doing tasks.

A nominating committee would be charged with figuring out what committees people should be on if they don't have strong preferences themselves. Not intended to be committee police. Guidance counseling. Match makers. [3/18/19. Someone has suggested calling it "the sorting hat".]

Committee assignments would be for one year. Members could re-up if they wanted.

A limited period gives people a graceful out if it isn't a good fit.

A nominating committee would mean someone was tasked with being aware of all committees and what is going on.

How is this different from what we have been doing? Feel what has been happening this last year has been pretty successful; people gravitating to work and projects.

Other view: big areas of responsibility still being neglected.

We haven't had follow-through, someone checking that people who didn't sign up do sign up, checking that committees are meeting or working, who needs more members, what areas are neglected.

Adding a committee to oversee committees seems like middle management.

The community had a functioning maintenance committee at one point. Members were elected, not self-appointed. Exempted from monthly work teams.

Things get done when someone is passionate about them. Committees are one person with a vision who pulls other people in. People being appointed may not show necessary leadership.

Protect committees, keep them safe from devil's advocates. Maybe committees should have the power to veto or remove members who are not serving the committee's purpose.

Discussion detoured into whether work orientation should be by broad area of mandate

(committee) or by projects or tasks, with advocates of each, and then onto need for better communication and information flow.

Need more emphasis on actually doing work. Committees should be responsible both for planning work and for seeing that it actually gets done, whether they do it themselves or hire labor or hold a work party.

A committee structure gives new residents an easier way to slot in. Organizing into committees aligns the work into a vision, keeps it on task.

The smaller the group, the less formality is needed/appropriate for functioning.

Church has a "rally day" where people sign up on projects, rather than joining a committee. Clearer what the commitment is.

Work is not necessarily all funneled through a committee.

Have a task list. Would like to see more organization by task.

Reluctant to be on a year-long committee. Some people don't organize themselves by mandates or areas but by tasks and projects.

Someone needs to manage work and keep track of what needs to be done. Think of committees as keepers of information.

The community needs more & better communication. A committee is only one way of setting up lines of communication.

We need a data manager. People who know things that need to be done don't connect with people who can do things. Some people notice that things need to be done; some people do not notice, but would be willing to work if made aware. We need to get communication from the noticers.

Some jobs need someone who already knows how to do them rather than someone who wants to learn. Connect the right person to the job.

Have a centralized group that does data, communication, tasks & committees. If you don't know who to tell about something, tell them.

Interested in internal communications & data management: Annalise, Kay, Linda G, Cheryl, Renae.

Emailed 3/18/2019.


Meeting Minutes


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Saturday, February 23, 2019. Breakfast 8:00-9:00 a.m. Meeting 9:00 a.m. (10:00).

Discussion: Topic: Cooperative culture development

Present: Renae, Kay (notes) , Cheryl, Elaine, Carol, Vicky, Mike, Hans, Linda R, Kathy, Mary, Susan, Richard, Scott, Marina, Izzy, Amy, Victor, Kellie (9:45), Naomi . Guest Facilitator: Yana..


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 7:50 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes retreat 2019 02 23 & 24

Minutes of retreat Meeting, on Sunday, February 24, 2019

Yana is a Group Dynamics Trainer.

Cooperative Culture Development

Definition of Cooperation

Definition: Cooperation is collective decisions and action in service of something you can't do alone.

Certain cultures have learned to be suspicious of the word "cooperative" because it gets used to mean "compliant" or "obedient". That isn't what Yana means. It doesn't it mean group think, complacency, or being complicit in oppression.

Model of Sustainable Community

An organization of ecovillages studied what made some ecovillages more successful than others at fulfilling their mission (of environmentalism). In the model they developed. a sustainable culture (meaning a culture that keeps functioning instead of breaking down) has four dimensions. Each dimensions leads into the next. You can start the circle at any one of the dimensions:

World view > social dynamics > economics > action > world view

The goal in the ecovillage model is environmental action, but the model can be used for

whatever end game, goal, action, or concrete expression of values fits the world view.

A world view may be defined as, "Who do we want to be in the world?"

Finding the Middle between Individualism & Extreme Cooperation

[Notetaker's note: Dictionaries give the opposite of "individualism" as "collectivism".]

Research shows that U.S. culture is the most individualistic in the world. It just beats out Australia. (citation: Hofstead)

School in the U.S. teaches skills with the goal of being a better competitor. The kindergarten exercise of "Which one doesn't belong?" teaches exclusion.

The U.S. national holiday is called "Independence Day". Cars represent independence in American culture.

Individualistic cultures present competition as the only way of trying to be your best. It isn't.

A cooperative culture balances between compassion & discernment.

Went over handout, table contrasting individualistic, sustainable cooperative, or

"extreme cooperative" actions.

In Ken Wilbur's integral spiral dyamics. individualistic is blue & orange, subjective is green, middle is "2nd tier.

Allies can work together on common goals without agreeing on all goals.

Teach with discernment: Who are you teaching, and are your needs being met?

Consensus with no discernment: Everyone's opinion is equally important on every issue

("My ignorance is as good as your knowledge"). In sustainable cooperation, some opinions (not people) can matter more than others.

Environmentalism thinks about future people. Can't have a cooperative relationship with someone who doesn't exist yet.

Dis-integration, physical & social: live one place, work someplace else, kids go to school someplace else, socialize someplace else. Slightly different value sets in each place, who you are permitted to be in each space.

Over-integration: Value some skill sets more than others. Some work is more valued.

In mainstream culture, white-collar work is more valued than blue-collar work. Military does a better job of valuing many skills.

Major cities are integrative about food.

Capitalizing on circumstances (shock doctrine) gives you an opening. Pity circumstances: thoughts & prayers. Empathy implies action. What do you need, what can I do to help? Easier to do this when you know each other.

Protecting emotions: Follow a script, "How are you? Fine." Oversharing, TMI. Drop everything and pay attention to my problem. Middle: Clear expectations about sharing money, time, resources. Requires communication.

Competitive: Don't want to say or do anything that could be used against you.

Admitting you were wrong is a mistake. Over-owning responsibility: you have responsibility for everything that happens to you., as though no one else was involved.

At either extreme, a different perspective is a threat and an insult. Middle: differences are additive.

Martyrs can be quiet or can point out their martyrdom to everyone.

Hierarchy is a tool. Competitive: Hierarchy is good; work your way up.

Overcooperative: Hierarchy is an absolute evil. Middle: Hierarchy-lite, based on context and skill sets.

Morning session ended 12:30.

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Afternoon session, 2:00.

Discussion: Topic: Skills for a Cooperative Culture

Present: Yana (fac), Kay (notes), Cheryl, Sara, Naomi, Kathy, Hans, Linda R, Mary, Mel, Annalise, Susan, Scott, Marina, Richard, Izzy, Vicky, Renae, Mike W, Kellie, Grace, Amy.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 7:50 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes retreat 2019 02 23 & 24

Minutes of retreat Meeting, on Sunday, February 24, 2019

Went over handout, "Building the Skills of Cooperative Culture"

Accurately hearing someone does not mean agreeing with them. Not being agreed with doesn't mean you aren't being heard.

"Honesty" is a slippery word. There are three different ways to be honest.

Be curious. Why are we in different places? It needs to be a sincere question.

Cultivate leaning in.

Exercise: Place ourselves along a spectrum. Can use spectrum exercise to get a feeling for the range of opinion on issues.

Not everyone learns by hearing or seeing. Kinesthetic learning tools can help people who learn by doing. Different meeting formats can help incorporate people who have trouble speaking up. Find ways to make learning and decisions be fun.

There's a tendency to focus on differences. Bridging figures out what is agreed on.

Presence with emotions and intuition doesn't require denying facts. If you speak up to say, this doesn't feel right though I don't know why, maybe someone else is feeling the same thing and can articulate it but hasn't felt comfortable saying the thing because they thought they were the only one.

Compassion is more than pity.

Receiving feedback is necessary to move from our culturally engrained competitiveness to cooperation. Can't assess whether feedback is worthwhile until deal with emotional response. (Yana focuses on how to receive feedback. We can find other sources for how to give feedback.)

Apologies -- Yana strongly recommends having a conflict resolution system in place & conflict resolution training for community.

Use discernment. What does (1) this group (2) need to hear (3) from me (4) at this time? (from Laird Schaub.)

Homework based on skill #9. Valuing something larger than yourself and being able to let go of personal agendas. For tomorrow morning, come up with two or three short answers to Why are you here?'

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday, 9:00 a.m..

Discussion: Topics: Consensus and Process, How to Pass Culture Along to New Folks

Present: Yana (fac), Linda R, Kathy, Mike, Sara, Richard, Scott, Marina, Kay (notes), Mary, Carol, Grace, Susan, Amy, Hans, Naomi, Victor, Renae, Annalise, Cheryl, Mel, Maxine, Elaine, Lizzy, Vicky.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 7:50 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes retreat 2019 02 23 & 24

Minutes of retreat Meeting, on Sunday, February 24, 2019

Round robin on homework: 2 or 3 reasons you live in this community.

When you disagree, get curious, not defensive. How to relate to risk is a core personality trait.

Gather Factors before Considering Possible Courses of Action

"Bubbles before boxes." Get all the points of view before you try to draw a box that encloses the bubbles. Before producing any ideas about what to do, gather all the factors ("bubbles": considerations, values, important goals separate these from ideas about what to do). Give a deadline for input. Pause, offer a last chance to speak up.

Let people give input in whatever way works.

Once you've taken all the bubbles in account, and have good reasons why a factor can't be satisfied, you've met your obligations to consensus. Give feedback about how a proposal satisfies factors. (Much of this thinking was originally Laird Schaub's, which is why it sounds familiar to some in the community.)

How does the community deal with information overload during the factor-gathering? e.g., too many emails to read.

The emotional/intuitive sites of the brain fire first when making a decision, then we come up with supporting reasons. When people aren't willing to get educated, claim they didn't know input was requested, always bring objections at the last moment, change their reasons every time you address their supposed concerns, then non- judgmentally seek the emotions underneath. Sometimes the "no" turns out to be about something else entirely.

Be self-reflective: Am I so intent on being right I will sacrifice relationships?

Conversely, Am I valuing relationships over what I feel to be truth?

Assume good intent (but with discernment). Or, at least try to understand how they got where they are. No one is ever going to say, "You know, I do that just to be an asshole."

Yana has seen more problems in communities caused by assuming bad intent than by being na‹ve about people being manipulative. Reconciliation and community-building is about relationships, not about truth-seeking.

Need to have conflict resolution, and need to have boundaries and consequences.

Distinguish between "That person's behavior is not in the interest of the community," and "That person is evil." "Some ideas are better than others" does not mean "some

people are better than others".

Yana is seeing a dynamic in this community, much stronger than in most, where everybody feels someone else is the problem. On the other hand, we seem to being open about our problems instead of hanging back and pretending things are great.

If you don't have a strong opinion, then show up to support the facilitator so they aren't only dealing with people with a dog in the fight. Don't burn out facilitators. Sometimes an inside facilitator can't do a good job not for lack of skill but because someone in the room doesn't like them.

Good meetings and good communication is everybody's work.


Went over "Concensus Mechanics Handout".

Agreement is a range from wild enthusiasm to "This is the best we can do."

Reasons to stand aside include if you haven't been present at enough of the discussion to know all the issues and concerns and how they are resolved; or, you have a objection not based on the group's shared values.

If you have worked through the whole proposal process, stand asides and blocks should never be a surprise. Ask why the person is standing aside. (Our community standard has been to ask, but that the person doesn't have to say.) Stand asides can be educational. If you have a lot of stand-asides for different reasons, maybe there needs to be a step back to assess whether the proposal truly satisfies all the criteria. Stand asides can be entirely personal.

A block must meet three criteria.

1. The block is based on a sharedvalue of the group.

2. The person blocking has participated in the process.

3. The block must balance values damaged by the proposal with values damaged by inaction.

This third requirement is one Yana adds that she rarely sees in other consensus manuals. What is the relative value of accepting vs. rejecting the block? Does accepting the block also damage values? E.g., blocking a budget in its entirety.

After a block a break before resuming can be useful to lower tension. Once a block is accepted or rejected, there is always the question of what next.

Acknowledge that all this is hard work. Yana doesn't promise no cans of worms. Being

"not quite there yet" is normal.

Consider (in advance) what consequences (end game) should be if in extreme cases the

group has done its best to work with a person and has concluded it cannot, e.g., disinvite from meetings, take off listserv.

Exercise: For next several months, try to excise perception of "problem person" in decisions.


Since blocking must be based on a shared and articulated group value, that means group values must be articulated. Yana noticed there is not an exact overlap between our written values and the exercise this morning about why we are here. Might be a reason to do a reboot on the values.

Blocks should be validated. A fairly good standard for validating a block is that someone else understands how the objection upholds a community value, even if they don't agree.

Values need to be specific enough to be useful. Define terms. For example, sustainability could mean anything from recycling to reducing carbon footprint to 10% of U.S. average.

Aesthetics is not a good thing to try to get consensus on. A consensus group can consent to give power to a single individual. Can consent to have a binding vote. Don't default to voting just because it's easier, but on heavily subjective matters it can let the group move forward.

Break for lunch.

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, February 24, 2019

1:30 p.m..

Present: Yana (fac), Kathy, Mike, Sara, Scott, Marina, Kay (notes), Mary, Richard,, Susan, Grace, Hans, _, Victor, Renae, Cheryl, Amy, Linda R, Izzy, Elaine, Maxine, Kellie. (note, missed one person's name).


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 7:50 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes retreat 2019 02 23 & 24

Minutes of retreat Meeting, on Sunday, February 24, 2019

You don't always know what someone's original position was; sometimes they have already shifted from it before any discussion starts.

When trying to coalesce around a decision, some people can be totally stubborn but because they are mainstream (for that community) it makes no difference. People who are outliers don't get to be stubborn.

Not all proposals need to be all things to all people. If an issue keepts arising, sometimes that issue should be addressed by itself.

Power Balancing

At Dancing Rabbit, there are four designated power levels, from low to high: Propose, review, recall, decide.

1. Propose. Anyone can propose.

2. Review. Committees vet proposals and seek input.

3. Recall. Committees propose and start a process, but can be stopped (the decision can be "recalled").

4. Decide. A committee has the power to made decisions without input, typically for stuff like quarantine or violence response.

Separate Roles

Don't load too much on a Process Committee. There are roles that require different skills and can be separated.

Some of these roles include

On the ground, active roles: agenda setting, facilitation, conflict resolution.

Think of plenary time as expensive.

Getting Good New Residents & Onboarding Process

One tool developed by cohousing communities is to keep a screened waiting list of people who have shown an interest, attended/done things with community, gotten an orientation, people like them. This tends to be a win for everyone, buyer, seller, & community.

(Member suggestion: The community owns the land in front of each unit. We could put up a sign in front of a for-sale unit saying "This is an intentional community. We have rules. Find out what that means.")

Develop a relationship with a real estate agent. Educate him/her about cohousing, and recommend using him/her.

Have a really clear orientation regarding values and have trainings on skills like consensus.

Can use a mentor or buddy system for new residents. Take the role seriously.

Afternoon break.

3:10 p.m.



Kathy's SC family will be in UB. Will be eating in c.h. when other things aren't scheduled.

Reminder: When you take your dish into the kitchen, rinse them & put them in the rack.

Next Saturday 6:00 game night with play money, fund raiser for north field. Accepting donations for prizes to be purchased with play money. Tomorrow 8:00 p.m. north field meeting.

Friend house-sitting for Kellie, Dee (male).

Planning for Open House (April) and Anniversary (June 15 from 4 to 9). Myste, Vicky,

Susan, Kathy. If have address for a former resident, give it to Vicky.

Shout-out: Table storage, with cover, behind piano.


Sara will be making an offer on a unit.

Mark's gate is locked. Let him or Sara know if access is needed.

Noisy old car 3 in the morning is the paper delivery person.

Committee Reports


Starting trimming. Have clippings from willow that need to be cut up to fit in dumpsters. Need a saw or a rake. Good time to hit dandelions coming up.

Underutilized Spaces: Several pieces of equipment in gym need to be tuned up, battery replacement.

Road map for things we want to tackle in the next months.

Popcorn Discussion, Answer Two Questions

Vote on which suggestion we should talk about. Winner: Implementing conflict resolution policy & system. What would it involved?

Send Yana an email reminding her to send us some examples of [??? got distracted and didn't finish typing sentence. What were we supposed to remind Yana about? --Kay]

Next steps:

Recommendations or Ideas for Further Work

Recommendations That Came Up in Earlier Discussion


What worked this weekend, what didn't, what could be done better?

Yana is working on Cooperative Culture Handbook. She will be doing training for facilitation in Laramie this summer, weekend, probably July. Email her if you are interested, & say when you would be available.


Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

7:00 p.m.-8:10 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: CC&R, retreat

Decisions: Decisions: Approve new Declaration of Conditions, Convenants & Restrictions.

Present: Vicky, Lauren by video, Becca, Annalise, Kathy (fac), Myste, John, Susan, Richard, Marina, Kay (notes), Mary, Victor, Kellie, Naomi, Hans, Carol, Mark, 7:30 Elaine. 17 units..


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 8:49 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 02 13

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Wednesday, February 13, 2019


June 15, 4-9 p.m., 20th anniversary party. Give Vicky feedback on how wide a celebration we want. Just former wacohos? Neighbors? The Glendale Council, the press, the mayor? A wider celebration would be good publicity, but more work.


Cheryl & Annalise have been discussing making a gathering area between their units, #18 & 20.

This is a change in use and will require a proposal.

Mary bought more vinegar for the kitchen.

Exchange students would like to use c.h. in April. Offer feedback to Vicky. This will probably be the last time.

Value: Diversity & Commonality

Committee Reports


Hans has joined Welcoming & will be responding to email inquiries. Welcoming could use advice if anyone has expertise on Google phone numbers.

North Garden fund raiser, March 2, 6:00 p.m. Casino Night, food and games.

Naomi has a bunch of garden catalogs available for people to look at.

Discussion, CC&R revision

The motivations for updating the CC&R were that the Declarant (developer) from the 1998

CC&R no longer exists, there have been changes in state law, and we.need to reconcile the undivided interest in the CC&R with our fees formula.

See John's email for latest draft. Save it to your computers for future reference.

Responses to questions. The community is responsible for the sidewalk; owners are responsible for the path from their porch to the sidewalk. Someplace it says approval is required for both exterior & interior painting. Approval should not be required for interior painting. Myste will find reference & send to John.

Approved. 20 thumbs up. Mary standing-aside, concerned about liability from things like paths that Mgt isn't expected to maintain but doesn't insist on home owners maintaining.

The next step is to send the CC&R to the mortgage institutions. (This will not be required for future revisions.) Anyone who has not already provided their mortgage information to

Management, please send it to Kay: name of financial institution and mortgage number.


If you can't attend all sessions, come when you can.

Facilitator Yanna, driving from Wyoming with husband. Depending on what time she arrives, we ma;y have a meet-and-greet Friday evening.

Saturday breakfast 8:00-9:00 a.m. (no caf‚). Signup to bring food for breakfast & lunch.

Morning & afternoon sessions. Thai dinner Saturday evening.

Sunday breakfast at 8. Morning and afternoon sessions. Sunday evening potluck. Remember you will be at retreat most of the day and plan your potluck dish accordingly.


Subject: Re: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 02 13

On Monday, February 18, 2019 10:51 AM WCGG on behalf of Maxine Hanks wrote:

thanks John, that answers all my questions, which you likely shared at ACM but I missed.

also, do you have the current latest version of our HOA insurance policy coverage declarations from AFI which my bank needs, or should I get that from AFI?

also, will our google docs house all master HOA docs, pdfs, scans that we can access as needed?

M 15

---------- Original Message ----------

Hi Maxine

Next steps are preparing for bank review, then filing. At that point it is official, and copies will be emailed. In the meantime, the copy I emailed for the meeting is almost 100% (except for some typo corrections).

For all owners, Kay needs everyone who is a mortgage holder to provide mortgage information

(institution name, mailing address & phone, plus owners mortgage account number) as soon as possible.

Thanks, John

On Feb 16, 2019, at 4:53 PM, "Maxine Hanks" wrote:

Thanks Kay, for the minutes.

I planned to attend ACM, but came home sick as a dog at 5:30 so took a nap....woke up at 8:15... am still sick, staying inside.

I told Kathy at pot lunch, my vote was to pass the CCRs, since my only concerns were the fees (5% default fee and deck roof fees), but I'd done all I could to address those.

Huge kudos and giant thank you to John G. (and LindaWG). for all the detailed, conscientious and patient work on the CCRs.

Also, big thanks to those who served on Mgmt. last year, incl. the work Becca did create options for unit fee re-calculations.

When will the signed version of CCRs be distributed? Thanks, Maxine #15

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, January 27, 2019

3:00 p.m..

Discussion: Discussion: north field garden, land swap.

Proposal: Proposal: north field garden

Decisions: Decisions: Approved north field garden for 2019.

Present: Diana (fac), Kay (notes), Melanie, Annalise, Vicky, Richard, Susan, Naomi F, Kellie, Laurie (visitor) until 4:40, Cheryl, Hans, Meagan, Elaine, Mary, Marina, Linda R, John, Victor 3:45, Isabella 3:50.


From: WCGG on behalf of E Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 10:03 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 01 27

Attachments: prp-use 2019 01 27 north garden.pdf

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, January 27, 2019


Saturday February 2nd, meeting on Inland Port. FairPark on North Temple in Zion Building 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Tomorrow 3:30-4:30 rally at State Capital, Medicaid expansion. Prop. 3 passed, and Legislature is planning to repeal it when the session starts tomorrow.

National Cohousing Conference in May 30-June 2 in Portland. Talk to Linda R if you are thinking about going.


Vicky is collecting donations for Passed around a page for pledges.

Whatever hasn't been claimed from the lost-and-found laundry bin will be taken to DI next


Visitor from Hob & Sandra's cohousing will be staying in common house next Friday.

Committee Reports

Underutilized Spaces (Marina). Painting gym. Could use help putting up mirrors (probably need

team of three) and repairing equipment, e.g., missing bolts. Hoping to get some more donated paint from jobsite that Scott is at.

Management selected officers. Kellie is President, John is Treasurer, Kay is Secretary. Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights at 7:30.

Common House (Elaine). Have fresh linens & towels in bathrooms in cupboard on wall.

Instructions in rooms.

Welcoming (Vicky) getting a lot of new inquiries almost every week through FaceBook or gmail..

Sign up for tasks & ideas for open house. Planning meeting every Mondays 6:00 for open house and 20th year anniversary. Idea so far is both 20th anniversary and open house the same day.

List of former residents to be contacted; prepare save-the-date postcards.

Retreat February 23 and 24.weekend.

Team Building Exercise

Presentation on Consensus Process by Linda R

Proposal: North Field Garden

North Field planning group is currently Marina, Victor, Kellie, Annalise, Cheryl, Meagan, Maxine.

Meets on Sunday mornings. If you would like to be on the email group, let someone know.

The goal is to make the north field welcoming and open to the whole community, not just the garden group. More emphasis on aesthetics, flowers, controlling clutter. Have a few get- togethers in the garden. Want to have more "garden together" days. Invite residents not in garden group to come garden for a few hours.

Wider paths and gathering areas means a smaller area for plantings, more manageable by a smaller group.

North Field has a budget of $250. A fund raiser is tentatively planned for March 2. As in previous years, some will probably spend their own money.

Anyone is welcome to join and work on just what they are interested in, or request particular produce to be shared with the community. The pumpkin patch was requested.

Whiley they don't have a plan to deal with possibility that people lose interest and let it go to weeds, if they don't garden it, it will definitely be weeds. Will not use Round-Up.

In previous years there has been a casual attitude toward cleanliness, with tools and parts all

over. Appreciate emphasis on aesthetics. Fall and spring clean up.

For safety, important to get dead tree & falling down fence taken care of.

Structures: Dome is deemed unsuitable for children because bolts stick out and are a hazard.

This proposal doesn't address the fort play structure, which is a separate issue. Kathy K donated the shed originally and is taking it. Most people didn't have access to it anyway. Tool storage will be in the garage. Other shed belongs to Cannons; the NF group assumes Cannons will take it.

Consensus, no stand asides.


The chicken club shares space & some members with the garden group, but is separate.

Victor purchased the chicken coop from Cannons. He will abide by whatever the community decides about it, whether the community or the chicken club wants to reimburse him or not.

Chickens will be a group project. See Victor if interested

Chicken licenses expire yearly. Chickens are currently "undocumented".

Discussion: Lot Line Adjustment or Land Swap on South Boundary,

Surveyor estimates $500 for his work. $251 for recording fees. Hans would prefer the community to pay the costs, but he is willing to pay part of it if that's what the community wants.

Hans paid $1900 for the survey to get the alley vacated. That survey alerted him to the fence being over the property line.

There was no survey done at the time the fences were put up. Hans was on management at the time the fences were built on his land. On the other hand, would it be fair to hold him responsible but not the other Management members? Or to hold other Management teams responsible for mistakes?

Handouts: North field proposal. Formal concensus process.


On Tuesday, January 29, 2019 9:03 AM WCGG on behalf of John Garrison wrote:

Subject: Re: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 01 27

Hi Kay--

Thanks for the minutes. One note to be added on the land swap discussion was my comment on need for our attorney to draft the legal contract (cost up to $750) for this transaction. The legal fees are in addition to the survey costs and filing fees.

The reason for legal review is to protect the community and to avoid the recurrence of any similiar situation in the future.

Thanks, John

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, January 27, 2019

3:00 p.m..


Discussion: Discussion: north field garden, land swap.

Proposal: Proposal: north field garden

Decisions: Decisions: Approved north field garden for 2019.

Present: Diana (fac), Kay (notes), Melanie, Annalise, Vicky, Richard, Susan, Naomi F, Kellie, Laurie (visitor) until 4:40, Cheryl, Hans, Meagan, Elaine, Mary, Marina, Linda R, John, Victor 3:45, Isabella 3:50.


From: WCGG on behalf of Kay Argyle

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 10:03 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 01 27

Attachments: prp-use 2019 01 27 north garden.pdf

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, January 27, 2019


Saturday February 2nd, meeting on Inland Port. FairPark on North Temple in Zion Building 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Tomorrow 3:30-4:30 rally at State Capital, Medicaid expansion. Prop. 3 passed, and Legislature is planning to repeal it when the session starts tomorrow.

National Cohousing Conference in May 30-June 2 in Portland. Talk to Linda R if you are thinking about going.

Retreat February 23 and 24.weekend.


Vicky is collecting donations for Passed around a page for pledges.

Whatever hasn't been claimed from the lost-and-found laundry bin will be taken to DI next Saturday

Visitor from Hob & Sandra's cohousing will be staying in common house next Friday.

Committee Reports

Underutilized Spaces (Marina). Painting gym. Could use help putting up mirrors (probably need team of three) and repairing equipment, e.g., missing bolts. Hoping to get some more donated paint from jobsite that Scott is at.

Management selected officers. Kellie is President, John is Treasurer, Kay is Secretary. Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights at 7:30.

Common House (Elaine). Have fresh linens & towels in bathrooms in cupboard on wall. Instructions in rooms.

Welcoming (Vicky) getting a lot of new inquiries almost every week through FaceBook or gmail.. Sign up for tasks & ideas for open house. Planning meeting every Mondays 6:00 for open house and 20th year anniversary. Idea so far is both 20th anniversary and open house the same day. List of former residents to be contacted; prepare save-the-date postcards.

Team Building Exercise

Presentation on Consensus Process by Linda R

Proposal: North Field Garden

North Field planning group is currently Marina, Victor, Kellie, Annalise, Cheryl, Meagan, Maxine.Meets on Sunday mornings. If you would like to be on the email group, let someone know.

The goal is to make the north field welcoming and open to the whole community, not just the garden group. More emphasis on aesthetics, flowers, controlling clutter. Have a few get- togethers in the garden. Want to have more "garden together" days. Invite residents not in garden group to come garden for a few ho urs.

Wider paths and gathering areas means a smaller area for plantings, more manageable by a smaller group.

North Field has a budget of $250. A fund raiser is tentatively planned for March 2. As in previous years, some will probably spend their own money.

Anyone is welcome to join and work on just what they are interested in, or request particular produce to be shared with the community. The pumpkin patch was requested.

Whiley they don't have a plan to deal with possibility that people lose interest and let it go to weeds, if they don't garden it, it will definitely be weeds. Will not use Round-Up.

In previous years there has been a casual attitude toward cleanliness, with tools and parts all over. Appreciate emphasis on aesthetics. Fall and spring clean up.

For safety, important to get dead tree & falling down fence taken care of. Structures: Dome is deemed unsuitable for children because bolts stick out and are a hazard.

This proposal doesn't address the fort play structure, which is a separate issue. Kathy K donated the shed originally and is taking it. Most people didn't have access to it anyway. Tool storage will be in the garage. Other shed belongs to Cannons; the NF group assumes Cannons will take it.

Consensus, no stand asides.


The chicken club shares space & some members with the garden group, but is separate. Victor purchased the chicken coop from Cannons. He will abide by whatever the community decides about it, whether the community or the chicken club wants to reimburse him or not. Chickens will be a group project. See Victor if interested

Chicken licenses expire yearly. Chickens are currently "undocumented".

Discussion: Lot Line Adjustment or Land Swap on South Boundary,

Surveyor estimates $500 for his work. $251 for recording fees. Hans would prefer thecommunity to pay the costs, but he is willing to pay part of it if that's what the community wants.

Hans paid $1900 for the survey to get the alley vacated. That survey alerted him to the fence being over the property line.

There was no survey done at the time the fences were put up. Hans was on management at the time the fences were built on his land. On the other hand, would it be fair to hold him responsible but not the other Management members? Or to hold other Management teams responsible for mistakes?

Handouts: North field proposal. Formal concensus process.


On Tuesday, January 29, 2019 9:03 AM WCGG on behalf of John Garrison wrote:

Subject: Re: [WaCoHo] minutes ACM 2019 01 27

Hi Kay--

Thanks for the minutes. One note to be added on the land swap discussion was my comment on need for our attorney to draft the legal contract (cost up to $750) for this transaction. The legal fees are in addition to the survey costs and filing fees.

The reason for legal review is to protect the community and to avoid the recurrence of any similiar situation in the future.

Thanks, John

Meeting Minutes


Sunday, January 27, 2019

3:00 p.m. .

Topics: Discussion: north field garden, land swap.

Discussion: Proposal: north field garden

Decisions: Decisions: Approved north field garden for 2019.

Present: Diana (fac), Kay (notes), Melanie, Annalise, Vicky, Richard, Susan, Naomi F, Kellie, Laurie (visitor) until 4:40, Cheryl, Hans, Meagan, Elaine, Mary, Marina, Linda R,

John, Victor 3:45, Isabella 3:50.


From: E Kay Argyle

Sent: Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 10:02 PM


Subject: minutes 2019 01 27

Minutes of All-Community Meeting, on Sunday, January 27, 2019

All-Community Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 2019


Saturday February 2nd, meeting on Inland Port. FairPark on North Temple in Zion

Building 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Tomorrow 3:30-4:30 rally at State Capital, Medicaid expansion. Prop. 3 passed, and

Legislature is planning to repeal it when the session starts tomorrow.

National Cohousing Conference in May 30-June 2 in Portland. Talk to Linda R if you are thinking about going.


Vicky is collecting donations for Passed around a page for pledges.

Whatever hasn't been claimed from the lost-and-found laundry bin will be taken to DI next Saturday.

Visitor from Hob & Sandra's cohousing will be staying in common house next Friday.

Committee Reports

Underutilized Spaces (Marina). Painting gym. Could use help putting up mirrors

(probably need team of three) and repairing equipment, e.g., missing bolts. Hoping to get some more donated paint from jobsite that Scott is at.

Management selected officers. Kellie is President, John is Treasurer, Kay is Secretary.

Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights at 7:30.

Common House (Elaine). Have fresh linens & towels in bathrooms in cupboard on wall. Instructions in rooms.

Welcoming (Vicky) getting a lot of new inquiries almost every week through FaceBook or gmail.. Sign up for tasks & ideas for open house. Planning meeting every Mondays

6:00 for open house and 20th year anniversary. Idea so far is both 20th anniversary and open house the same day. List of former residents to be contacted; prepare save-the- date postcards.

Retreat February 23 and 24.weekend.

Team Building Exercise

Presentation on Consensus Process by Linda R

Proposal: North Field Garden

North Field planning group is currently Marina, Victor, Kellie, Annalise, Cheryl, Meagan,

Maxine. Meets on Sunday mornings. If you would like to be on the email group, let someone know.

The goal is to make the north field welcoming and open to the whole community, not just the garden group. More emphasis on aesthetics, flowers, controlling clutter. Have a few get-togethers in the garden. Want to have more "garden together" days. Invite residents not in garden group to come garden for a few hours.

Wider paths and gathering areas means a smaller area for plantings, more manageable by a smaller group.

North Field has a budget of $250. A fund raiser is tentatively planned for March 2. As in previous years, some will probably spend their own money.

Anyone is welcome to join and work on just what they are interested in, or request particular produce to be shared with the community. The pumpkin patch was requested.

While they don't have a plan to deal with possibility that people lose interest and let it go to weeds, if they don't garden it, it will definitely be weeds. Will not use Round-Up.

In previous years there has been a casual attitude toward cleanliness, with tools and parts all over. Appreciate emphasis on aesthetics. Fall and spring clean up.

For safety, important to get dead tree & falling down fence taken care of.

Structures: Dome is deemed unsuitable for children because bolts stick out and are a hazard. This proposal doesn't address the fort play structure, which is a separate issue. Kathy K donated the shed originally and is taking it. Most people didn't have access to it anyway. Tool storage will be in the garage. Other shed belongs to Cannons; the NF group assumes Cannons will take it.

Consensus, no stand asides.


The chicken club shares space & some members with the garden group, but is separate.

Victor purchased the chicken coop from Cannons. He will abide by whatever the community decides about it, whether the community or the chicken club wants to reimburse him or not. Chickens will be a group project. See Victor if interested

Chicken licenses expire yearly. Chickens are currently "undocumented".

Discussion: Lot Line Adjustment or Land Swap on South Boundary,

Surveyor estimates $500 for his work. $251 for recording fees. Hans would prefer the community to pay the costs, but he is willing to pay part of it if that's what the community wants.

Hans paid $1900 for the survey to get the alley vacated. That survey alerted him to the fence being over the property line.

There was no survey done at the time the fences were put up. Hans was on management at the time the fences were built on his land. On the other hand, would it be fair to hold him responsible but not the other Management members? Or to hold other Management teams responsible for mistakes?

Handouts: North field proposal. Formal concensus process.

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, January 9, 2019



Discussion: Discussion: Management Elections, Annual Budget Proposal: 2019 Budget

Decisions: Decisions: Victor Miele, Kay Argyle, & Cheryl Kiel were elected to Management. 2019 budget approved. New assessment amounts are effective February 1, 2019.

Present: Linda Reed (facilitator), Mary English, Lynda Angelastro, Naomi Franklin, Annalise Ford, Victor Miele, Richard Keene, Susan Stewart, John Garrison, Elaine Bell, Maxine Hanks, Myste Spencer, Kay Argyle (notes), Carol Smith, Mel Olmstead, Diana Chacon, Cheryl Keil, Marina Price, Scott Price, Vicky Wason, Lauren Cetlin (by phone/video), Mike Wason, Becca Smith, Mark Clemens, Kellie Henderson, Hans Ehrbar #22. Signature page attached. 22 of 26 units represented. Proxies: for Ben Trueman by Kellie Henderson, for Cannons #5 & #14 by Maxine Hanks, for Anne Hammond by Prices, for Hans Ehrbar #21 by Diana Chacon.


From: WCGG on behalf of Kay Argyle

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 6:40 PM

To: Wasatch Commons Cohousing

Subject: [WaCoHo] minutes annual meeting 2019 01 09

Attachments: minutes annual meeting 2019 01 09.pdf

Minutes of annual Meeting, on Wednesday, January 9, 2019

See John's email for accomplishments during 2018.

Management Election

Kay Argyle, Lynda Angelastro, and Ben Trueman are completing their Management terms, leaving three open positions. John Garrison and Kellie Henderson continue another year.

Nominations by the sociocratic method: Written nominations, statements of reasons, round robin, acceptance or decline, secret ballots. One vote each unit.

Accepting nominees: Victor, Kay, Cheryl, Annalise

Elected: Victor, Cheryl, & Kay


Proposal was emailed Tuesday a week ago. There are increases for reserve fund deposits, insurance premiums, and water. 4% increase in fees.

Controlling the east water bill will require investments in meters and monitoring.

Committees received less than their budget requests in most cases, but hopefully enough to accomplish their goals.

2018 electric car revenue will be ~$200, not $500 as in proposal, raising the increase needed to 4.5%.

Trimming by $1600 would mean only a 2% increase. Cancelling the retreat would save that. suggests a $650 donation based on our community size. Cutting it would balance the electric car income.

We do what we can to control fixed operating costs, then they are what they are and we have to pay the bills. That leaves only committee budgets to absorb cuts. The committees are why we live here, what distinguishes us from a "normal" condo.

Every dollar we don't spend is a dollar we don't have to collect. The operating cost with most potential for savings is maintenance, $10K, much of it for paid work that could be saved if residents did more of the maintenance.

It is annoying to pay a large monthly assessment and yet things don't get fixed.

The next three meetings already have full agendas. Not passing a budget until March isn't practical.

We had this conversation (keeping down fees) last year. Waiting until this meeting doesn't avoid it this year. Need to take action during the year to avoid it next year.

Amendment: Raise a donation to individually and cut it from the budget. Vicky will organize collecting the donation.

Consensus with two stand asides, Maxine & Mel. Maxine doesn't think it's good for the community to have raises above inflation.

New assessments are effective February 1st.


New hand towels purchased. Please use them instead of paper towels to dry hands. Almost every day the wastebasket in the bathroom is full of paper towels. Not good for budget or for environment.

Myste will not submit reimbursement of the $80 she spent on the snow blower, as a donation to the community.

Emailed 1/15/2018 [sic]


To 2018

To 2020

April 25, 2020