Decisions: raise money to fund retreat
Discussion: Breakout Groups; Commitments/Intentions; Vexations; Conclusions from this; How to raise the money; The "Why Am I Here?" Meeting
Discussion: community work
Proposal: work proposals
Decisions: join RMP's Blue Sky program
Discussion: purchasing renewable power
Proposal: Blue Sky electrical proposal
Proposal File: proposals/
Discussion: Process, Landscape, Safety, Green Homes Tour; Cohousing Conference Report; Right of First Refusal; Time Change;
Topics: topics: fence #25
Proposal File: proposals/prp2006-07-12fence dog row.pdf
Topics: Topics: fences #25, 16, 18
Discussion: solar panel grant; recycling; fence #25
Discussion: landscaping west of common housead hoc bicycle skateboard committee; Pet Policy; Solar Panels Grant Proposal; Lawn proposal; Candice: who has the time to put in the big grass project if we don't have time to weed;
Proposal: Lawn West of Common House
Discussion: Green Homes tour; bicycles & skateboardsDiscussion; Discussion;
Discussion: expectationsExpectations Committee's Monthly budget; Agenda, ACM All Community Meeting!;
Discussion: Annual Meeting; Elections; Budget (Brian); Clarifying Questions; Discussion;
Discussion: budget, Kevin: deck construction & repair; budget 2006 proposal: Brian;
Today is a non-profit fair 1-4. Alternative gift fair. Wells Fargo building 299 S main Street 11th floor. bldg with copper top.
Lynda will put something together for Christmas eve in the CH, also New Year's Eve. Heather will not be here.
Linda R: we were in noncompliance with CROWN because of a formality, it is possible that we have to pay back the tax credit, but it is unlikely.
Vaughn: Management Committee is doing the budget. We may need more income, maybe cost of living for homeowners fees, but we are working on the precise numbers.
We have $1000 towards the $2000 which the retreat will cost. How to get that additional $1000. One way would be to have an assessment.
Mike P passed around info about grant application for community gardening, deadline is Jan 15.
Hunger project were here on Tuesday, they are going to be sponsoring a village area in Ghana.
Steve and Mike P. are preparing their Summer project in the Czeck republic, perhaps you have friends who are interested.
Mike and Candice will have their party on the 16th.
Check-in: What do you bring to cohousing?
Communalities: lots are process questions.
We really are thinking similarly about what we like to have in this community.
Consensus, decision making, how to get more focus, guidance.
Three concrete issues; participation and work west berm dining have laird take us throught the steps of getting us through.
Contributing on a sliding scale.
Total cost between 1800 and 2000 dollars.
Donation somewhere between 20 and 60 dollars.
Sliding scale per person or household? Per household, but single individuals choose lower end.
Whatever we decide, how much you pay should not depend on whether you attend or not.
Assessment per households whether people attend or not.
We are selling baked goods today to raise money for retreat.
If we consense on that: end of the year deadline to get a pledge from everyone. Everyone should tell Joanne how much they are going to pay by the 1st of the year. Then we see whether we have enough or too much or too little.
Consensus about this, no stand asides or blocks.
If you have any questions or input about the retreat, Heather, Laraine, Nancy, and Mike P. are the committee preparing the retreat.
On Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:41 AM WaCoHo on behalf of Heather Hirschi wrote:
Subject: [WaCoHo] (no subject)
Attachments:0.why am i here meeting.doc;
Hey, Neighbors, it?s time for another All Community Meeting!
Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Some information/suggestions/rationale (from Heather)
Have you ever attended ACM and asked yourself, ?Why am I here?? Well, here's the meeting that asks the question out loud. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. Your presence is desired for a discussion about where we?re going as a community and what we hope to gain from our February retreat.
This ACM is our only meeting for December. Our Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, January 13. Our retreat is scheduled for the first weekend in February?the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. We need to come to some decisions about practical issues, including how we will fund the retreat.
We have invited Laird Schaub to facilitate our retreat. Many of us met Laird when he facilitated a retreat here about five years ago. He has lived in intentional community for 28 years, worked with consensus organizations for 23, and provided outside facilitation and consensus-building services for 15. (If you want to read more about him, here is a link:
We have agreed to cover Laird?s travel expenses. He will stay in the Common House while here and we will provide his meals. He has agreed to a facilitation schedule that includes two hours on Friday, 9 to 5 on Saturday, and 9-1 on Sunday.
Expenses Travel Laird will travel by train. Regrettably, the train arrives in Salt Lake at odd hours of the night, so we?ll need a nightowl to fetch and deliver him to the station. Laird travels to and from the station on his end by car (60 miles), for which we will be charged.
Total for transportation: $294.
Compensation Laird writes: ?I rate my skills as a process consultant at $1000/day plus expenses (travel, room, and board). While reimbursement for expenses is firm, the fee for my labor is negotiable, depending on what the client can afford and the value received from the work?I do not want money to stand in the way of my helping a group in need, and it has served me well to trust that I'll be treated fairly.?
Roughly, I think we should estimate the total expense for Laird?s facilitation to be $1,500-1,800.
Funds available Process Committee funds 2006--$500 2007--$500 (requested)
Dining Committee funds 2006--$200 (suggested by Vicky, not consensed) Difference needed: $300-600
From many members of the community, I have heard expressions of great hope for this retreat. It seems that we are ?in need? of some deep guidance at this point in our evolution as a community. So, please bring your attention to the ACM on December 9th.
A proposed agenda for the ACM follows the text of this message in the attachment.
On Saturday, December 02, 2006 11:36 AM WaCoHo on behalf of Heather Hirschi wrote:
Subject: [WaCoHo] ACM Agenda
Attachments:0.why am i here meeting.doc; Laird Schaub Information.doc;
Dear Neighbors, I sent the agenda and info. about the retreat without a subject line a few days ago. In case you didn't read that email, here it is again. Please note--I was mistaken about Laird's compensation price--updated information appears in the attchment, "0.why are we here?".
This is an important time in the evolution/lifespan of our community. We NEED YOUR VOICE and YOUR ATTENTION. Please clear your calendar for the next two ACMs (S 12/9 & S 1/13) and the Retreat (FSS, 2/2-2/4).
We NEED a notetaker and a Keeper of the Heart--VOLUNTEERS?
See Retreat overview and Laird's information document attached. These documents will also appear in your internal mail.
Facilitator: Heather Notetaker: ? Ko?: ?
Check-In & Round Robin about Michael.
Ann has her art exhibit through the end of November in the Rio Grande restaurant.
Retreat date is changed: February 2-4. Please sign up to commit to this weekend.
OC Fair 850 E South Temple 1-4 today. Stop by. Lynne, Amy, and Giuliana have booths.
Genny is performing in a play one week from today.
How to visit Michael in jail? Only visit Sat or Monday one visit per day 3 people max. Metro jail web site. Contact Viv first, and coordinate with other cohousers if you want to go there.
Linda R will work on the CH window starting 4 pm till dark today, Saturday, and tomorrow, Sunday.
Dec 9 crafts fair here in cohousing.
The Hydes will be here for the Thanksgiving dinner, Gwen, Wim, and Cedar may be there too. Please sign up.
Diana is doing much better. She loves having visitors.
Mgt committee: budget requests needed by all committees.
On Nov 20 9:30 am the November work party will clean the carpets, sitting room, childrens room, hallways, in the CH. Not steam, not chemicals but carbonation.
Water has been turned off on both sides, Mary has contacted someone for lawn areation.
Mary took all the glass recyclng.
There was general agreement that 25 dollars buyout for 4 hours is not enough. Most wanted $10, Hans wanted $25, Mary proposed that it should be 1 hour of the person's wage.
Per household or per person? Per person!
Mike A: We have more persons in this community than we give responsibility to. We should include the 12-17 year olds. When I was growing up I had my assignments. For me this is one of the biggest issues.
Who is in this group? Sam, Genny, Taylor, Zane.
Mike P: One thing is to charge, another to collect. Must be part of a consensed-on proposal.
Not just kids around here are not included, but also some people. When new people come in, they must be clearly advised, that we do expect these extra things.
If we want to go this way, this brings up larger issues. We will probably end up dealing with it in the retreats.
Kay: one possibility to give it some teeth is to make it part of annual assessment, and then reimburse people for working.
Kevin: as it is phrased money is taken as a punitive measure. I would like to reverse it: committment to the money up front, the work as an option. Allows people with limited means to save on condo fees. work is secondary. Pay up front, or, it you have worked, submit evidence of work along with monthly fees.
Commitment is for the money, work is exception or ultimate choice.
There was a question whether there is maintenance group, or whether it was dissolved.
George went off maintenance and went on regular workteam.
Kevin: my maintenance commitment was to help complete the deck project.
Is the maintenance group functioning?
Someone: Work parties not particularly effective.
Gutters have to be cleaned.
We need a time budget for community.
Eventually we will know the time budget.
For sweeping or washing towels, 10 dollars would be good.
Laraine: One cohousing community had a list of priorities of things to do during work parties. How far down you go the list depends on how many people show up.
Laraine: I personally like work parties.
Others like to work individually.
Mike A: Seasonality: landscaping between April and November. Solution: Signing up for something for the entire year. Then one can do the work in line with their schedule
Take a task which satisfies work requireent for entire year.
Heather: There is a detailed list of tasks, amonthly task list, very detailed list with larger tasks.
There has been a development.
The proposal is that each person works 4 hours a month, i.e., roughly 1 hour a week.
I don't see that this is too much to ask to live here.
We should really take seriously those 4 hours.
We should have a specific use for the money from the buyouts, automatically be earmarked for something.
Someone responsible for keeping track of this money.
The four hours a month could be made up by work team stuff, work party.
Leafraking, gutter cleanout, are important, if they don't happen it will cost us more. in the future.
Sweeping around the dumpsters is more cosmetic and it doesn't matter so much if it is skipped.
Kay: jobs board with job tickets. Anyone who sees a community need writes a job ticket. If someone has time to work but does not know that to do, look through the job tickets and choose one.
Mike A: I like the $10 per hour. Logistics of dealing with that. perhaps we add $40 to the HOA fee, and you get it back.
Bookkeeping involved like a nightmare.
Mary: you could add $40 at the beginning of the year, ten if you keep up with the work no more money has to change hands. We have no time budget for the community; this would force us to get a time budget.
Someone was against getting credit for hours for sitting in a committee.
What can elderly people do? Provide food and water, sit for repair people to arrive, etc.
Laraine: we are running out of time. Wanted this discussion to be a springboard for us.
Vicky. Dining to meet Sunday (time TBA).
Laraine. Work Support Committee looking for options. Some considerations are a work party 1X a month. or a 25$ buy out of the work team. thoughts and Ideas are being considered at this time. Work support meeting TBA
Mary. Common House Committee: Door chains on guest rooms. New vaccuum comeing up. In July the front windows in the common house slid, they need to be fixed, ASAP: Mary is on it but could use some support. Dryer still needs to be fixed.
Linda R. Management: Purchasing an awesome laser printer scanner for the common house computer. now copies will cost more like 8 cents a copy. CROWN working on issues.
Linda R. Budget Report (Thanks Amy, George, Linda): Not complete. Anyone with last years budget consesus from January get that to Linda ASAP. Request all reciepts eithin 30 days Balancing checking account. Please refer to the Budget report to see what cour committee has and needs. Linda will print a budget monthly.
Consensus achieved after much worthwile discussion. Please see proposal for details. Please ask me for the notes to know who said what as they read like a play and i am too shy to type them.
Other Buisiness Proposals are not getting put in the Book for 2 years. Minutes not going in either. WHO is responsible? Joann- will Kay take this on? M- Give task to work teams (joking) Kay- Reactivate Communication committee.
Discussion of parking issues. Mary needs to park a trailer. Temporary solution to prek on south side of driveway.
Management vows to work on parking issues.
Pete Ashdown tonight, he debated Orrin Hatch. Discussed the Washington county land grab. Heather could use any help. Kids delivering flyers up and down Cheyenne.
Fundraiser tonight for sculptor who was imprisoned because of an immigration formality. Perhaps we will cut the Ashdown meet and greet off tonight at 8.
Next Saturday Heather's birthday party, 5-7 Cafe, then celebration in CH.
Kay distributed the Blue Sky proposal for discussion next ACM.
Retreat on Feb 2, 3, and 4. Subcommittee on retreat, Heather: they asked Laird, he agreed. We pay for his travel and board, and his fee will be partly dependent on how we feel we could achieve our goals during the retreat.
Laird would be happy to work with Terry Martin on Fri Afternoon: games and fun stuff and dinner. This way Laird can get a feel for the community without having to be the discussion leader.
Program: Visioning what we want, Levels of participation, Moving towards greener and more sustainable community.
Isabella: minority opinion: Diane Hamilton, half the price, would be as good or better.
Maybe we can invite Diane Hamilton for an afternoon how to get the work done here or some similar difficult discussion.
Reycling Committee: we don't recycle styrofoam. Big pieces of cardboard fill up the bins too quickly and should be put into shed.
Rinse everything out, no food residues.
Lids can only be recycled if they have the numbers 1-6 on them.
Glass was supposed to be taken care of by the monthly work teams, but this does not seem to be known.
Can someone put a laminated card with an address into the recycling bin, so that we know where it goes? Nearest glass recycling is on 9th West, Jordan Park, behind church by the park.
Laraine will print out and laminate an address.
Mike P got some bids for resealing the parking lots. One $4000, one $5000. May be something which management will have to ok. Now it is too late in the year, will happen in May.
Process committee: it would be good to have budget reports. We only have 10 weeks left. Hans will tell George and Linda in the management committee.
Electric twirl blower in the garage, Have to be careful when you suck things, wood chips will get stuck in the blower. Don't try to vac dog poop. Instead of throwing the leaves into the garbage, put into garden or compost.
Heather and Lynne are doing a crafts thing. Bazaar in second week of December. Various people in the community make things at home, or their friends make things. Second Sat in December let's meet and buy some christmas presents from each other.
Can someone bottomline one of these issues, either make a proposal or do some research on it?
Agenda. KOH: Laraine.
Announcements Check-in Reports Standing Committees Management Parents Celebrations Process: Planning our retreat Landscaping CH Furnishings Welcoming, etc. Green Tour/12th Anniversary Party Carol on Co-housing Conference Discussion Items From the Storage Bin Right of First Refusal Work teams Dining Landscaping west of CH Check-out
Linda. 6:30 tonight Aikido group potluck.
Larraine suggested posting committee meeting dates so new people can hook up with a committee. Parents, 4 pm Sundays. Celebrations, Lynda. 10-12:30. Mgt (Vaughn rpt) meet 3rd Tuesdays 8 pm c.h.
Nancy. Planning retreat, soliciting ideas. Heather suggested picking a date now, at least three months out. Weekend 19-20-21 January, week after MLK Day. It is important to get as many people as possible attending.
Kay & Mary. Will reseed back c.h. lawn with shade variety. Pulled logs & chips back from around hot tub stub-out. Putting walkways thru herb garden. May hire someone to clean up gravel dumped in wild area.
Mary. Getting another speed bump for drives. Mail carrier has key to c.h. Recommend not putting lost keys in mailroom. Will have a book by the internal mail to write down any incidents of vandalism, theft, etc. Neighborhood Watch signs to be put up at California entrance to Utah St & Cheyenne St. Reminder to close sliding doors (fire doors!) to east hall and guest room lobby when locking up. Kids room paint should be aired out enough that reduced air flow won't be a concern.
Steve's home is being shown on tour. He is having a caf‚ that morning. He may put older kids to work serving tea or lemonade. Mike P will print tour handouts with a list of green features and a map. More needs to be done to clean up the grounds. Parents Committee (rpt Becky & Isabella) will ask older kids if they want to help with Green Homes tour; serve lemonade, sit at info table. Claire volunteered her house for little kids to stay at during tour. Anniversary Party, Lynda will send a pdf for people tp print or forward. Vicky is contacting former members. Mostly concerned about contacting neighbors. Flyers on comm. center table, need volunteers to distribute to neighbors maybe in pairs. Food list posted in mailroom, please sign up. Need volunteer to arrange activities for young kids like face painting.
Carol attended the Cohousing Conference, Univ of NC, Chapel Hill, July 23rd. Classes targeted for forming groups, building, moved in.
Recommended kitchen mgr, set up schedule with everyone. Kids apprentice cooks.
Liz Walker from Ithaca Ecovillage talked about their CSA, grounds, relationship with Ithaca College (environmental, anthropology, service-based learning). Cornell was too big to work with. Programs with out-of-state speakers that drew people in.
Class "Reselling your cohousing unit" recommended a resale committee. Invite potential buyers to housesit. Give notice to as many people as possible. Trends to spiritually based groups & elder groups.
Went to see four communities. Arcadia has houses off the grid. Architect Giles from Arcadia designed another newer community. Eco Commons was very welcoming to people. At (?), rule for c.h. slippers over shoes or bare feet. Could drive right up to the houses. Recommended requirement for 3 hr labor/mo, time card to be turned in, $25 charge if not done.
Consensus banks require voting fallback. Recommend calling it a "consensus-seeking process." Recommend 2 votes per household
Application to us -- Bring back proposal for Blue Sky power. Some interest in thinking more about outside speakers. Focus immediately on Green Homes Tour. Vaughn met Ashley, who is arranging Green Homes tour, at the Permaculture workshop.
Schedule discussion for next Wednesday meeting. Mike A will prepare a presentation of the issue for discussion. Premature to do a proposal.
This meeting was supposed to be on the winter time schedule, got changed back to summer schedule. Time change to 1 pm was emailed only the day before, so half a dozen people came at 10 a.m. this morning. Any late changes in the ACM schedule or agenda need to be posted on doors. The meeting time is 1-3 pm during June, July, and August (between Memorial Day and Labor Day) to allow cool hours for weeding; 10-12 am the rest of the year to allow a bigger block of time for other activities.
we did not really have a notetaker at the acm. we did a go-around on the issues below, with a talking stick (actually a green talking zucchini). i thought it was beautiful the way everyone spoke their truth and listened with full attention and heart. hans stopped taking notes because he wanted to listen better. also his computer wasn't working and he was using steve's and didn't like it. hans, are you sick of being the note taker? you've done it several meetings running. if so, does someone else want to take that on next time? i apologize that we as process did not post the meeting in the common house. acms are every 4th wednesday 7-9pm and every second saturday, 1-3pm in summer months and 10-12noon fall winter spring. residents are expected to attend at least 50% of acms. more is better. but usually we post it in the mail room and we just forgot to do that this time. again i apologize for this oversight. as facilitator i jotted some things down. some are things to be addressed at future acms. others are simply ideas that i liked and didn't want to forget. so here they are.
first, let me explain. process committee identified three underlying values - communication, boundaries, and permeability - that need discussion. we feel the unclarity or lack of agreement about these issues has manifested in three ways recently: george and heather's fence; spraying of weeds; and people being concerned about plants not being cared for by new residents. we asked everyone to comment on these topics with those underlying values in mind. the idea was to have general discussion where people could freely air their thoughts, opinions, and feelings, and then after everyone has had a chance to speak, to pick one item and get more specific and practical, and move towards consensus on it. we ran out of time after the first go around, so the more specific practical discussion needs to be at a future acm.
ideas for future acm and other thoughts, ideas, and suggestions: -come to a minimum agreement about spraying, such as the sprayers notifying everyone where and when they spray. (joanne, heather, mike p) -gray area: who is responsible for yards/ common area. where do yards end and the common area begin? this may vary individual to individual. (george, others) some people want to care for their yard. others don't. -walk over and look at george's yard and envision fence there as we did with lynda and mike a's fence at an acm. -for next acm have a proposal for that fence on paper so that we can move forward. (mike p, others) this could be done by george, kevin, process committee, but it has become clear that this really needs to be done if we are going to move forward on this. -corrider or not: what is best? (george) vote on this. -have new residents get a rundown on how to care for the plants in their yard as part of orientation. ie, where drip system ends, what needs water, what is a weed and not a weed. (lisa) i second this. i never had this when i moved in. -when in doubt, water. this is most important. weeds can be dealt with later. we're in a desert. things need water to live. (kevin) -letting go of attachment to plants you have planted or nurtured that are now in someone else's yard, hard to do. it's life though. (vicky, mary) or speak to the person directly. -make a compromise. weeding everything by hand is extremely time-consuming. (hans, others). -more work parties (hans, others) -safety and security should be on the list of underlying values on the list we made. (kevin, kay) also beauty (kay) -we need more and better communication all around (hans) -desire for better external boundaries (mary) -we need more and better communication, more opportunities to talk, more fun times, meals, movies, parties, work parties. (vicky, hans)
i apologize if i have misrepresented anyone's thoughts. please make corrections and additions as you see fit.
also we read a summary of ground rules for consensus-decision making process that mike p brought. i left extra copies on the table by the internal mailboxes. please take one especially if you missed this meeting. we missed you, those of you who were not there.
thanks everyone. this community rocks!
Three community concerns were discussed at the Process meeting on Sunday:
Process discussed each of these concerns as examples the community's on-going efforts to develop policies and practices related to communication, boundaries and permeability. In this extended discussion we would like to work towards consensus on these three concerns while at the same time clarifying our community's policies and practices related to communication, boundaries and permeability.
Vicky and Amy have 1 or 2 extra tickets for bluegrass festival in Snowbird today and tomorrow.
Vicky gave a long tour to a couple who wants to start cohousing in Midvale. One couple plus five other people. She gave telephone numbers of some of our current or former residents who went thtough the early phases.
Candice has tickets to SLC Jazz festival, they are free, but you need tickets.
Hans and Vicky yave been weeding outside around the CH early in the morning on the weekends.
has anybody seen the blue heavy duty whellbarrow? Seems to be missing.
Heather's big cooler was gone off her porch.
Two flower ports disppeared from Vicky's porch.
Isavella has only 4 in her work team. Michele moved. Naomi, Brian, Mike C., Isabella. Does somebody want to move to Jan/July?
Things are moving along.
Heather: which issue. community values?
George: took supplies back, will not complete it in the near future.
If somebody takes responsibility for something they should be able to have more input
Permeability: some people are against it, others are in support, Mary and Kay built a jungle to prevent people from passing between the houses.
Amy: we should have a proposal, we are not following process.
Heather: George and I made the mistake that we should have had a proposal. This was not wise, but we do not want to write a proposal now.
Laraine: I had work done in back yard in order to manage the weeds, stones, should I have consulted the community about this?
Isabella: if it is a permanent structure we need a proposal.
Laraine: then I should have made a proposal.
Joanne: I thought it had to be attached to the house.
Becky: want to plant cactus, with stones.
Kevin: fence at 25: it does need to be a design. Great opportunity to create a vision and say: here is our vision.
Lynda: one of the reasons for us bringing our proposal is that the two fences have some bearing on one another. When we take the fence straigt out besides the house, we were afraid it would not be wide enough for a fire truck to get into the orchard, but with careful measurement it looks ok.
Make it clearer what kind of access there is overall to the orchard.
I had hoped it would speed things up for discussion of 25.
Vicky: would you like to know if the fence is ok with the community?
I should have brought a drawing to the ACM. What is my position in the community as a renter? Are we all on the same page? Our values evolved before many people moved in. Do the current people consense here. Are we trying to co-operate?
If people decide on a design, then they have to decide how will it paid for, how will it be maintained. If it is a community decision how it is to be done, then they have to take responsibility for it.
If there is there is going to be a fence there it is going to be this one.
Heather: Question about fencing is almost moot, comes on the heels of FHA-VA discussion.
What is our vision of being here?
We never felt unequal about being the community. But we have an arrangement with Hans which makes us very vulnerable.
It has us made seriously question: what are we doing here. We don't want to leave. I feel really so at a loss as how to proceed, clearly I feel emotional, threatened. I have given a lot to being here. recently it has been so hard to live here. I really want to stop skipping around the isues, stop denying that there are schisms, that there are differences in how people want to live here. We should take time to talk about that.
laraine: what do you need to feel ok about being here. You are giving way more than the average.
Colby's put their fence up without a proposal.
Heather: if we don't have control to some degree, when we have to stop a project for a community decision, then the community takes responsibility for the decision.
How we are conceiving work that has to be done.
Laraine: what do you need?
Heather: I don't know.
George: this issue was revealing for underlying issues. When I was stopped from doing the fence, I felt as if my being here is a gift. Later: been here for 5 years now. All the consensed decision I am part owner.
People were very idealistic, core group thinks what we are building here a different social model, not just a different condo association.
What we are building here?
Even some of the founding members stressed convenience, saving money, but not really envisioning long term committment to other people.
Maybre it is a subject for next meeting.
Want to know from people why we live here. if this makes sense to me.
If they are saying: I am building here my net worth, that is nothing I want to participate in.
Kevin: relates to people being in a situation which does not represent their true committment or relationship to the community. Franny, Jen, George and Heather. To what degree is the community able to shift people into a place where they want to be.
Mechanisms, a group of people to facilitate for community owners. Figure out how to get you all into the owner relationship they want to be.
Isabella: I rented up util I bought this place a year ago. I got sick of renting, it is so different than owning.
Why people live here: would be a great idea to hear this.
Lynda: not who owned what, fence issue is simply an access question. I wanted to look at.
Yours on one end and mine on the other required more committment to the community.
There are so many ways to be community members.
That is one small way of ownership in the community. Not this huge hierarchical system.
We are not accusing anybody of treating us differently.
Realization of the reality of our situation. Mike A. articulated this very clearly in last meeting. You don't care about the yard because you are renters.
If we value our diversity, then one thing is we have to accommodate such situations.
Diversity thereatened if we would have to go.
Laraine: what do need to feel better? I feel in a fog.
Vivian: I want to acknowledge Heather. Refreshing to know others think this too. There are assumptions that I live how I live because I am a renter. I am not invested in doing it. Seen as lack of interest instead of lack f knowledge or lack of income.
Isabella: in checkout say why we live here.
George: if the community wants to come to a consensus that we want a corridor, then he is going to pull the fence out.
If there is one person dissents then it is not being done.
Leave here today knowing: yes on the fence or no on the fence.
It would be really nice if we could say yes or no.
Laraine: Fence means George and heather resolve the issue with the dog. I like George's ideas. Bugsy is more aggressive if on a leash.
Linda R. Issue of prejudice of renters versus owners. This is an issue. But this is not part of fence issue.
Permeability: gated community versus free flowing. Where do we stand.
Spraying, permeability, owners versus renters.
Often I think: that is not the way I would have done but it is ok with me. When we have conflict then nothing gets done. I hate to see us all default into nonaction.
Nancy: George's suggestion is a compromise. He builds the fence, and if the community consenses on a different design, he will pull it out again. A proposal should have been made. Sometines it hasn't happened because the Colby's share
You have a design which you verbally described.
Becky: I don't have time to mow the grass.
George: Built patio in my backyard with bricks stored in the wild area. People had a problem with it. Should have learned my lesson.
Becky: I will do my proposal about the lawn.
Mike C: there is a de facto proposal, let's make a decision.
Nancy: show of hands.
One block by Kevin/ What I'd like to see is an opportunity to a process, a design that meets anybody's concerns, and if people cannot consense, then they know at least that they were heard.
People most interested in project should design it together.
George: how to build it, finance it, take care of it.
Design process to build a design.
Mike A; Kevin's concerns are in the letter of the law as opposed the spirit of the law. It is petty.
Hans: we already have the dog row decision.
Vivian: if George says he is willing to take it out, why would Kevin not agree with us.
Somebody: If we haven't made progress in the last four hours, why would we make progress in the next four hours.
Kevin: I am not hung up on process but on permeability. Not everybody agrees on permeability. You can argue against permeability as much as for. I can walk through Naomi's space without feeling uncomfortable.
When there is a block, the person who is blocking must justify to the community that the block is justified, otherwise it will not stand.
Next scheduled ACM July 26.
Consense today that Clare finish her part of the fence.
Lynda: deviation from dog row. Fence toward common house is 6 feet. Dog row decision says it must be a see-through to the next property.
Lynda: we would prefer the 6 foot, because more children run behind our unit now.
Call additional ACM for discussing it.
Wed 7 pm ACM with just one agenda item.
I thought this was the end and turned the computer off, but there was still some discussion afterwards.
Sierra Club political training July 29.
Thursday 6/29 7 - 9 pm public hearing at Westminster college about Zion Mohawi expansion plan which will disrupt wilderness around St George
Vicky will be weeding around CH this weekend early in the mornings, wants company.
Move Myste's bricks otherwise they will be donated to somebody outside the community.
Camping Aug 4-5 cohousing camping Weber county memorial park
Redirect advertisement at discount if we distribute it to different locations. Grab bunch of redirect magazines from Vicky
Isabella has a bag of amish sourdough cinnamon bread, easy to bake.
Stucco crew have been around, Kevin has been opening the CH for them. They have been putting cement into the dumpster. Nancy's drain is plugged with cement
Vicky: Matthew Frandsen won his primary election. He is going to move in.
Do we want to pursue some of the things, it will cost in materials about $12000 Creative brainstorming about how to finance it.
Naomi is now part of a local solar energy group, which entered application to become part of national group. Terrific bunch of people. Before making a decision we should look at various possibilities.
They have solar home tour some time this fall.
Two major issues recently primary:
(1) Crown inspection process.
All 5 units were inspected, all had things to be fixed, some very minor, others major.
We want to find a way to make sure in the future we pass our inspection in a way that is not onerous to the crown residents.
Lease clearly said: standards of safety and sanitation. We were requestiong the inspection guidelines. Our hope is once we have these guidelines we can adopt this.
Potential financial liability down the road.
(2) make sure our budget and long term capital fund are on track. Parents committee is out of money. Is there money available in the budget. Must come out of some other committee.
Is any money in a committee not going to be used?
Most committees asked for much less than they could use.
Brian: we gave some money back to the committees. Right now it is a balanced budget.
Enable Lisa and Isabella to come to ACM. We need 20 dollars for each ACM, to pay one of the kids.
Linda: reason the parents committee is out of money is the climbing wall expenditures agreed two years ago.
Budget is a planning tool. There is contingency fund. Many committees will be under budget. We do not necessarily have to take money from a specific place.
Vicky proposed to give parents 20 dollars for each ACM, allow parents committee to run over. No need to adjust the budget.
Approved, no stand-asides.
Isabella is the recycling committee, can no longer handle it. They have overcharged us, call and straighten it out. be the person who contacts/coordinates with the recycling committee. July work team will take on getting the glass out of here. Brian will contact the companies.
Mary: light bulb on north end in front of Steve's has to be changed, needs two person operation.
Alley gate will say Wasatch Commons vertically so that they know they are entering private property.
Mary needs help getting speed bump: parents will get back to it.
Before the first building went up on the property dog row units had the right to put fences in. As well behind the crown units, fences. Those are on the plans as well. Jogging path all around, was set aside because there was so little room behind the south row units.
Mid history: wanted to fence all south row To committee we on dog row wanted a fence went slightly outside the orchard. Community approved this fence.
Colbys followed this pattern.
George: The landscaping around 26 was always ambiguous, taking care it for the whole community. Naomi had put tree in.
As he worked on this stuff little by little always in the interest of the community.
He should have submitted a drawing for the fence. My vision for the back is to leave it a wire fence, want the fence to be as close to invisible as possible, square field wire. Gate into the fence, It is the primary gateway into the orchard.
if you take that rectangle and split it up into someting smaller, this would make things looking hideous.
Nancy asked Hans about his plans for the orchard.
Hans would be willing to sell orchard to the community if the community wants to buy it.
Kevin: George and Heather's proposal is simple and cheap, but you don't have to bear the cost, you don't have to do all the work.
Love how the flow happens, create flow, pride and interest of the community.
Legal thing: Hans should consult with a property attorney, we are foreclosing your right of way.
Space is more valuable if it is open. more valuable for all of us.
Heather: For whatever reasons this issue has hit George and me at the level of our security. We have an important relationship with Hans. Apologize for emails. perception of the situation is not necessarily the reality of the situation. This situation brought that up for us in a very powerful way.
We wanted to pay for it ourselves.
Heather sees two possibilities: do as we planned and have peripheral path, or get rid of fence altogether.
George: Vaughn and Helen's fence: Not so much claiming land but someone taking care of their property.
If there had been a lot of traffic then I would understand the concerns about permeability.
Mary: I really appreciate them for putting up the fence with their few discretionary dollars. People randomly cutting between units is frustrating if you see someone going right next to someone's house. Designated path for this purpose between Mike P and Franny's unit.
When first moved it, total strangers cut through it. I don't feel we have to have every corner open. I feel a designated entrance is better. Mentally deranged person had walked through.
Does not matter if diagonal fence or straight fence. Even if this fence goes straight I still would like to have a door. We never really said, this much common area goes with each house.
Really sorry that the two of you have so much stress with this.
Kevin: either this or as long as I live here.
Distance between fence and garage is 6 feet.
Vaughn: It is really challening if we have so many bright and independently thinking people here. When we stop things in the middle, this must have psychological consequences.
It feels very unjust and ungracious as someone in the community to say: I have an idea how this should be done. If we have the idea on permeability we should work towards it, instead of stopping a project in progress in the middle.
The idea of access to orchard has been addressed.
Lynda: dog fence was on original plans for community. If we had a very concrete idea about the orchard it would be an easier decision. Since it is open, cutting off access to the orchard removes value from the orchard.
Heather: hans's proposal is to go with George's fence, plus do the peripheral path.
George: what shall I do after this meeting.
Kevin: an alternative design, fence straight back.
George: I will not do the alternative fence.
Vaughn: to George: you have my blessing to go ahead with the fence.
Nancy: I have enough information to vote on the fence as George's plan right now.
Linda: We need to take time to talk about it, We never have been famous to make fast decisions. At the end we make better decisions. We should have a discussion.
Amy D. I agree with Linda, we never got to a discussion phase. Not really hearing everybody's voice on this issue. Not comfortable going to a vote.
Vicky: what information do we need.
Lynda: how practical is the path behind the workshop.
Linda: make a drawing.
Heather: we have the materials in the workshop which we may have to return. It does affect us on a personal level.
Vaughn: every time we sit back and wait and don't make a decision on this, this costs people.
There isn't any access problem to the orchard.
Nancy: i agree with vaughn. I am torn because I feel the emotional pull for Heather and George. I don't see why we can't make a decision. Having the gate doesn't limit access to the orchard. I love bugs too but I don't want my cats chased. I think we should make a decision.
Linda: sit back and wait was not my intention. People will think and talk about it.
Mary: it often happens in the community that somebody starts something, and then someone else just hits them in the face. Have we really done a step forward or shall we take five steps back.
Joanne: I do not go over on the north side and look at what is their space. Having all this permeable space to roam around in people's yards and space will not bring us closer as a community.
Heather: I am not dissing Kevin's vision of permeability. But I feel very umcomfortable about creating a corridor between our house and the workshop; this would be and unsafe thing. Not necessarily a good idea.
Vaughn: there are many steps tonight which we did not do right tonight. I hope we can start doing better than this. It feels tiring sometimes to be in this community and struggling like this. It is not very fun to be on management, to be facilitating this.
I am open to suggestions how to resolve this.
Nancy: elephant still sittiing in the room.
Mike A: backyard was not really maintained.
Naomi: We each of us should consult the public when we decide to do something.
The meeting adjourned without making a decision.
On Sat at 7 pm, Steve will cook bon voyage dinner for Adrienne, Bonnie and Neil. Sign-up sheet is available.
Isabella: parents committee is out of money for babysitters. If a committee has a small amount of money which they would like to donate.
Amy: Mary recharged the fire extinguishers. When closing up the CH: if doors are closed it is less a fire hazard then if doors are open.
Heather: our new garbage company is picking up the old bins, this Friday they will accept heavy loads. Someone: Therefore put limbs on Cheyenne side into the dumpster.
Hans about routers and internet sharing. CH computer is on the internet again. Nancy: let's not leave the computer open to the kids. Lynda: computer in CH is the least problematic computer. Perhaps one should have the rule: if you use the computer in the office keep the door open. The issue is not just securing the computer, general kind of safety and protection of the children.
Claire reporting: We need rules about the parking lot which everybody knows. We have a speedbump. Perhaps post speed limit 5 mph in parking lot, put cones out when kids are playing. Kids should make eye contact with everybody entering the parking lot. It is recommended to back into the parking space, that makes it less dangerous to pull out.
East parking lot is not as much a concern Perhaps have zone between garden and Cheyenne street for the kids to ride their bikes etc.
Common path: due to kids speeding, pedestrians or smaller kids may not be very safe. Walking speed impossible to enforce, say jogging speed.
Setting age limit or size limit for kids in the parking lot? How easy would that rule be to enforce?
Kevin: I am writing a proposal to buy more speed bumps.
Heather is releasing the pet policy to the community.
If we get it we will get 15000 dollars, our matching funds are labor. It will require much more work than just getting the installation. We have obligated outselves to promote the idea of residential photovoltaics
Heather Vaughn Naomi Kevin Lynda are listed, but input from many others would be required. We have committed to 1000 hours. We would need 10 people.
3 workshops in CH over course of the year.
Outreach to college classrooms Vaughn with urban planning program, community building, Westminster and others
3 presentations to community councils, with the hope that they would plug in on larger basis. West side is not necessarily targeted for this kind of project.
Green homes tour plus party will be big draws.
If we get it we will know mid June.
Put up a web page about the education project.
Even opening your home for the tour.
written by kay.
Boundaries, we don't want to make it too inviting for neighborhood kids to play on our property.
Mike A; we may be in violation of the weed control. If we do put a lawn there we will not have this weed problem.
Laraine: Ongoing issue, we thought we had it done with the black stuff. What do people suggest. Fine is looming, esthetic responsibility towards neighbors. I feel embarrassed.
Viable ideas: weedwhak, not water, just drip system.
Nancy: Why not put some big rocks, and wood chips, and just a few plants like on the east berm.
Address the proposal directly: massive use of water. Planting grass is not in harmony with what we are about.
Remove the weed fabric, amending the soil, we really have resistance against grass.
Buffalo grass would be an option, Steve does not water his behind his house. It is not beautful, slow growing, mow once a month.
Mike A: concern about water. is a false economy. Water evaporates. Why not get rid of all lawns, why only some?
Amy D: we are trying to pool our areas, that area is not being used as lawn.
If we want to be a sustainable community then the lawn is a red flag.
Budget: costs money to amend the soil, get the turf, I have zero motivation to pull weeds that absorb CO2 in favor of woodchips that house earwigs.
definitely not consensed
Nevertheless there is consensus that something needs to be done with this area. Everybody for this with two stand asides.
Kay's proposal says she prefers other types of landscaping. But nothing is well maintained other than lawn. East berm looks fine.
Weedwhak, don't water, plant perennials.
Have specific areas which you are responsible for. Use bite size pieces, empower people to take on stuff who do not want to go to the landscape meetings.
Steve: Buffalo grass sounds fine.
Because we agree that something needs to be done, why don't we put in place an ad hoc committee to study xeriscape possibilities.
Our principle has always been: whoever does the work decides. Mary and Kay do a hell of lot of work and they decide what it is.
Amy D. They are giving us other alternatives, on the back of the paper.
Having a hedge is in here.
Amy: List of things that people can take on.
How much interest is there to get some things done.
Laraine is going to be on ad hoc committee. Mike A, Carol if it meets at good time. Amy D., would be task oriented, Nancy.
Someone: if the plan is that we are going to cover area with wood chips, then I will not do this.
East berm is a great example.
Mike A: I will check out hedges.
Beautiful yellow roses, georgeous and nobody waters them. There are many plants like that which look beautiful.
Naomi is in.
It is possible to have a special mailing list for the ad hoc committee.
End of minutes by Hans
Last night, we formed an ad hoc committee to deal with the west berm adjacent to the CH. We are still thinking about a sexy name. Last time we did this, we had the BLAST group: Bond Liberation And S??? Team, as best as I can recall.
This group was highly effective in getting the east berm under control with a lot of labor some fun work parties with most of the community involved.
I am willing to facilitate this new ad hoc committee. I welcome anyone else who wants to co-facilitate. (Amy?)
So far, we have: myself, Mike A, Carol, Larraine, Amy, Nancy, Naomi (in no particular order). Is anyone else interested? Because of limited meeting time, we will make up a plan primarily by email, so if you want to be included in the planning, please let me know, and we will make an email group to discuss the plan. We will also plan one or two work parties, and make every effort to emphasize "party," as well as create a list of individual tasks.
This is a very "do-able" project. I am encouraged and hopeful that it will happen fairly easily once we have a plan in place.
Thanks, Linda
Question: How many Bush administration officials does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its condition is improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are delusional spin from the liberal media. Illuminating rooms is hard work. That lightbulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effort. Why do you hate freedom?
From: WaCoHo on behalf of Linda Reed\Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:58 AM To:
Subject: [WaCoHo] ACM Agenda for Wednesday May 24--Please be there!
Apple Cake by Steve (Not to be missed!).
Utah Phillips, Thurs, May 18, 7:00, Rose Wagner $15.00. Proceeds go to Jobs for Justice.
Shoe drive for camps in Africa. Put in mailroom, just this week. All sizes. Should be in good shape.
Steve Hyde's Party. Sat 20 7-10 rsvp Amy. Congratulations Steve!
Budget report in internal mail. Questions to Brian. Research being done on parents budget. Also, recycling budget being checked on by Amy H. Crown Inspections May 31- Getting all the paperwork in is important.
Meet Sun. May 21 @ 4:00.
Safety: Working on bicycle rules.
Green Homes Tour and anniversary party Sept.16. Home Tour 10:00 to 5:00, do we want party the same day? Question considered later.
Solar Project: Committee working on a grant for $15,000. Heather, Vaughn, Lynda A. Due Mon. 15. Coming along very well, special thanks to Heather, who has written a comprehensive document to be submitted. Reminder of how working together in positive ways enhances community spirit.
Shall the Green Homes Tour and Anniversary Party be combined? Decision: Yes, we can get more publicity that way, We only have to clean once, and we could invite people to come back later from the Tour!
Child and adult safety in regard to bicycles and skateboards on central path and parking lots. Decision: Ad Hoc Committee formed children and some adults will come together to form a policy. Claire (chair) Kevin, Vicky, Becky, Joanne, Sam, Logan, Paul. Gracie, Marina.
Steve S. Told a story how our words and actions can be perceived differently. Question, how do we respect and communicate about our agreements? To be discussed more at next meeting.
Concern was expressed about dog policy, leashes, poop etc. No one seemed sure that we have ever officially established a policy. We have probably been working within the guidelines of informal agreements. This will be on our next agenda. There were mixed understandings about leashes and monitoring dogs.
Check-in: 1) Brief go round: name unit #, housemates 2) Questions 3) Dyads
Distribution of Newcomers' Orientation Manual.
Come to 50% of ACMs .
Participate in one committee.
Share your gifts and talents .
Active committees; Feel free to join any committee you areinterested in. Committees need energy of new community members
Management is a legal committee. Five homeowners and rep from Crown and Renters; Mike C., Nancy, Vaughn (president), Brian, Amy D.
.Welcoming/Orientation have been combined
Work Support Celebrations .
Community Liaison: Mike Polacek .
Parents: Publicity (Housing and Tours) Crown: gives opportunity to low-income people to buy a homeAmerican Express got tax credits for providing loan At the end of 15 years the units will besold
Presentation by Nancy.
Shows expenses for month of March. Looks like we are on target so far. Does not take into consideration seasonal variation in expenses, such as more gas andelectricity in winter
Comment: it would be more useful if it showed year-to-date
Discussion: WaCoho Customs, Consensus, Participation
Dogs are encouraged to be on leashes. Cats should be belled.
Comment: a lot of dog poop accumulating behind the fences in dog row
When guests have cars, residents should note this on white board so we don't think this is an abandoned car
Use your assigned space so that as many uncovered spaces remain available for residents with 2 cars and guests
Quiet time
Children should be sponsored while in CH
Do not leave alcohol in CH, although it can be served
No smoking in CH, on the common path. Residents encouraged to avoid smoking where it might affect neighbors, especially important in summer with swamp coolers
Security: feel free to stop strangers walking through, asking if you can help them find where they are going
Emergency: can bang the gong for an emergency. Whistles have bee distributed; Do not recommend intervention because of the risk of injury.
Neighborhood children: get to know the neighborhood kids; telling them who you are. But make it clear that they can only play if here if they are playing with our children.
Comment: Michelle notes that there are fake video cameras that can be installed
Comment: Kevin notes that our neighborhood per police stats is safest in SLC. We have only had minor infractions. Still important that we talk to people in parking lots. One area: behind Steve S. and Mike P. where older kids have been congregating. Important to get to know them and let them know we know who they are and we are watching them
Request for questions from newcomers.
Viv: suggestion that month's work team be liaison with visitors from other Co-Housing, given them keys, wash linens.
Matt: volunteers to paint lower half of stained columns that have been bleached by rain andsun.
Closing: Introduce your partner in your dyad.
On Sunday, April 02, 2006 9:45 PM WaCoHo on behalf of Heather Hirschi wrote:
Subject: [WaCoHo] Saturday ACM Agenda
Attachments:ACM Agenda.4.8.06.doc; 44.txt
Saturday, April 1 Note afternoon meeting time: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Facilitator: Heather. Note taker:. Steven KOH Isabella and Nancy
Hi Neighbors.
Here is some more information:
I spoke to a few different people in the mortgage industry. According to my sources, if 40% or more of the units in a condominium complex are non-owner occupied (rentals or vacant), you cannot obtain a conventional mortgage (Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae conforming mortgage). The complex also become ineligible for FHA financing and to become eligible again, must re-apply through HUD.
There are lenders who will do mortgage loans if the percentage of non-owner occupied units is higher than 40%, but these loans typically have higher rates and require larger down payments. One mortgage broker that I spoke to even mentioned that condos in these situations may sell for 1/3rd of their value because finding affordable financing becomes difficult. He also mentioned that many HOA's have by-laws stating how many units may be rented at any one time for this reason.
There also may be an issue with one individual or entity owning more that 10% of units in a complex. The people that I spoke to could not tell me if the percentage is a conforming factor for a conventional mortgage, but they all agree that it probably would have an effect on pricing and down payment requirements. The standards vary from lender to lender.
I hope that this information is useful.
Thanks, Candice
Dinner Saturday, sign-up sheet under white board Sundance tickets for Thursday in Park City, see Mike P. School of Rock "Best of Season" Saturday Night Club Sound 570 W. Second South Two tickets Saturday Sundance: "An Unreasonable Man: Ralph Nader" See Vicky. Sat. Feb 11, 7 pm Peace Corps Program World Camps Flyer in CH--Vicky Michele hosting a house concert with Sister Meryam and Jose on a Fri or Sat to be announced
Mike P. introduces process for election and WCCA. If you have corporate questions, ask Mike. Mike will distribute one folder per unit that contains info for each unit, including
Two sheet were passed around. Each unit will sign for a folder, so you will have these documents at home and if you claim not to have received them, Mike can check the list.
Originally, there was a plan to add house rules to these documents; only some have been established (see Linda's attachments to ACM Agenda sent out).
Thanks to Linda Reed for putting the folders together.
Three positions open, replacing Hans, Mike A., and Helen Appreciative applause for all three; Thank you for all your work! Renter and CROWN reps open Amy D. and Brian remaining on committee
Nominees Vaughn Mike C. Nancy: Congratulations to the New Team! Renters will decide Rep, as will CROWN
What is goal of this discussion? Goal for discussion: Devise a "Spending Plan" With or without discretionary funds, budget is over Discretionary fund under "other expense" is not figured in the fourth column of discretionary expense but is available money If entire budget approved, increases in HOA fee would be $15.17 per unit per month If discretionary fund added, increase would be approx. $10.00
Suggestion to decide on mandatory funds Funding mandatory column would still leave us in the hole, approx. $4 per household Suggestion to look into changing insurance and other mandatory expenses and putting a moratorium on discretionary spending Comment that one would feel better if we considered this budget from this point of view rather than look at raising dues right now as we've recently raised them and it puts an undue burden on members Insurance paid six months to one year in advance; no insurance payment for 10 months Suggestion to consider insurance as monthly expense as we've paid in advance Brian has talked to Craig Crockett about insurance and Crockett has agreed to come in February. Change in reserve fund would need to be revisited by proposal to change consensed decision; Suggestion to approve budget and come back to fix deficit. Suggestion to approve barebones budget and come back to decide shortfall. We need to talk about raising fees, that is at issue. Question is how do we raise fees? Hesitant to pass a budget in the deficit. Still confusion? Are we talking about passing this budget all or nothing? Another request to have a barebones budget passed or come back when we have a more specific budget. What's not here is our interest-earning reserve. Why not? The reserve is an asset so not on this income and spending report. Reserve is earning about 5% interest. Reserve expense is going into reserve pot, which was calculated with the understanding that it will grow, with anticipated expenses
Brian sees three possibilities.
Request to pass the raise in HOA fees and budget as is. Suggestion to come back in two weeks with a proposal that reflects a balance Request to establish spending plan based on fourth column discretionary funding We need a balanced budget Need to look at insurance and reserve fund; if something we want, get together and make it happen. If wallets affected, people may pay attention Request for concrete, explicit options in a proposal Are we ready to consense on this budget? No. Why this is important? We've never had a budget with a deficit proposed before. Encourage management to take the time necessary to make the process work. Management will take suggestions back and bring a balanced budget to next meeting.
Helen made this announcement at the meeting's end but I made an editorial choice to place it here: Helen is leaving Wasatch Commons. She asked for help in selling her house. We will miss her tremendously.
Wasons are applying for sabbatical for 2006-07. They are hoping to spend a school year abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, probably Mexico. If all goes according to plan, they would leave August of 2006 and return approximately June of 2007.
Vicky has proposed a CROWN Interview Team to assist in renting Unit #15; Interested: Vivian, Mike W., Heather, Nancy
Nancy will show unit #15 to interested parties.
World Camps Visitor (Details, anyone?)
Cash ($95) from Gwen's yardsale given to Management.
Linda Reed's house will be serviced Monday (1/16) by Bruce Plumbing; contact Linda if you have plumbing needs
The Hydes will be on Family Feud in September.
Henry and the School of Rock will be performing a Metal Show this weekend and a Rolling Stones Concert next weekend (1/20 and 1/21) at the Venue. See Henry for tickets ($7 advance and $10 at the door)
Larraine is holding a dance party at the Common House tonight, 1/14.
Prayer Meeting, Sunday, 1/15; To honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of peace and justice-making, call for minimum wage, All Saints Episcopal Church
Sunday, Jan. 22, 3:00 pm Questioning Minds "Race, Class, and Katrina" presentation by Theresa Martinez
Isabella to facilitate next Women's Group, would like feedback and for all women at Wasatch Cohousing to attend if interested.
Kier Construction and Max J. Smith Architecture have designed system for deck surface retrofit. The retrofit will be necessary for all north-facing decks and most of the south-facing units. Many units have damage. Mary and Kay's unit has been repaired; they are working on #15/17; Larraine's unit is next. They're offering an optional alternative deck material, EPA (sp?), which has a 20-year life. Kevin suggests buying some in bulk. The CROWN unit (15) will be decked with TREX (?).
Kevin meets with Kier every Tuesday at 11:30 am; anyone welcome to come to those meetings.
Please refer to Brian's email post of 1/14 for document
Brian presented 2006 budget. Community responded with clarifying questions (summarized below)
Will possibilities for lower insurance be pursued? Yes, the insurance question will be explored. Brian will examine our coverage to see if we have unnecessary coverage.
Isn't our goal to have a net income of $0.00 for tax purposes? Ostensibly, yes.
Consider that increase in HOA fees keep people from out-of-pocket donations to Common House and other community expenses.
$14,507 was not a loss but already scheduled for carports.
Committee requests discussed by line item; total requests exceed budget
All invited to Management Mtg., Tuesday, Jan. 17, 7:00 pm, to consider which committee requests are mandatory.
Discussion: Steve: "Being true to yourself means giving your best for someone in need" Yurok Indian quote, from "Brush Dance"
What can the community do to support management as management supports the community?
hlh 1-14-06
April 25, 2020